I am guessing none of the reddit readers are over 40, because none of the comments I saw were "woohoo, three times in 6 weeks!" But, there were other assumptions, too, weren't there? Like what happened on the days he didn't put on the spreadsheet? Maybe that was noted and I missed it. Also, he never noted Aunt Flo as an excuse. I have no conclusions there - I just thought that was interesting. Also, I am fine with not confirming Parker has a huge penis.
Some forms of The Pill prevent Flo from happening for 3 months, as per the average one. Maybe he did it that way. I say, take the entire story with a grain of salt. I thought the whole was a rather funny distraction, with the benefit of giving positively zero fucks about either side's story. I mean, they're BOTH dipshits in their own unique way.
For the record, I never said it was big, just that she is small and she needs recovery time after sex hence the frequency. You guys extrapolated that it was big and now blame me for it. *I'm not denying that it is large either. Anyway back to the point of the thread...