We should have a "try to out-stupid the poster above you thread". That will make you feel like you are in company.
You think you have problems, my husband is my roommate and he actually wants to talk to me and hang out and shit, which is sooooo past what I want to do right now after a long and miserable day. Leave me to my wine and some peace. Geez, talk about assholes.
I mean don't get me wrong, I don't think they would ever yell at me or fuck with me in any way. I'm pretty sure (at least) one of them is racist, and they're both just the kind of people who spend most of their time gossiping about whoever isn't around. I know! A kinda racist, bitchy 22 year old girl! In BOSTON! Screw cooking. What should I order for dinner?
Shoot, welcome to my full time job. Bunch of passive aggressive bitches, I tell ya. But truth be told, you probably should have mentioned the fact that you were (gasp) black before she signed the lease. Oh, and fried chicken and watermelon of course.
Is she 'doesn't understand what she's saying is ignorant' racist or 'if the circumstances were different she'd grab a pitchfork and lead a lynch mob to you' racist?
The best worst thing about my job is that I am all alone. Until I have to go to a conference in a couple weeks in an industry that is predominantly full of middle aged women. Shoot me now. Multiple times. In critical areas. Pic of some of last year's conference attendees.
Close. In describing me she said (when she didn't know I was within earshot): "Oh yeah, my new roommate is black but he's nice and isn't like ghetto or anything." Which is bullshit, because I am hood as FUCK. Also, between my two roommates I've met maybe 35 friends. One minority, and that was an asian guy.
First of all, you're only saying that because she's white (and if not white, then because she's a woman). Second, you're complaining about people who gossip about others when they're away, and you're gossiping about her while she's away. Thirdly, you should order a hooker for dinner. No. Not like me at all. Side note; I was living in a small town in jan and feb for a rotation to a small hospital in a small town. I was living with one of the hospital staff. In the hospital staff works precisely one asian woman. My girlfriend is also asian; the woman I was living with met my girlfriend one day. Some days later, she started saying to me, "You know the day that [asian staff member] came over...". It took her quite some time to realize what she'd said.
Don't forget, a lot of young people living in Boston are from New Hampshire, shit, my group of friends has only one minority and he's only HALF Asian. We were still the most racially diverse group of friends in my town, especially if you count the kid that's 1/8 native.
More the former, the "I moved from Maine to Boston and I've never had a black friend" kind of racist. Which is whatever, I'm not going to spaz out about it, I meet a lot of people like that. It's more the passive-aggressive bitchiness that bugs me. Or stuff like not answering my emails? And it's not like I'm asking her to hang out, it's shit about bills/household/etc. And I like to think I'm a pretty good roommate: I pay all my shit on time, clean up everything I use (and stuff like the refrigerator which otherwise doesn't cleaned), and am out of the house for days at a time (GF).
For those of you who missed it, the Google logo is a playable guitar kinda thing. So I figured using Google, I could find someone who made a decent tune out of it and found this: Pretty damn impressive, huh?
Close Gravitas. How I see myself: How my friends see me: How Boston sees me: How my black friends/family see me:
Ha ha ha, that's what I figured. Like I said, there's a solid chance she has never interacted with someone who isn't white before. The only perception of non-whites she has are what she's seen on TV. I don't know how you can classify that as racism, it's just ignorance. Think about it this way, do you think that people in China who meet a white person for the first time and are really intrigued/confused by it are racist or just curious/oblivious?
French, eh? Would you say you see yourself like this guy here? Once you answer, I'll tell you what the song is about.
Random non-sequitur of the day, one of the patients that I saw today was an 89 year old man. We talked about everything from my thought on death and dying to my views on socialized medicine. Fortunately they coincided with his. We didn't even touch on his urologic health (the reason for the appointment) but I could have talked to him all day. But he told me how life just wasn't fun anymore since his wife had died 6 years ago. I see a lot of old men and have heard this more than I can count, yet I have never heard similar comments from a woman who has lost their spouse. I wonder why that is. Then he told he I looked nice from the backside on his way out.