I'm not making light of what might very well be happening shortly with RvW, but man, you go 0 to 100 real quick. The belief that a fetus a human* is a far cry of let's ban gay marriage and while we're at it, no more mixed race marriages and lock up Asian people in Alabama. Just to be clear, I am pro-choice
Eh look at the trans laws in Texas and the don't say gay laws in Florida. Leaving it up to the state is a bad idea, and he's not far off from where some red states are right now.
It is very much not a far cry. Alito and Thomas have had Obergefell squarely in their sights for years, and it's not unreasonable to think they could bring three others along.
Because this topic is a hot-button issue, let me preempt whatever direction this discussion may go in saying it needs to remain civil or bans will be levied.
I’m curious what you think a slippery slope toward the left looks like. Because right now, we are looking at a book banning movement from the right. Laws to ban treatment for ectopic pregnancies(which are 100% fatal) from the right. Laws generally outlawing teachers from being allowed to be openly gay. The Republican Party calling democrats groomers and pedophiles. Is there even a slippery slope anymore or has it just fallen off a cliff? I’m just not sure why the gop is so dead set on not actually leading, but rather ruling over people to only make their lives harder. It’s not conservative in the least. They don’t actually care about people. They don’t even really care about the unborn. They say they love America but in reality, they hate more than half the people in it.
I think an underrated aspect of the risk to Obergefell, Griswold, etc is that the right's opposition to Roe was so strong that they sought out and inculcated a broad judicial belief that the right to privacy does not exist, because they saw that belief as a necessary weapon to kill Roe. The elimination of a right to privacy however threatens far more than just Roe, and I expect we'll start seeing the true limits of that belief that was deliberately installed in the judiciary.
Because RvW isn't framed as a policy issue, or even a state vs. fed issue....it's a religious issue. And to the folks who believe in whatever religion is urging this forward, it's a crusade. Crusaders believe so devoutly in the justification behind their cause, any action is a means to an end. Fuck, google "kill all atheists" and see some lovely, Christian Americans embracing the teachings of our Lord and Savior. They don't see the opposition as people, they see them as evil incarnate....history doesn't take long for that to get really ugly. So, yes the checks and balances that prevented this sort of thing from becoming law are no longer in place, and some of the other things being discussed seem heinous if you go from something relatively rare (abortions) to something innocuous but common (gay marriage). But in the middle you have the laws essentially removing protections for all sorts of things, because the elements in the right are now embolded due to the air coverage the SC appointees grant them. It's not a slippery slope, it's a well-documented planned sequence.
I’m interested to see how stripping away that right will come back to bite antichoice people. Similar to how Texas’ abortion law allowing lawsuits against people having abortions was used in California to allow lawsuits against people for owning guns. Does the Roe v Wade sword cut both ways?
If it indeed "essentially allows states to enact unrestricted laws governing what a person can or can't do with their own bodies," then the next pandemic/vaccine event should be a hell of a time. People I know, who are moving more and more to the hard libertarian side of things (i.e. the kind of shit Tucker Max is talking about now) seem too be excited that this will potentially push things closer to balkanization.
There isn't going to be balkanization from this or any other issue. There aren't cut-and-dry regional differences in this country, they're far more urban vs. rural.
Im not saying there’s going to be, I’m just sharing what I’ve seen. There’s a little bit of a “just move to whatever place aligns with your beliefs, and have super-red and super-blue states” reactions going on.
At a certain point, the interstate commerce and taxation laws kick in...like if your marriage is recognized in one state, but not another and you file joint taxes... Also, the "vote with your feet" suggestion falls a bit short these days when the laws are affecting children.
I don’t know what, if any, violence will come out of this. Other than that which I resort to when the same Trump Train fucktards who protested against masks and vaccines ( “My body my choice!” ) start celebrating this. I don’t know what they’re like where you are, but I’m surrounded by them here.
Dude, I’m in NY. But we live in the Northeast version of the Deep South. Trump and Confederate flags abound.
An anti-abortion activist scaled the Salesforce tower. Authorities had a hard time getting to them, having to wade through all the people trying to add to the person’s bio, then log it as a first contact before anyone else tried to claim them as their lead.
working in childcare offers some unique perspectives on the implications of laws like this. The adoption system is currently fucked sideways, and it'll only get worse if the opinion becomes law (BIG if imo -- I bet it doesn't). In my opinion, if you are "pro life," you must also be pro-mothers' lives, and endorse providing them with all the resources they need and currently don't have to raise their children effectively. The ignorant rural areas down here are flooded with old white guys blabbing on about "if you can't afford them, you shouldn't have had them" while also wanting abstinence-only sex ed. It's just not reality. Want to make abortion illegal? Fine. Then you better be jumping on the dreaded "socialist" train and be prepared to give those parents (specifically single mothers) all the governmental assistance they need. To say nothing of how risky pregnancy can be on the mothers. My wife's oxygen levels dipped so low when she had our youngest that we're both mortified, for her health, of having another one. And you wanna force people do to this? Gonna be a lot of dead mothers.
Some people seem to think that if you outlaw abortions they will decrease. They won't, you will have a bunch of injured/dead women who got illegal abortions. But that will make Gawd happy I guess.
it's almost as if people form opinions and demand action without thinking about the ramifications of said action Making drugs illegal doesn't stop people from consuming drugs, it just makes drugs more dangerous. Making guns more difficult to purchase doesn't reduce violence, it just means only the criminals will have those guns and that said violence will take other forms. Drugs are a symptom of social problems. Gun violence is a symptom of a cultural problem. Unwanted pregnancies are, largely, a symptom of a misguided and failing public education system. People are gonna do what they want to do, and placing barriers in their way will lead to more unwanted outcomes. But it gets them votes doesn't it?