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Entourage Season 7

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Crown Royal, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. Senna Vs. Prost

    Senna Vs. Prost
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    For what its worth, I tried to get the distributorship for a Central American liquor once (won't say what it is cuz the idea isn't dead yet) but 50% of it was bought by a multinational booze conglomerate for $400 million U.S. And it's not even sold in North America. So yes, that "fuck you money" could theoretically be real and legitimately earned.
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Im just happy that so far the plots are actually straying away from the redundant ones, except for Drama finding work which never gets unfunny. I guess I have a short memory but I can't seem to bring back the vitriol, Im liking this season too much to do so.
  3. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Forgot to mention this. That girls ass that they showed when Turtle arrived at the Tequila mansion was off the hook. Looked like Vida Guerra's. Good googily moogily that ass was juicy.
  4. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Well, Sasha Grey deserves high marks for effort but her acting was straight out of Cinemax's erotic cinema.

    And speaking of erotic...for an episode that featured a bona-fide porn star, a skinny Jessica Simpson, and Sloan taking it up the ass the undisputed champ of the evening was Mrs. Ari. Take notes, ladies.

    But mostly, I'm just glad Eric Murphy's life and career are disintegrating before our eyes. He lost a have-to-have project for one client to another client (another great pinch-hit appearance by Saget), got outpitched on a project by Turtle of all people, and now his one and only money-making star is bringing porn stars to meetings and driving drunk in LA. Oh, and his girlfriend called him a pussy while he was sheepishly fucking her in the ass. Hey is it possible to have your cock up someone's anus and still be the one that looks like the bitch? That would have been the most uncomfortable scene in the history of cable television if it weren't for the fact that it was simultaneously the lowest possible moment of Pizza Boy's pathetic life. That counts a win in my book.

    But from the looks of it, next week's episode is only going to drop another grenade into E's life in the form of fuck-up extraordinaire Billy Walsh. I can't wait.
  5. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have to say, I'm loving this season. The only annoyance on my part is the face that Johnny Drama is a hideous, untalented hack that needs to be placed where he belongs, 4th lead on a TBS show.
  6. john_b

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    Oct 24, 2009
    That's what makes him so funny. He's a hideous, untalented hack who thinks he's better looking than John Stamos and should be starring in things. Taken in small doses, it's funny. It gets annoying when they try and force it too much.
  7. Rutabaga

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    You have to at least give the show some credit for its Inception-like potential triple layering of Drama as the ugly brother on a TV show.

    I agree that this season has been much better than the last few. They still haven’t figured out an interesting plot for Turtle, but everyone else’s is at least entertaining at this point. The only other thing I have seen Grenier be remotely interesting in is Cecil B. Demented where he plays a crazy drug addict (in a comedy), so maybe this could be a fun plot. It also has the potential to be totally awful depending on how it goes.
  8. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Dont worry, they will find some way to save him and have him come out looking golden, they always do. My biggest problem with this show is how much I've grown to hate E and Vince.

    My roommate wondered if they were hinting at a prescription drug problem with Vince and the Vicodin. My initial thought was that I hope to hell not. Cause while it could be interesting, it would take some depth and acting ability from Adrian Grenier to pull it off, and I don't think that is possible.

    The lighting in Amanda's office when she was on the phone and Lizzy lurked in the shadows as the new sidekick was so comic book villain-esque. I thought it was awesome. Hopefully Ari somehow needs to utilize Dana Gordon's hot ass to fix this.
  9. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Let's be honest here, I'd fuck any one of those women. Throw Mrs. Ari (to echo what someone said earlier - take note ladies) into the mix and I'd be one happy man.

    What was up with all the handy-cam footage in the next preview? I think I saw 2-3 shots where they were using a handheld camera it seemed. Maybe Vince and Sasha decide to make their own movie...
  10. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I get the feeling Sasha's gonna be helping E and Sloan with their little anal issue at some point this season. And based on Marky Mark at the ESPYs, probably joining in.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    God damn it if they decide to have Lizzie and Amanda sink Ari's football franchise business by the seasons end, then they truly don't ever intend on doing anything meaningful with this show. Ive liked the season so far but this Lizze plot just seems too echo past plot lines where they set up something huge for a character and string it out all season just to drop it and be back to business as usual. Plus Billy Walsh is coming back? Fuck! Please don't blow the best season you've had in YEARS!

    Hmmm. Going to have to do some investigating into this Sasha Grey. Im not really into anal porn but if she is known for it then maybe it is better than the run of the mill shit? Mrs. Ari looked hot as fuck, really wish they'd just pay the extra to have nudity in her contract.
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Shit can't edit my last post (maybe we need a little more time before that is switched off?).

    Wouldn't Lizzie have some sort of non-compete clause in her contract from Miller Gold (or what ever theyre calling it this season)? I really don't know how these agencies work but it seems like they'd have better measures against defectors from moving to another company with a large chunk of the agency's business.
  13. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't know how it works in real life*, but in the "Entourage" universe this hasn't been the case. When Ari was fired after the Great Tsi Tsi Fly Conspiracy, Vince and others (like James Woods) left Terrence's agency and followed Ari to his new practice. He also threatened to take as many of Terrence's clients as he could after when he called the heads of the major agencies together. So as far as precedent goes, it's already been established that clients can move at will.

    *My guess, though, is that the clients can hire and fire their agents at will much the same way clients can hire and fire attorneys at will (see also: the plot of "Jerry Maguire"). We do know that Ari is an attorney, and while we don't know if junior agents like Lloyd or Lizzie have law degrees it wouldn't surprise me (since entertainment law is a bona fide course of study in law school, especially at West Coast schools). If there is a "non-compete" clause out there it might figure in more with the non-legal part of talent management, such as the firm Eric "works" at, where (in theory) E can find projects for Vince and manage his affairs, whereas only Ari can represent him in legal contract proceedings. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Vince has signed a contract with Murray's agency (and not necessarily Eric) agreeing to pay a fee and commissions.
  14. toddus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Lloyd is a Stanford MBA. Lizzie went to Northwestern but I don't think they have ever said what she studied.
  15. Riggins

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    Oct 25, 2009
    The Texas Bubble
  16. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Tonight we saw two story lines take sharp turns, Vince's spiral and Ari's NFL team - in episode 5. Is that good writing or bad?
    The decline of Vinny Chase was much quicker than I thought. I hoped the story line was going to be more subtle.

    I loved how E knew better than to think that he could do anything by himself, at least he's learning. Turtle's storyline is cute but Drama needs to be put out to pasture. That douchebag is just ugly and at least Billy Walsh acknowledges it.
  17. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009

    The entire epsiode made me feel like I was strapped down Clockwork Orange-style and forced to watch a series of consecutive trainwrecks. If the writers did this on purpose, then I applaud them for a great thematic exercise. If not, then I'm curious how they plan to recover.

    In ascending levels of awkwardness, slightest to worst:

    - First, Ari having to grovel to Lizzie to drop her suit so he can keep the Los Angeles Golds dream alive. Potential for disaster: negligible. If Ari really is the biggest agent in Hollywood now then it will come as a surprise to absolutely no one that's he's a raging asshole at work. And unless "Entourage" intends to confuse CNBC again, the odds of Ari landing LA's non-existent team are slim.

    - Second, Drama turning himself into the third-wheel in Vince's real life porn movie. Typical, considering the up and down nature of Drama's career.

    - Third (in three parts), Eric essentially admitting that Vince's megastar deal was mainly due to Scott's efforts. Even more awkward was him admitting that he'd spent all night tasting wedding cake...he's such a pussy. But the final nail in the coffin was Scott giving E a much needed and long overdue lesson on how to stand up to Ari.

    - Fourth, Billy Walsh returning to the gang with sober serenity and atoning for his years of douchebaggery. There is nothing more humiliating than having to kiss Eric Murphy's ring and beg him for career help.

    - And lastly, watching Turtle admit to the world that he's apparently been with so few girls he's yet to see a bald snatch. I thought the episode title would have indicated that he was freaked out that What's-Her-Name was sporting a thick patch - a more likely cause for alarm. I was honestly embarassed for the little turd; he went from having a television star on his arm to having to beg for a second chance with a low-rent cab driver. Pathetic.

    On the other hand, Vinny Chase seems to be doing pretty well for himself. Considering the challenges the rest of his crew is facing I'd say naked and shitfaced with a porn star playmate is a pretty enviable position.
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    I had a personal bit of amusement when Turtle and the Mexican were fucking, it clicked in my head that she is the same actress that AJ Soprano was banging for a while on the Sopranos. It wasn't until she rolled on top that I realized this. The had a very similar and a little more hotter sex scene in that show, but again no titty.

    Im wondering if they actually will have Vince take a Lohan nose dive, so far they seem to be playing the "no body notices he's actually fine" angle. Other than right after the minor stunt accident and the drunk, but I'd say not over the top drunk, meeting with Stan Lee, he seems like any guy who is in his late twenties, has millions of dollars, and is famous enough to fuck some world class trim.
  19. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Haha, wow El REALLY hate Eric, huh?

    I've really been liking this season, overall, even with the less believable parts. I agree it seems far-fetched that the most successful man in a business that, in Entourage world, is full of assholes, would have to worry about a former employee slandering his name by calling him an asshole. He didn't fire her. She just didn't get the promotion she wanted. How is she going to look like anything but a disgruntled employee? And even with recordings of him saying misogynistic things, the guy is a committed husband and father with no record of abuse. I could see how it could hold up the NFL team, which I guess is the point, but her threats/his reaction, to me, seemed way too disproportionate for the cards she's holding.

    I also don't get how Turtle has such little confidence after nabbing Jamie-Lynn AND being sought after by that Hot Sorority Girl, both of whom are hotter than the cock-tease Tequila-chicka. What a slut.

    Drama's been hysterical and, as weird as it was seeing Billy Walsh in khakis, his casual line about how Drama's too ugly for TV was awesome. So was "listen to his voice...such focused anger" (something like that).

    Going back an episode, I was utterly insulted during the Eric/Sloan butt-love scene. It was weird. It's like, in my mind I've accepted that they are "together", but up until that point I think I've subconsciously portrayed it as more of a buddy/sibling thing, even when they would kiss. Seeing THAT though, made me sad. I wanted to grab her away and protect her from his presumably short, whiny penis. What a fag. Can't wait until Sloan fucks Sasha Grey with a strap-on while Hot Sorority Girl sucks her titties (she's coming back this season too, right?).
  20. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    E's floating, greasy face in that butt-love shot was among the ugliest things on cable-tv that night.