I could be a little off, but I believe that Congress does not have to disclose their trades for 90 days, and only like a third of Congress actually does it. The fine is minuscule for not disclosing the information.
I think I read years ago about an investment firm in Bethesda that models their investments on where members of congress invest.
Some pure, unfiltered bullshit from the White House: That is literally the definition of “recession.” We’re in for a rough time.
Jesus H. Christ. I sometimes wonder which is worse: the Trump administration, which was blatantly corrupt, or the Biden administration, which is blatantly incompetent.
You thought the Trump administration was competent? In other news, here is how small town Republican politics is going in Texas. Paul Blake is a member of the Canyon ISD school board in Canyon, Texas. Source.
You're forgetting that the Trump administration was also blatantly incompetent. Far worse than the Biden administration is.
If we’re taking all of American history, I would argue that Buchanan’s actions (or inactions) were far worse in response to crises.
I suppose I'm using a more narrow definition of crisis in the sense of natural disasters, pandemics, etc. Not the full on collapse of the social cohesion of the country that Buchanan was faced with. Hell, there was open violence in Kansas before Buchanan even ran for President.
Trump Administration: Cheques out to all Americans Deep dicked the supreme court, welcome to 6 - 3 forever baybeeeee Gerrymandered the shit out of the districts, again Executed on Obama era policies to "put kids in cages" Roe v. Wade (contemporaneous with Biden's admin, but a victory of Trump's) Biden's Administration: Like, come on man No $$ Record inflation Loss of women's reproductive rights (and just the most lol, whatever response) Kids still in cages Power issues in Texas So like...incompetent on the face, but putting up Ws constantly.
Are you sure? All the news I’m reading today says we’re not in a recession, it’s just that the US has had two consecutive quarters of falling real GDP.
Don't worry. If it goes to four consecutive, they'll just pass the Americans Funding Americans Act, which will include $250 stimulus checks and more Payroll Protection loans.