It will definitely increase the rate of savage, unsafe abortions from people who won’t be able to afford to secretly sneak of out state so daddy’s friends can solve everything. Then as an example you have the Duggar’s spun Pez dispenser of a mother— who cranks incestuous pedophile children out of her clownhole to be unleashed on the world, but nobody tells her to stop fucking or tie it up. Because that would upset her ridiculous cult, and you can’t tell a woman what to do with her body; as long as she is a member of a cult.
I mean, logically if you are in a situation where you want to terminate a pregnancy in your first term but you’re past the 6 week mark and you’re provider doesn’t feel like fudging the numbers, you’d probably have to go to a different state. That costs a lot money to some people.
It will make Memphis’ dead baby problem look like peanuts in a couple years. Their solutions? Abstinence or birth control. Except birth control isn’t 100% effective, and abstinence is for freaks and it turns people into child molesters.
The Berners are super defensive right now. Turns out when you scream "Bernie or Bust" people hold you responsible when "Bust" comes knocking.
Therein lies the problem. It's not necessarily that these people are delusional, but rather they're straight up disconnected from the reality of the foster care and adoption systems. They vary from state to state, province to province, but they're all uniformly horrible in that there simply aren't enough resources and manpower to care for fucked up kids who need more help than your average child. All of that shit is hidden from the general populace not intentionally, but because the average couple has no barriers to starting a family. I've seen the foster care situation in Saskatchewan first hand, and I damn near ate a bullet that evening when I got home.
I’ll co-sign that, and that goes double for extended/senior care. I wanted to cry, that is no way for a human being to spend their remaining years (unless they were a huge asshole). The bathrooms shouldn’t be the best-smelling room of a building.
Admittedly stolen, but: "Texas has done more to protect the reproductive rights of COVID than of Texas women."
Ron Johnson being honest while secretly being recorded.
Congratulations, Texas. You just functionally overturned Roe. By a 5–4 vote, the Supreme Court just allowed Texas to enforce a law that prohibits abortions after six weeks, with no exception for rape or incest. Roe v. Wade is, functionally, overturned. Justice Sotomayor all but says it. Someday, maybe not in my lifetime, but someday, people who keep getting fucked by old rich straight white men are going to get these fucks strapped down and laugh as a guillotine blade falls down their necks.
Wow, dramatic. Relax over there, Robespierre. Yeah, I don’t see John Robert’s letting this simmer for very long. The court will have to review it at some point. The majority opinion basically says, “We’re not giving you a quick ruling. Send it up through appellate court, then we’ll look at it.”
How rich and/or straight are we talking here? I want to make sure I fall under the limit of one those categories.
Did I read that right that they're not going to rule on it because they figure it doesn't have any legs to stand on in the first place and will die its own death soon enough?