Just so I understand - Republicans.......*don't* like it when the government steps in and tells people what to do, right?
They like telling everybody else what to do. Do as I say, not as I do. side note: Matt Gaetz is literally impossible to look at. What happened to his face? John Merrick wouldn’t feel so bad if he ran into THAT in a dark alley.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-never-climbed-stairs-2nd-154306434.html No one is surprised by this, right?
This feels like a psychology thing to me. The Oval Office is a powerful symbol, and Trump would want people always coming to him, in that office, as a supplicant. He thinks that going to them, especially exerting yourself by going up a flight of stairs to get to them, is "weak" and therefore should be avoided. He doesn't get that these are members of his team working to further his goals; he doesn't understand the concept of a team.
I do agree, but we also must consider that he is a disgusting fat fuck, and the first thing his physique says is “I avoid any and all physical effort whatsoever.”
I'd encourage everyone on Earth to ignore the slew of books about to be released by the faces of the Trump administration, because this is literally their retirement plan. He lost, no serious outfit will take any of these clowns on, so here they go writing tell-all books about how an obese 70-something with an entitlement complex avoids stairs. I can't wait to not read the chapter on "that ain't his natural skin tone, y'all". These leeches need attention, and the surest way to get rid of them is to starve them of it.
Writing the book is so fucking played out. They ALL have to write a book, to talk about their “adventures” of being a soulless cash hooker, but they have to propagandize the title with a name like “FACE-FUCK: how liberals are fucking up everything for everybody while I remain perfect”.
I just wonder what happened with all those "rogue" WH accounts and why their owners haven't come forward yet.
The fuck?? Why not just have Erik Prince do it? "South Dakota's National Guard's deployment to the border is slated to last between 30 and 60 days. The deployment is to be paid for by a private donation, Noem's office said, and the details of the mission have yet to be finalized."
You can tell which governors have 2024 Presidential ambitions because they're the ones whose police/nat-guard are masturbating in the Texas desert.
Wow. Over four dozen not-so-trained men to guard a three thousand mile border for maybe up to a couple months. This is exactly the sort of black-ops shadow company shit that Tom Clancy used to write bestsellers about.
Yes, it's legal. The National Guard is essentially at the mercy of the governor. What doesn't make sense is the intersection between CPB, at the federal level, and what the fuck these guys will be doing. I'd say "jerking off in the desert" is pretty accurate, but the official report might be "patrol" in areas that CBP allows them to roam. I don't remember when, but I vaguely recall "militias" were allowed to patrol the border and make essentially a citizen's arrest, or detain suspected illegals at gunpoint. It didn't go well, and there were some shenanigans with smuggling, along side a trillion similar scandals of theft, rape, drug and gun running, etc. I'd expect it to be something similar here...running around looking for shit outside of what CBP has an interest in doing. The "paid for by a private donation" might get her into trouble. The National Guard isn't a mercenary group, and should one of them get injured during said masturbatory expedition, there'd be some suin'. I can't imagine DOD or DHS brass finds this idea funny either. They might stop this from proceeding along those lines, but I am curious if it's worth the fight. Letting a rich Republican idiot waste their money for a month or two isn't the worst thing I can imagine, and to fully deploy a Guard unit isn't a cheap endeavor. If it were me, I'd let them get deployed and actually arrive, then through chain of command nonsense detail them to CBP for a month, ending the political stunt, wasting the donor's money, and these poor dudes could actually participate in the quagmire. Not to mince words, the illegal immigrant issue isn't a joke, and the current administration seems to fall into a trap of identity politics: they are brown so anything to do with it is racist, even though they are NOT our citizens. That said, Abbott is politically cancerous, and doubling down on horseshit like this is how he think he'll keep his job. As an aside, I am watching "Hot Shots" in the gym and holy fuck does Biden resemble President Benson. Shame that guy can't do SNL....
“It doesn’t make sense. One minute you’re in bed with a knockout gal, the next thing you know…. You’re a compost heap! I don’t know about you, but that scares the living piss out of me!”
Sounds like these soldiers aren't properly equipped for Texas, given that they're coming from South Dakota. They need to plate all of their weapons, vehicles, and gear, in solid platinum to blend in with the native sage.
In other news, the Republican temper tantrum over Gavin Newsom is going to cost California $215 million