Oopsie. Hillary may have leaked sensitive info during last night's debate: “The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed,” Clinton said. “There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.” "A former Navy SEAL officer said the statement appears to be a "direct violation of US national security protocols and governing law. Our country has no greater secrets than those that protect our strategic nuclear deterrence capability." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...-response-rekindles-judgement-criticisms.html
I only see snippets of news while here in Guam, I just don't have the ability or available time to pay full attention to this but in terms of wikileaks: Is the argument that the email dumps are altered by some third party (Russia maybe) and therefore the legacy media is not reporting on this or is it a complete cop out and saying that they were obtained illegally but are factual, so we are not going to report it because it was obtained illegally? To me, again from a detached perspective, it seems as though there is a tsunami of impropriety that is being shown to the public. It also seems that the legacy media, who up until the last few decades, were charged with being a non-partisan beacon of truth and committing to investigative journalism are making every attempt possible to bury the truth. Now before anyone thinks this is poking a finger in the eye of one party over the other, I don't for a second believe either party is lily white on this or any topic. I'm sure it has gone on for decades but now there is proof of it and there is no way to hide from it. Corruption and the fight against it needs to become a central issue that is debated in future elections and also a disqualifying factor for potential candidates as President or any other office. Have a look at average increase in net worth for Senate and Congress since taking office, pretty amazing on a $174,000 salary: https://ballotpedia.org/Changes_in_...ors_and_Representatives_(Personal_Gain_Index) Make of it what you will.
Exactly. Her only defence was to immediately accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians... she didn't once say, "they're lies" or point out that they weren't true, it was only how they came to light that was the issue. Complete horseshit, and I'm disappointed that nobody asked her point blank about that.
And the fact that the sacrificial lambs fall on their swords for Hillary any time another scandal breaks. People don't get fired or forced to resign for things that are false. The deniers of the leaks practice some of the most laughable mental gymnastics and willful ignorance imaginable and would be applauding Wikileaks if they were about Trump. As much shit as people complain about the so-called "alt-right", they exhibit the exact same behavior toward Clinton without a shred of incredulity and skepticism.
Same thing with the O'Keefe video, the DNC's response was "We're going to investigate if the filmmaker broke any laws." They don't give a shit if their party was using Nazi Brownshirt tactics, they're concerned with how people found out.
Ok, so it seems that most agree that these are genuine documents. Why aren't people of all stripes up in arms that the media, who play a huge societal role via freedom of the press, are not digging in to this further? How can anyone take the media at all seriously at this point after this behavior? In other parts of the world, if the media defended or covered up for the State like this, the western media would refer to it as State-run media. Is this what ours has become, is our media State-run at this point?
When speculation of voter fraud was being talked about throughout the primaries, they discussed how they were going to try to sell it to the media. Spoiler: Story for media Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess. Specifically, DWS had to call Bernie directly in order to get the campaign to do things because they'd either ignored or forgotten to something critical. She had to call Bernie after the data breach to make his staff to respond to our concerns. Even then they didn't get back to us, which is why we had to shut off their access in order to get them to finally let us know exactly how they snooped around HFA's data. Same was true with the standing committee appointments. They never got back to us with their names (HFA and even O'Malley got there's in six weeks earlier) for the committees. So, again, the chair had to call Bernie personally for his staff to finally get us critical information. So, they gave us an awful list just a few days before we had to make the announcements. It's not a DNC conspiracy, it's because they never had their act together. Debbie Wasserman Schultz started threatening journalists not to report on all the shady ways the DNC was trying to push Hillary through primaries. Even after she was forced to step down for these reasons a lot of the Hillary supporters think it's conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo. Trump was unbelievably stupid for what he did in the debate, and I don't think the DNC can rig the general elections in any meaningful way. However, I found it funny talking to a Hillary supporter today who basically said "Did you hear him in the debate? If Trump wins we might not be able to vote in four years." Just ironic given how many ties the Hillary campaign has to voter fraud, whereas Trump doesn't have any. It really has gotten strange. This is why I read so many independent sources, and honestly there's some little timers on youtube who offer better political commentary than the conglomerates. 95% of the commentators on youtube are terrible, but if they're a partisan hack or a conspiracy theorist, or whatever they reveal it about themselves soon enough. It's worth sorting through to find the good ones. CNN not only won't report the leaks with any accuracy at all, they even try to talk you out of reading them. 'You might get in trouble because they're illegal, so best to just let CNN tell you what's in them.'
So, is the idea here that what they're saying about Bernie's campaign is a lie? Or that it's bad for the press secretary to prep responses to accusations of rigging the primaries?
Your reading comprehension needs work. I don't know why you think she had to step down, but that would just be more hoops. And there's more leaks, if you were curious.. but... Seriously you guys are just fucking weirding me out at this point.
Because most people have no idea they exist, as they get their news from single sources who have agendas, so don't report on it. Or if they do report on it, they downplay it to shit, and blame it on Russian Hackers fucking with the country. I think that a very small minority of people willingly seek out diverse sources of information with an open mind, and are therefore a bit more informed or aware. Almost everyone else pretty well follows the news that fits their political or social state, so they don't get exposed to anything else. For instance, CNN actively cuts people off whenever they get into "dangerous territory" that diverges from their narrative. There's a shit-ton of censorship happening, and technology has almost made it more effective, in a weird way... there's just so much to sip from the fire hose that people pick and choose their sources, and they choose what they want to hear over what they maybe should hear. It's the path of least resistance coupled with lack of time.
You're right, I'm a published and award-winning writer but it must just be that I just done don't read no good. But wait a second. It was pointed out to me after the fact that the third option was that you're considering that guy saying "It's not a DNC conspiracy, it's because they never had their act together" is the smoking gun admitting there was rigging in the primaries and not snark. Is...is that really it?
What exactly is the end game with all these allegations? For you and others who are voicing them, what do you want to see as a result? Hillary removed as a candidate? The dissolution of the Democratic Party? Prison for anyone associated? What do you want?
In a perfect world, I would like to see all primary rules significantly reduced. I like the timetable between states voting and number of debates, but get rid of all those closed primaries, necessity to register super early, superdelegates, wild fluctuations between state rules, etc. I would rather too that elections were organized entirely by separate non-partisan entities.
Am I the only one that wants election day a national holiday so we all have no excuse not to participate? Part of how this got so bad is only a tiny sliver voted in the primaries. This can literally be blamed on 9% of us. Is it possible that part of the outrage surrounding the election fraud, rigging, etc. Is because each locale has their own rules and what constitutes interference is legally vague? I am as open minded as it comes, and I have read both sides of this turd. These candidates suck, because less than one in ten of us was involved in picking them. If the number of people participating in the election quadrupled, I highly doubt these two would be our front runners.
I'm in favor of more people voting in the primaries, but when it comes to the general election voting is extremely easy and barring some freakish set of circumstances anyone can find the time. I wish people paid better attention to politics, but if we had more people voting it would likely just lead to a bunch of people having little to no idea what they were casting their vote for.
Brexit comes to mind... lots of people voted, but quite a few were uninformed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...hat-the-eu-is-hours-after-voting-to-leave-it/
Like Churchill said (or actually quoted someone else), "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."
But that was spin. The number of people might have quadrupled or whatever, but it was like going from 250 to 1000. Edit: Links https://medium.com/@dannypage/stop-using-google-trends-a5014dd32588#.q8vadmy46 https://medium.com/@remysmith/very-...-which-you-re-railing-f82fb88d6a23#.b78fm05s2