"A Trump adviser told The Washington Post on the condition of anonymity that the former president was upset that people were mocking his blog instead of reading it." *womp, womp*
That was supposed to be a social media platform? Hell my dumb ass, with the help of a buddy, launched a better social media site than that. It never really took off like I’d hoped, but it was more than a friggin blog
The thing I find most fascinating that being that rich and living in such modern times, the MyPillow dude still can’t buy a hairpiece that isn’t any less obvious than the high water mark on the side of a cargo ship.
My biggest issue with the My Pillow guy is not only does he wear his necklace outside his shirt, he wears a cross outside his shirt. To me that just screams, “Do not trust.” All other lunacy aside. And you gotta love the “We believe in free speech except for this, this and this. Oh and this. Oh that too.” Just what the internet needs, another echo chamber.
That was the thing that tipped you off? Not the crack cocaine addiction. Not walking into the White House with a set of notes that included the phrase "martial law." 'twas the jewelry faux pas that tipped you off.
Yeah, long before the four years of idiocracy known as the Trump administration, I knew he was a shit bird.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-advisors-former-president-obsessed-120539102.html What happens when he loses his very last marble and actually calls for a civil war? He has enough base supporters that it could get VERY ugly. Someone needs to get a handle on this somehow.
The last tweet makes the point: if Radical Trumpists win, then what? Who's gonna make the trains run on time? Do they think the losing side will just settle for a new status quo? https://twitter.com/iyad_elbaghdadi/status/1400039343973191680
Hope with his weight and health that he dies soon. I said long ago that any base supporter he has should be put on a watch list. Retards don’t like it when their king isn’t in charge anymore. “70 million people” have thought he won, but that just means you have at least seventy million fucking morons eligible to vote in your country. Nobody ever had to respect what they think, I don’t know why that keeps getting brought up. Army Of The Dumb.
His death isn't a solution, it's an entirely different set of problems. It would enable people like his sons, for example, or someone like Peter Thiel, who could be far less incompetent. Also, as time goes on, his issues become more apparent. His base shrinks, his influence wanes, and his repulsiveness grows. In death, he becomes a figure more like Reagan, and that isn't good. Also, if you think the conspiracy theories around him are wild now.... Seriously, what happened to him is the best possible outcome: muzzled, exiled to Florida, and there's just enough politics to keep him involved, but not enough to actually do anything beyond fuck with some House primaries. I'll wager he won't even run in 2024, citing health issues, some folks in the GOP who "thwart" his candidacy (say, not being legally eligible due to felonies in states like NY??), and will support a Florida candidate for no real reason. He will use his dwindling base as a club for folks who refuse to kiss the ring in places where his clout will survive til then, but I think he becomes a bigger liability over time.
I think the best case is you just let him go Full Retard so that even his biggest supporters hopefully come around, but hope that it happens before he can motivate his supporters to do anything damaging.
We really missed an opportunity when he recovered from covid. If he had managed to get himself killed, very publicly, entirely through his own stupidity, it would have taken a lot of the wind out of his sails. We could have just pinned a Darwin Award on his chest and been done with it.
you hush with your calmly reasonable takes. Ain't no one got time for that shit. Funny part is, slowly fading into irrelevance would be the most painful outcome possible for him.
The Attorney General of Texas is just openly admitting that the only way Republicans won Texas was by suing to limit voting in Democratic-leaning counties. We are very far along this anti-democracy project the Republicans are undertaking.
Yeah, that lazy-eyed piece of shit is my attorney general. Fun fact: He's been under indictment since before his election! How this is possible, I don't know, but it is. He's got a challenger next year, George P. Bush, son of failed presidential candidate Jeb Bush.
This is huge: Judge overturns California's 32-year ban on assault weapons As a gun owner and California property owner I heartily approve.
The decision is so sloppy it's pretty much guaranteed to be overturned on appeal. At one point the judge claims that the COVID vaccine has killed more people than mass shootings have, which manages to be both irrelevant and inaccurate.