Cruz's daughter just came out as bi. I'd love to read that Tinder profile: "Ok, so I'm not evil myself, but sort of Satan-adjacent..."
It's 2022...can we upgrade to video for bi children of shitty politicians? It's how Kim Kardashian got famous, anyway.
Call me old school, but I'd rather not see anything that came out of Ted Cruz's balls in any sexual way. Thanks.
this made my morning thank you. I have a bunch of in laws who basically worship cruz. Cannot wait to give them absolute shit over this.
The activist left is about to fuck shit up for themselves. "Biden's not doing enough for us!" keep it up, that'll be the least of your problems.
Stacey Abrams is the one of the people who started the "stolen election" bullshit that's now completed polluted the electoral process. Her pointlessly snubbing Biden has got to be one of the dumbest things she's done yet.
Um...what? Source? I'm not a fan of anyone in that shit soup, but I thought her deal was getting thousands of folks in Georgia to register to vote, thus winning the GA senate seat?
I don't trust her because she has a gap in her teeth big enough to floss with a dinner knife. We're in the age of orthodontics stacey. Pretty sure your lispy ass can afford it.
What an hour for political news. 1. First Jan 6 indictment on seditious conspiracy 2. British Royal Family strips Prince Andrew of his royal honors and privileges 3. SCOTUS strikes down OSHA vaccine mandate 4. Sinema tanks efforts to protect voting rights
I keep hearing this argument, and each time I struck by the utter naivete of thinking that McConnell would ever, for a single second, consider keeping the filibuster if his purposes required him to remove it. When he needed it gone in order to pack SCOTUS he didn't hesitate for a moment. The only reason why he would keep the filibuster in place is if he didn't need it gone, likely because his entire strategy relies on turning the Congress into a non-functional branch (which only needs a bare majority in either house) and then achieving his ends through gerrymandered state houses and a compliant judiciary.
I think he's no longer allowed to sexually traffic anyone who can trace their lineage back to the Normans or something.
Not only that, but they have to talk about something relevant to the subject being debated; no reading of "Green Eggs and Ham" or Grandma Mabel's chicken soup recipes.