I am curious about that. I think no Republican, even in the SC, can survive the shit show associated with repealing/damaging that law. I also think there are dozens behind it, locked and loaded in places like AL, MS, etc. So, it's even more grueling: you'd have to survive that storm multiple times. I can't see the SC issuing a ruling that prevents the stack of similar bans behind them from advancing to the high court. This is the GOP chickens coming home to roost a bit: they've courted fanatics, and now deal with losing control of the message/direction with fanatics in charge, who are not in on the grift. They essentially repeal Roe v. Wade, and allow copycat legislation that upfucks nearly every industry (guns? Cars next? Drugs after that?) Or they strike down the TX law and confirm that the pearl-clutching was theater, further deepening the lunatic fringe, and isolating the modergift. I know what I am pulling for, but I doubt anyone involved has the balls.
Is this woman ever going to come to grips with the fact that she is Just Some Dumb Bitch? These people in the face of being proven guilty criminals still think they are some sort of political prisoner. Anyone want to take a pool on how long before Fox hires her as a pundit? Or she runs for Congress? She’s “studying prison slang” for a two-month jail sentence. Practice holding somebody’s pocket instead, you are going to be a very welcomed guest amongst the bulldykes.
DeSantis is now touting a proposed "Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees Act". Which if you look closely is the Stop WOKE Act. Ok, well it's the Stop WAOKE Act, but this is Florida we're talking about. Getting most of the letters right qualifies you for AP Literature down there. Oh, and want to guess the enforcement mechanism? If you guessed "private right of action" then you win again. SCOTUS's incredible fuckup on the Texas case continues to screw up jurisprudence nationwide.
Surely just a bunch of concerned citizens with only the most rigorous understanding of what CRT actually is.
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/16/health/abortion-pills-fda.html This fight gets stupider and stupider....
Yeah, it's really stupid. I am not a fan of abortion whatsoever, but in lieu of viable alternatives, it just needs to be made free, openly accessible and left alone.
Much like football, you gotta play all four quarters. I'm not celebrating shit until the bracelets go on, the gavel comes down, and the bars slam shut.
The fact that Joe Manchin literally owns a coal brokerage business and yet we're ok with him voting against climate change legislation remains an absolute absurdity. Pelosi is getting ripped for owning individual stocks because there's a potential she could use her position to benefit those companies she owns a stake it, but Manchin is openly doing it and we just shrug and say "well West Virginia's full of retards, what do you want?"
After nothing happened to the Senators/Congressmen that sold off stock before the public was fully aware of the COVID threat, I’m not surprised.
I'm all for stronger prohibitions on stock ownership by legislators (their money should be liquidated and shoved into a blind trust with instructions to invest in super broad index funds), but the degree of Manchin's brazen conflict of interest is staggering even by congressional standards. It'd be like if the nation's highest priority was animal cruelty and Manchin was up there saying "Can the country really afford to attack the jobs that the puppy-killing mill that I own and operate creates?"
I agree. It would be one thing if he was acting purely based on the interests of his constituents. But it’s pretty obvious he’s acting in his own interest, primarily. As for Pelosi, I have no problem with people getting rich before they serve in office or even using their connections after they leave. But attaining a nearly $200M net worth while pulling down only $223K a year as a Congresswoman? That’s indicative of a larger problem. I can’t speak to the accuracy of this list, but if it’s even half as accurate as it states, the level of corruption across the board is completely absurd.
Yeah, I have no problem with telling Pelosi that she has to shove all her wealth in a blind trust, and that goes for her husband's holdings as well, but Pelosi being a rich asshole isn't a national emergency the way Manchin holding up climate legislation is.
He and Sinema have been moles this entire time, I’m shocked that anybody didn’t see this coming. He’s egomaniacal poison, he can’t upset his Fox News-watching conservative base or give up millions in coal money bribes. Could Biden make an executive veto on the vote and push it through regardless?
No, he can’t just circumvent the Constitution because one senator makes his pee-pee sad. BBB is kind of a mess of a bill anyway. It should be broken up so he has to vote exclusively on not passing the environmental provisions.
I’m not sure if Biden knows what’s going on. He’s just….. gone. They need smelling salts to keep him upright.
From the "our democracy is fucked" file: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/17/eaton-taguba-anderson-generals-military/