At work, the national capitol region reported out the protests are expected to last for weeks, as the decision won't be announced until June/July. Also, the barricades were placed early when someone self-immolated, and they have nothing to do with the protests...apparently.
The biggest news story that day was the Johnny Depp trial. I bet 3 people quit before cleaning it up, dropping the mop, muttering "Pirates of the Aquatwat, fuck all y'all...I'm make a sad janitor coin on crypto, or start an Only Fans for people who wanted to fuck the janitor from Futurama."
Here I thought lofting ideas of political violence was just the exclusive purview of nutcases on the right these days. I’ve always thought that if it was truly as important and sacrosanct to either side there should have been federal law (up to a constitutional amendment) passed to do so. I’m kind of with Bernie sanders on this. Neither side has ever wanted to burn political capital when they had the chance to do so. No courage of conviction at the federal level at all.
Dude... What? Anyway, what do y'all think the odds are that this "leak" is just to distract us while some much worse shit goes down?
Overturning it means the buck gets passed back to the states, many of which already have abortion laws to begin with. Congress likely already has a replacement bill drafted.
Republicans will begin pushing for a federal ban on abortion as soon as they are able:
One of my best friends is a US Deputy Marshal, and has done protection details for SC justices. The Marshals do not play around. Somebody is going to get fucked up for this leak.
Makes sense, you would continue the political theatre that way and put it directly into the hands of the actors/actresses, rather than the SC. But, I don't think the Biden Administration is able to safely pass gas, much less legislation as thorny as codifing the right to choose. Hell, you'd have to go back to 2015 for any major progressive "win", and that was also decided in the SC in what amounted to a bunch of shrugs. Who DOESN'T want to murder children?
Maybe, once they get out of federal prison. Then again, knowing this DOJ, they’ll probably drum up some reason why they aren’t going to prosecute.
I guess it depends on what access they had to the documents prior to leaking them? If they already had legitimate access, probably not. If they didn't, they could theoretically be indicted for stealing federal documents. But yeah, getting disbarred and losing a SCOTUS clerkship is quite a price to pay by itself if they get caught. Speaking of stealing federal documents, how do you guys think Edward Snowden is feeling about his nation of choice for exile right about now?
Exclusive? Nah. But definitely much more pervasive. And that wasn't a call by me to have someone murder a SCOTUS justice, FBI People Who Monitor The Internet. My (hyperbolic) point was that Alito's opinion pointing to history and traditions as a baseline for unenumerated rights was stupid, given this country's history and traditions. It's my understanding that Roe protected a right to privacy from excessive government restrictions due by way of the 14th Amendment. By removing this protection, it essentially allows states to enact unrestricted laws governing what a person can or can't do with their own bodies, such as full abortion bans. This opens the door for future rulings to roll back rights on anybody that doesn't fit the "history and traditions" rubric. How long do you think it'll take for SCOTUS to use this precedence to overturn gay marriage? While I don't believe they'd roll back anti-miscegenation laws, it wouldn't surprise me that in a few years from now some rat fuck sues a church for performing mixed race marriages and suddenly Alabama has laws on the books criminalizing people like me. Saying stuff like "pass a law" doesn't take into account for situations that haven't happened or occurred to people yet. SCOTUS has basically said, "unless a situation has already occurred, it won't be protected". They are preemptively making it harder for people(s) for no good reason. It is a lot fucking harder to protect a group of people from discrimination than it is to remove those same protections, which I'm sure is the entire ass point. It took about a century after slavery ended for the Civil Rights Act to be passed. We still have no idea what we're doing with children who were brought here illegally and are American in every way but the location of their birth. The protection of a person's rights should not be decided by the state legislatures that constantly shift and change. Rights for groups of Americans should not stop just because you cross a state line.
that's wasn't scripted. That was Rainn Wilson's actual reaction and they loved it so much they kept it in there.