I just cannot make sense of this. Is it that he's really this stupid? Is it his constituents that are this stupid? Does he just think they're this stupid, and they don't mind their candidate having such a piss poor opinion of them so long as he's R? One of these is the correct answer. Screenshot and link to prove it's real. https://twitter.com/RyanZinke/status/1473058255509278729
he's signaling to the voters in oil and gas "hey, I'm one of you" and giving them a talking point -- a very stupid one -- put cover fire nonetheless. I know a lot of people down here who work in O&G and that's what they vote on. That's their "let's go brandon" reasoning. To them, anyone who is pro clean energy, is a direct threat to their jobs and livelihoods. Then they shout from the hill tops about it and get their friends to believe it, and you get an entire group of people who are convinced these fucksticks are the second coming of christ because of black gold or some shit. I have a few friends, and one family member, who have actually made the job switch from oil and gas to green energy (wind power in all cases), because it pays a shitload better. But they still hold onto their old beliefs, and in their eyes are doing work for the devil in order to pay for that new ski boat, hunting lease, etc.
I’ve been getting regular emails telling me to be ready to pay my student loans again at the end of January, because they are definitely not going to extend the pause any longer, no sir. And I haven’t been worried about it, because of course they are going to extend it, and they announced it, until May 1st this time. I’m not gonna worry the next five months either.
Biden should sign an Executive Order canceling everybody's student loan interest and call it a day. It's the interest that keeps people paying for the rest of their lives, and takes that money away from the economy that needs it.
If student loans can’t be discharged into bankruptcy, they should not be allowed to generate interest whatsoever.
North America fuckin’ loves predatory lending. I mean, it’s so much nicer than loan-sharking where you gotta take a person’s thumbs. We’re more civilized than that!
Damn, if only those pesky Lib'ruls hadn't violated his free speech rights and bullied him into going fascist, it's all their fault really. There's only one class of person who would use that phrase sincerely, and it is not anyone seeking a honest "redress of grievances". https://twitter.com/DavidEdwards/status/1475512987268132874?s=20
You're in Canada, you have the luxury of not needing to. But he's the guy who took Biden's Christmas phonecall with his children as an opportunity to drop "let's go Brandon" on live TV, then painted himself all sorts of "oppressed free speech victim" when people called him an asshole for it. He didn't keep up the act for very long.
Marjorie Taylor Greene has been permanently banned from Twitter for her COVID bullshit. I kinda wish these companies would stop playing whack-a-mole with specific things that will get you banned, and just go with a blanket "making our product worse." Why was she banned? She sucks and it bums our users out.
Covid misinformation is the official line. She still has her government account to tweet from. But of course there's nothing actually *stopping* all the free speech warriors from starting their own social media page. You'd think Koch or somebody would spring for something better than the Trial Version.
I'm saying drop the official line. Just start banning people with the justification of "they're the worst and we want them gone."
when you get banned from what we can all agree is the gutter of the internet, it's not a free speech issue -- it's a you issue
So Trump has endorsed Viktor Orban, and by endorsed I mean he issued a press release which included the phrase "He has my Complete support and Endorsement for reelection as Prime Minister." So yeah, not exactly being subtle about his anti-democracy predilections. A few of the Trumpiest congresscritters have followed up by indicating their own support of Orban. The Republican party is committed to an anti-democratic project here, and the fewer of them in office the better for the country.
Devin Nunes has resigned to run Trump’s new media company. I think it’s called the George Zimmerman Was Right News Network.