I remembered another thing going along with happy endings that will get me misty eyed. Sports. Basically when I see a team celebrating and looking at the sheer joy in their faces gets me. Notable examples for me are the Tigers playoff run in '06 and Verlander's no-hitter in '07, and all the Red Wings success before this year. Other teams get me misty eyed and choked up a bit, but not like the tigers.
This episode was definitely a sad one. There's also the one where he thinks his brother took his name and lived as him after he left. The whole episode he's pissed at his brother then you get to the end where you see his brother was destroyed when he left and named his son after Fry. That was pretty touching too. Who would have thought a funny ass cartoon would have two of the saddest episodes I've ever seen in a tv show?
Oh fuck. I remember watching some series, called 'Planet Earth' or something like that, and there was this polar bear, and he was looking for food, and the glacier was melting...and I need to stop. Needless to say, I avoid that show like a hooker scratching her crotch out on Admiral Wilson. And I saw another special about these animals, like South American groundhogs or something, and this old one was being left behind by the pack. Jesus, I cried like a bitch. I actually cried less at my father's funeral, now how fucked up is that?
That was Earth. It was a whole movie designed just to do that. Just like March of the Penguins. The end of Armageddon always chokes me up. When the guy says "Permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I've ever met". That gets to me for some reason. And that chick from the website isn't emotional, she has the IQ of a box of hair. "They need to invent a dog that never dies..."? I hope one of the 2 of them is sterile. Who worries about if R2D2 got put back together and cries because Darth Vader never got to play catch with Luke or go to an of Leia's ballet recitals? She's either a phenomenal actress or functionally retarded.
There is an episode of Beverly Hills 90210 that makes me cry every time I watch it. Brenda finds the diary of the girl who used to live in her house (I think her name is Wendy). The diary chronicals Wendy's experiences during the Summer of '69...her extremely conservatve brother going off to fight in Veitnam, her feelings towards one of guy friends and how he's dating one of her girl friends, drug experimentation, social turmoil...you get the picture. Anyway, Brenda ends up finding Wendy and asking her all these questions about 1969 and Wendy goes on to tell her how her brother ended up being killed in Vietnam and her girl friend died of a drug overdose and how she eventually drove cross-country to Woodstock with the guy friend she was in love with. Once she starts talking about Woodstock, I lose it. I have no idea why. I'm actually getting a little teary-eyed remembering it. Maybe I secretely want to be a hippie?? Also, someone mentioned sports teams winning a title or championship. I was home one weekend visiting my parents and there was a parade for one of the local high school's cross country team. They just won states. As soon as I saw the float, the tears came. No clue why.
Can't post any vids that tear me up, because I'm at work and they block YouTube (but not this place...silly IT), and because I rarely get emotional and NEVER cry. That said, I had to attend the funeral of an old friend's father yesterday, and was cool being the normal me, but more and more it hit me that one day, I'm going to be sitting there, and it's going to be me having to bury my dad. Couple that with my dad's recent cancer scare, and while I did not cry, I DID feel the unfamiliar stirring in my subconscious of actual, genuine emotion, the majority of which I stifled when we all heard about the cancer. Gotta get out of here so that I can stifle such happenings with copious amounts of alcohol tonight.
The part in Soylent Green where Edward G. Robinson's character is watching the nature video in the euthanasia clinic. Especially since Charlton Heston's tears in that scene were real. He was one of the few people at that time who knew that Robinson was dying of cancer.
Oh god, the part when the baby elephant gets turned around in the desert and walks the opposite direction of the other ones. Then they pan the camera showing him walking to his death. Why do they have to show that shit.