I mean, a guy’s hand on his crotch? He could maybe use the “honestly I had no idea it was there” defense…
It’s one of his current staffers I believe. Part of the ethics complaint filed against him involves an inappropriate relationship with a staffer.
The Disinformation Czar singing to the tune of Mary Poppins was one of the weirdest things I’ve seen in a long time.
Yeah, knives are definitely out. The Republican motivation for axing him is probably corrupt and dishonest, but he's such a vile little shit that I certainly wouldn't step in to save him. So let them et tu Brute away.
I think it perfectly summarizes the first year and a half of this presidency. Oh well, nothing bad has ever come of it when the government steps in and declares itself the judge of what you can and cannot say or print, so just enjoy the silliness.
Okay, I know this looks pretty bad, but if they do this, what is the GQP going to campaign on? They've been dangling this carrot in front of their voters for about fifty years at this point; what's going to happen once they finally give it to them?
It’ll probably get very little airtime in conservative spaces. I don’t think the people at the top truly want this to pass. It’s incredibly harmful to womens’ health and most voters want some form of legal abortion access. When the Texas law passed deputizing private citizens to sue a woman who has an abortion, most conservatives hardly even knew it passed. Fox barely talked about it. What it might do is energize left leaning voters who have been feeling disaffected with the Dems lately. At the end of the day, it’s just fucking sad that with a majority in all 3 bodies, the Dems still accomplish nothing.
Alito's opinion that continually pointed at history and traditions being the bedrock of those unenumerated rights was and is completely fucking idiotic. This country has a long history of repression, exclusion, genocide and theft. If you're going to make history make the bedrock of your argument to take people's rights away, you don't get to be surprised if some nutcase gathers up a posse and goes Red Dead Redemption on some dipshit SCOTUS justices.
https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473 I think we can calm the fuck down about a leak of a draft opinion. This reeks of testing the public reaction, and confirming that the anti-abortion crowd is a vocal minority. Overturning RvW isn't a minor thing, because 50 years worth of precedent, and Alito is one of the (sigh) less controversial justices. I can imagine the final outcome of this is new evidence/arguments are presented, and this SC does a sort of punt/fumble with the recent laws banning abortion after 3.5 minutes on high after puncturing the plastic film for ventilation, and the status quo of this nonsense is safely preserved. The article mentions Plessy vs. Ferguson and the comparison is apt: PvF was the court going "eh, shit guys...we can't decide this, because it will up-fuck the entire country" and compromising. Some of these folks see that as a perfectly acceptable role for the court to play, and some of them see it as a mistake that set the stage for upheaval. I can certainly see the fear of violence being a factor here, and a few of these cunts already need to act like the ref in the parking lot after the home team lost on a blown PI call. In DC, a lot of the Trump appointees are persona non grata in public, like being refused service in restaurants, their food tasting mysteriously like spit, and being harassed if they are recognized...I can imagine if this goes through, life gets less pleasant. I also think that the SC actually going through with it is the best possible gift the Democrats could hope for. What else could overcome the giant pile of fuck all they've accomplished the last two years in the eyes of voters, and get folks to actually support them again? The whole "at least it's not Trump" appeal will be long dead by November. Also, at what point did Bernie Sanders turn into the left's version of Dale Gribble? I would bring a lawn chair and snacks to watch the mental gymnastics behind the opinions of Amy Coney Barrett, or as I think of her, Pam from the Office's evil sister. I'd also wager that Kavanaugh's opinion would have the terms "like, but pussy, broh" and "icky woman stuff" in it, but I digress. If RvW is struck down, I think there's a pretty massive awakening to the things the GOP has done to weaken and undermine women's, LGBT and minority rights, especially at the state and local levels. Trump lost in a large part due to the white, moderately educated, suburban female vote flipping against him, and this would further that trend precipitously. The end goal of the GOP right now seems to be that they only appeal to old white men, and they might just fuck around and find out how that plays.
SCOTUS doesn't test public opinion. This draft exists because they've already heard arguments in Whole Woman's Health v. Jackson and they've voted on it. Repealing Roe v. Wade won that vote either 5-4 or 6-3, and the decision was assigned to Alito to write. This draft may be edited a bit before the others in the majority sign on, but the core of it is already agreed to. Also Roberts is the only one that might be even slightly interested in reining it in even a little, and he has no power with the rest of the bloc. At most he'll write a concurrence more limited in scope.
I have a hard time believing this is real, for now anyway. I don’t believe a draft opinion has ever leaked before, and this is the one that does? And zero other organizations are reporting it independently? We’ll see. Edit: Sounds like Roberts asked the FBI to investigate, I guess it might be real after all. Or maybe it’s 4-D chess in that they are trying to energize Democrats to push hard for the midterms so they can win and release more steam from the 2020 election valve. The GOP will probably be less inclined to overturn it once a full electoral cycle has lapsed, therefore SCOTUS is shielding themselves from having to deal with the 2020 election overturning bullshit ending up in their lap. Also, Joe Biden is a lizard. My edibles from last night have not completely worn off.
This decision is a major reason why older people and the religious right backed Trump and the conservatives- to push their questionable morality on the rest of us. Trump’s victory allowed the court to be stacked right, and this decision was the result. And don’t kid yourself, the far right isn’t all old white men. Plenty of woman long to return to an imaginary time when things were better. Not to mention longing for the power to tell everyone else what they can’t do. And I can’t imagine this so called draft being much different than the final decision. If the justices are putting pen to paper, they’ve made their decision and are just working out how to present it.