How old was Trump then? Would he have been counting on getting the literal Presidential treatment, unlike Biden settling for lesser? 3 days before the debate, but only 1 day before hosting some Gold Star parents, whom he apparently blamed for giving him COVID once it came out.
I'm not saying he intentionally contracted COVID, but rather that once he knew he had it, he intentionally hid it and proceeded with the debate rather than call off the debate. In his mind, one of the plusses of this idea was the hope that he might transmit the virus to Biden, and that Biden might die as a result. In his narcissism-adled brain he would consider it "unfair" if his campaign was affected by catching COVID but Biden's wasn't, and he would further consider it "proof" of his strength (and therefore right to rule) if he survived and Biden didn't.
Trump dying of COVID would have been a piece of performance art humor that would never be topped, but I didn't test positive and then go see him in person in an attempt to make it happen.
The other funny/ironic part of the debate thing is that it arguably cost him the election. His performance was so appalling that it actually turned more people against him. My dad, who claimed to have been on the fence about him, said to me at least, that his debate behavior showed him a side he hadn’t seen. Because Fox News doesn’t show trump being crazy. His NPD brain isn’t capable of the kind of political calculus that would have worked in his favor had he cancelled the debate to ensure everyone’s safety. He would have been lauded a hero for taking the high road and the media would have loved it. It would have been “presidential”. But in his simple, one-track mind, cancelling = weakness and therefore a nonstarter. He completely lacks the capacity to do the right thing in any situation. It’s why he’s a complete failure at everything he’s ever done.
That's a far more plausible scenario than him deliberately making himself some kind of COVID Typhoid Mary to infect his opponent.
I never claimed he got infected deliberately, just that once he was already infected he definitely took the opportunity to expose Biden to it.
He’s a piece of shit. But I think he lacks the capacity to truly plan. If he did infect Biden, he wouldn’t give a shit and he would probably say something insanely cruel. He’s purely focused on appearing strong, and bullying the weak and people who are down on their luck. Remember when he fired McCabe a day before his official retirement just to make him lose his benefits? Instead of just doing it, he then tweeted about it and essentially danced on his grave. Because he only knows cruelty. He was able to plan that. What he’s unable to do is foresee the consequences of that behavior.
I dunno, those people were way too fat and and out of shape to be Anteefer. Antifeers are usually pretty gaunt and wirey.
His entourage refused to wear masks in the audience, if I recall. And that was the set rule for the event.
There's no way he *didn't* think this. If he would've called off the debate, his fan base would've lost their shit about it. Ya know, being a made up disease and all. You must've fell and bumped your head if you think the MSM wouldn't have twisted it against Trump in some fashion.
Both would have happened. There was plenty of anti-Trump in the media, but there were also a number of occasions where he read from a teleprompter without shitting himself and many in the media fell over themselves to declare him "presidential" and ask "has he turned the corner?" No, he hasn't turned the corner, just like he didn't the last five times you idiots fell for this.
Yeah, but how serious were those little segments and panel discussions about that? The media can have their anchors appear unbiased by saying "but you, guest talking head, do you see this as Trump turning a corner and showing that he can be presidential?" And then the Van Joneses and Juan Williamses of the MSM world can say "let's be clear about one thing: Fuck that guy." Now, on the main point - I don't disagree. if Trump knew he was covid positive, he probably did consider the chance of infecting Biden as a plus. However, I can also believe that Trump fully believed he was negative, because he took "another test, a BETTER te-in fact, a lot people, some people, some very SMART people, are saying it's the BEST test. It really is the best test, right?"
Trump was named as a traveller on Epstein’s plane by his pilot today at the Maxwell trial. A witness testified Epstein introduced her to Trump when she was 14.
He set the bar so low for decency that any time he didn’t spew verbal diarrhea, it was treated like he was Abraham fucking Lincoln.