We haven't had sound monetary policies since Volcker IMO. Every Fed chairman seems terrified of having a recession, which you need to have to wring excesses out of the system. And it's not just us, every nation on the planet has done the same thing pretty much. It's going to be ugly world wide for a bit.
That doesn’t excuse anything. They saw it coming, called it “transitory” and eased policy anyway. That’s mind-numbingly stupid.
Damn, I didn’t even get a stimulus check. It probably would have just been easier to not work and collect government handouts like the rest of these deadbeats.
If we stop having elections and get rid of republicans, we’d be better off. Here’s the reason to do it.
"Let's pretend that something I'm pulling out of my ass is equivalent to an actual plan that's being put in place". NatCH
Can we please stop reposting this same exact joke over and over. It wasn't a great point or joke fifty reposts ago.
Never. Also, did you know if you capitalize the second letter of his name, it looks at first glance like another word for butt? tee hee
I actually could have made more money (like $400 a week more) not working during the lockdowns, but I volunteered to stay on the “essential team,” because I had no idea how long that shit was gonna last, and I’d only worked there four months. Figured if shit really hit the fan, I’d be the first to go.
Watching that happen on such a titanic scale over the past two years gave me a sincere nausea. There has been enough regression in culture at large over the past seven years to drive any sane person mad, then you throw in this new thieving group philosophy of “I get to collect free money AND refuse to pay rent!” Everywhere you went, businesses that are open late close before the sun sets because they can’t hire enough people to fill the positions. A fucking hiring crisis because there are that many people who still think they should continue to do nothing while everything falls into their lap. Your gravy train is over, the hairnet goes back on.
It’s Pandora’s Gravy Boat. Nobody really wants to be the politician who stops pouring it. (See: “Repeal and Replace!”)
The gravy train ended last year in the US and there still aren't enough employees to go around. When a million people die and a lot of older people nope out of the job market because of a pandemic you're going to have labor problems.
They were noping out of the market anyway. Next year was the point when most Boomers were going to be retired, regardless of the pandemic.