at the risk of being controversial, I believe (though acknowledge there's no way in hell it'll happen) there should be age limits for both holding public office AND for voting for it. The potential for memory and other health issues being a bonus for those serving, but the my only reason for supporting said limit on both is simple: you shouldn't be making laws, or voting for people who make laws, if you will not be around long enough to see the repercussions. Too easy for people to vote for or enact what they want right now, if the world will burn from it once they exit stage left anyway.
This is only controversial in that, I bet most people would agree 100% if you asked them in private with a drink in them. But they don't have the balls to say it loud. Cognitive decline is a real thing.
well the focus was making laws that you’d only see the long tail impact from after they were dead, but yes cognitive decline is an issue. I’m looking at it more from an environmental, social, and economic perspective. Taking away voting is like taking away driving at a certain age — people are all for it, until it happens to them. No one realizes how bad they are.
I'm okay with having firm term limits and age requirements for eligibility to hold political office. I'm not okay with taking away suffrage. If you are a citizen and 18 on election day I think that you should be able to vote. But I am okay with laws that stop people from volunteering to cart the dementia ward over to the voting booth to help them vote correctly. The shiftiest thing I've seen when working elections is people in their 60s carting in their parents to vote when it was clear that these people in their 80s had no idea what was going on.
I see no issue with that. Him, trump, Biden, McConnell, Feinstein, whatever her name is with the botox who can’t make up a consistent platform. Again, my argument is about policy rather than diminished brain function. that being said, Bernie has the best “save the world for after I’m gone” policies of the group imo, but my point stands Joe is tired of the bullshit! No one is surprised...
This guy pretty much sums up our current political situation:
Those people truly are the lowest and saddest attention whores of all. They remind me of Q-tards and flat-earthers: ignorant and validation-starved folks who bought into a prank trend. I wonder if he's posturing or if he actually believes this...
He's fucking delusional, so I'd bet he actually believes it. I just hope NY puts him in jail sometime in the next couple of years.
I hate this kind of reporting. Trump telling people his fantasies, and running them as news is ridiculous. Weirdly, having him engage the media this way is so bizarre, it makes me wonder if he hasn't had Covid brain fog or some form of dementia, or the kind of bender you go on when you lose the presidency or something. Covefe notwithstanding, this shit is getting whackier by the moment....this is the dude who has the conservative party by the balls? Also, Trump has the immunity we give senior politicians (who's the highest ranking politician in prison right now?....exactly), and billionaires. No way is he doing time, especially not with a pre-loaded cast of fall guys like Cohen. Pursuing the organization might bear some fruit in terms of scare tactics, and maybe some doors closed, but the criminal charges are going to be a circus at a time in which we literally need this show to be over. Thinking they will somehow stick is the kind of idealism usually found in people who believe unicorns are real. It's an absurd parody: Trump accuses the Democrats of things he does first, so their acusations seem retalitory, they fall for it for damn near 6 years. Then we actually get a criminal investigation with teeth at a point in time where it literally couldn't matter less, and fits the bill of the witch hunt he's been crying about for years. The less they release about this case the better, or they will turn the trial into OJ2: Electric Boogaloo.
This is just him doing what he always does: pissing out of his ass, and his invalid followers who no longer matter try to put spin on it. Who cares.
I like your covid brain fog theory. Mine is getting progressively worse -- though I'm cautiously optomistic the shot on thursday will help -- and I can totally see this being something that, combined with advanced age and other health issues, seems like something logical enough to a covid-fogged brain to say to the media.
jerk I had it for tomorrow but had to push it back because I’m running a job fair. Fortunately I don’t talk in spelling errors
Another Trump business fails. Truly brilliant he is.