Here is how I dressed in high school: On a serious note, I pretty much wore what my mom bought me for the most part- all Gap, Old Navy, A&F, and Polo really. The not much of a difference nowadays, except I don't wear the Old Navy and A&F stuff, which I see as more of a young-person thing. I don't think I own anything from the Gap anymore either, but I'm not sure. But 99% of the time, I'm wearing a polo shirt/oxford shirt with jeans/slacks. I wasn't/am not very exciting, I guess.
During the majority of high school, I dressed fairly normally with virtually no sense of style whatsoever. The exception to this was my 11th grade year when I dyed my hair black, and basically looked like a punk/goth. There is a big caveat to this though in that the reason I did it was from reading a book about hackers(Cyberpunk? maybe. by John Markhoff) that had a section about a German hacker from the 80's named Pengo. I pretty much modeled my stupid little self after the way he was described as looking. The largest difference was probably that I'm 6'4, and, at the time, weighed about 230lbs, worked out constantly, and was obviously a huge computer geek. Keep in mind that this was the mid 90's when hardly any high school person used a computer, or, if they did, thought AOL was the internet. All that least I never wore JNCO's.
In my early days of high school I was full on grunge. Hair down to my shoulders, faded band shirts with worn out flannels, baggy jeans/corduroys and Chuck Taylors. Once I hit the 10th grade I finally cut my hair and progressed into the t-shirt, jeans and ball cap look that I still wear today.
Jeans. Sweatshirt. Sneakers. A band T-shirt under the sweatshirt. Preferably something heavy metal, like Pantera or Tool. In the early summer, shorts. Tanktop. Sneakers. Wear. Wash. Repeat. Nowadays, instead of the band T-shirt, it's just a plain black Old Navy short sleeved T. And swap my sweatshirts for hoodies. I dress for comfort. I have never given a shit about what was in or out fashion-wise. I guess this explains why I was such an outcast in school.
I grew up in the mountains snowboarding and playing hockey so it was just Levi's and a tee- Volcom, DC, LRG, etc.- and any one of about 100 hoodies. It was either that or turtlenecks, vests, and wool sweaters like the fruit-booters. Still rocking the same shit, more due to laziness than anything else.
Seeing as I'm only 22, high school wasn't very long ago. I pretty much where the same thing as I did back then: khaki shorts and t-shirt in the summer; jeans and a hoody in the winter. I still swear by the quality and comfort of Eddie Bauer, and nothing beats a good pair of Levi's. I still wear flip-flops almost everywhere (that it is appropriate) when there's no rain or snow on the ground.
Hoodies were not popular when I was in high school, but I wore them. I wore one I got from Alcatraz at least two days a week when I was in grade 11. People thought it was weird to wear the same sweater more than once a week. Of course, every EVERY single person in college wears the same unwashed hoodie every day of the week in order to disguise their embarrasing physiques and to avoid the physical torture of walking to the laundry room.
What the fuck? I find the fad where men wear women's pants to be very odd. However this is the first time I have ever heard of a women wearing mens pants. Tell us the truth, how ugly was she? Or were you actually dating a man?
I was big on vintage clothes in high school. Not hipster ironic T-shirts and track jackets from the 80s but suits, shirts and ties from the 40s and 50s. I'd always looked like I'd walked off the set of that Mad Men show or something. I thought I was nuts but the girls and the teachers loved it. I still dress up occasionally, but no where near as much as I used to.