I sobbed at the end of The Butterfly Effect. I know the movie itself wasn't that great and the plot holes were huge but he went through all that torment to be with the woman he loves only to callously axe her out of his life in the end to save her. It was so selfless and sad that I couldn't help myself. I don't cry at much. I didn't even cry when my kids were born but that stupid movie turns me into a wreck. My husband was drinking the night that we watched Armageddon. He lost it bad. Snotting and choking and wailing - he could barely breathe he was crying so hard. I was embarrassed and we were the only two there. He was sniveling at the end of Intervention a few weeks ago, but he had been drinking then too. He cries more than I do!
It might just be me being broken and abnormal but there are a few scenes in The Talented Mr Ripley that get to me. That scene where he's playing the piano and he gives that speech about "putting the past in the basement, but meeting someone and wanting to give them the key." Spoiler Also the final scene where he kills Peter then sits on the edge of the bed while the boat rocks. I've never cried watching a movie but that's the closest I've come I'd say.
I have to admit, as shitty as that movie is, I can't help but sniffle a bit every time Bruce Willis is talking to his daughter in the end telling her that he won't be coming home after all. Oh yeah, and Seven Pounds. Right around the part Spoiler when he gets into the bathtub with the jellyfish I started to lose it. But so did literally have the theater. I estimated about 100 people at the showing, and easily 40-50 were sniffling by the time the story comes together. Sounded like everyone had allergies, I swear.
Motherfucking Bambi Also: Pay It Forward, Simon Birch, The Lion King I about cried during several parts of "Gone in 60 Seconds" when those cars crashed. I was listening to the radio when Dale Earnhardt died. I didn't even watch NASCAR at the time, but for whatever reason I did start to cry. I'm not a crier. I've seen way too much, heard way too much, and been through way too much myself for me to get shaken up easily. I was in a hospital giving a living will to my parents and saying goodbye before a brain tumor surgery I knew I might not live through; didn't shed a single tear. But to this day when I think about what I did to my family -- when I hear the stories of how they got the news -- I lose it. My fiance is just like the woman in that video.
I was weeping at how bad the series turned after it jumped the shark (when Nates's baby momma got eaten by a shark). HBO sports docs do get me going, they have the same sentimental music in everyone but god damn, 1980 Miracle on Ice or The USA Womens World Cup soccer team, they all do it for me. I like Shegirl get misty at the National Anthem and every now and again people will link Medal of Honor Citations and that really hits a nerve with me as well. If there was one sentimental movie I could recommend for this girl itd be, "The Cure" starring Brad Renfro and the boy from Jurassic Park. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112757/ Spoiler The end where the Brad Renfros character takes the boys shoe and leaves his in the coffin.... as touching as it gets.
I cannot explain it, but Forrest Gump gets me from the opening feather drop to the end credits. The shots of Savannah at the very start reminds me of living there when my life hadn't gone to shit yet, setting me up for what ends up being a really touching story. It tears me up when his momma dies, it makes me wanna call mine (does that really need a spoiler tag?). Oh yeah, Fuck Jenny.
Along similar lines: Spoiler Fuck, even just seeing the tiny thumbnail of that image when I did the quick google search caused a Pavlovian misting of the eyes. Edit: Focus: Also, all those freakout videos? I'm pretty damn sure they're all fake because this is what real ones look like:
Also there's this one where a guy is freaking out because the video creator stole his item in World of Warcraft. Edit: Oh yes, and then there was my post in the first week of this board's existence. "I hope they play this tape in court, ma'am."
Whenever Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter comes on TV it pulls at the heart strings a little. That guy was awesome.
I totally cry whenever I watch Armageddon. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. The final episode of Quantum Leap had me crying, I have to admit it. I was obsessed with that show as a child and it was the first tv series I really watched from start to end and I was a mess when it ended. "Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home". I mean, GAH, kill me. I also have a hard time not getting misty eyed at the end of Cast Away. And I can't help but cry whenever I see the episode of ER where Dr. Greene dies. Also, for those of you who are Futurama fans, the episode with Fry's dog is one of the saddest cartoons ever written. I totally cry whenever they air it and people have told the creators/writers that it's one of the most depressing things they have ever seen. If you haven't seen it, here's the horrible clip: Spoiler I also cried when I read the final Harry Potter book and I expect to cry in the theater when I see the movie. I'm lame, I know.
If video game freak outs are fair game, shhhhiiiiiiiiiit. It has got to look weird to outsiders when you watch someone thats deep into an online game. There are some times in CoD that you get killed 3-4 times in quick succession where throwing a controller or screaming profanities at the top of your lungs is entirely acceptable. Fucking n00bTubers.
Basically this entire site. There are a minority of ninny-headed posts, but most of them tug at my heartstrings in some way or another. Spoiler My father was diagnosed with cancer and passed away 4 years ago. Recently, I stopped by his online blog. I found out my son had been leaving him comments, saying things like how he missed him, and how he is studying hard in school, and that he would study hard to find a cure to cancer so that people wont miss their grandfather like he does. GMH On November 29th, 4 police officers were brutally murdered in a coffee shop in Washington. During the memorial service, more than 20,000 people filled the Tacoma dome, and the procession was 2,100 cars long with the streets filled with people. The support of an entire community GMH When my sister was younger she came home from school one day and demanded I take her to the library so she could get books on sign language. I asked why? She told me there was a new kid at school who was deaf and she wanted to befriend him. Today I stood beside her at their wedding watching her sign "I DO". GMH I woke up one morning to hear the birds outside my window and my mother cooking breakfast downstairs. I've never cried so much in my entire life. I had been deaf since the age of 8. A little girl was dying of cancer and her younger brother had a match for the bone marrow she needed. The doctors told him it was a matter of life and death. After he had the surgery, he asked the doctors how long he had to live. He thought if he gave his bone marrow to let his sister live he would die but he did it anyway. GMH During WWII, my friend's grandpa was captured and tortured, but he refused to reveal his mission. The japanese said if he didn't spill, they would kill the other five captured men. He wouldn't budge. He escaped, but he had to live with their blood on his hands. 25 years later, he found out they all lived. Not a single one talked. GMH DAWWWWWWWWWWWW.
I've never cried at a movie. The closest I've come is what all the dudes mentioned so far (Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, all that good stuff). Misty eyed, but no cryin. However, my best friend likes to cry at the dumbest shit. Such as Extreme Home Makeover (which apparently a lot of people do) and... World's Strictest Parents. For whatever reason, she started bawling in the middle of the show, and thus will never live it down. Oh, and my roommate (male) will cry every time he watches Finding Neverland. I think he has a vagina.
I don't recall an actual tear streaming down but my eyes became very misty at the end of The Green Mile.Saving Private Ryan also got me especially when Giovanni Ribisi (The Medic) was laying there dieing.
There is a cartoon strip that was made in New Zealand when I was a kid called Footrot Flats. There was a movie that was made on it as well and I have a copy that I watch whenever I feel like going back to NZ for a visit. I know full well whats coming near the end but every time the dog gets washed out to see I get a little misty.
I'll admit-I can cry like a bitch. Anything to do with animals gets to me, which I was why I refuse to watch any of the related links in this thread. I once started to watch a documentary on the condition in which this Chinese place kept rabbits-I got about 30 seconds in and I was crying like a family member had been killed.