I think Trump is toying with the idea of running in order to try to muddy the waters during a potential prosecution. I don’t think he actually will run again. I don’t think he could win if he did.
I am certain he fills a ceramic tub with the blood of children every night and plays with his own poop while bathing in it.
Our newly elected Hitler admirer tried to board a plane with a gun. https://www.citizen-times.com/story...a-take-cawthorns-gun-likely-fined/5433797001/
Lindsay Graham has COVID. I’m rooting for the latter. “Why, I DO declare that I can no longer taste Mama’s delicious homemade iced tea!”
I swear to his he’s clinically retarded. I don’t know why anybody sees a war injury in your country and that automatically cancels out all the shitty things about them. Luckily Chris Kyle is dead or he’d be your president.
The only good thing that has come out of that is his messaging... which is, paraphrased... "I'm just glad I was vaccinated otherwise it would have been way worse... get vaccinated." I really have to give him props for that, despite the other shit.
Should we be giving these turds props for finally saying things they should have said to begin with, instead of constantly spreading lies about the virus and causing the deaths of people? I’m mean really these people who lied about the virus belong in prison, or put against a wall and shot. I can’t think of anything more poetic than succumbing to the very thing you treated like a joke.
Yes. If they are now, finally, giving off the right message, then we should absolutely be giving them credit for it. I can only hope that a bunch of retards hear what he has to say and end up getting shots and making the world a better place. Sure, he's a piece of shit... but in this case, I will absolutely give him props for saying the right thing. Otherwise, I hope he fucking rots in hell.
Hey, guess what's not a surprise: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...or-money-2020-election-campaign-b1895442.html
Uhh, what war injury? He's never been. I know he loves getting selfies with random AR weapons but yeah, that's not where it's from.