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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. carpenter

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    Oct 19, 2009
    There are quite a few that have already been mentioned...However, I did not see interrupting when being spoken to.
    Or, being interrupted with loud noises. For example, slamming door, screaming for no apparent reason, etc.

    How about, just general politeness. If someone holds a door/elevator for you, acknowledge them in some way.
    Just a nod or a simple "thank you". Not ignoring someone who went out of their way to be pleasant is the first tiny step in not being an asshole.

    Also, etiquette is the only thing keeping me from punching rude, random strangers in the ballsack.*sorry Ballsack
  2. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My biggest annoyance is people being late. Unfortunately, this is a fucking epidemic with my in-laws. Any time we go to a family gathering for, say, Christmas or Easter, we have to play "guess when dinner ACTUALLY is." You see, whomever is hosting KNOWS that everyone is going to show up late, therefore they tell everyone to be there an hour before they actually WANT them there. Therefore, if dinner is ACTUALLY planned for 5, you tell people to be there at 3:30. The problem is, everyone knows this, so they PLAN to be late. The result is that the person hosting overcompensates, so they push back the time they ask for everyone to be there. This problem is doubly compounded by the fact that most of this information is usually relayed to us through my mother-in-law who hates being the first person there, so she will tell US an even EARLIER time, so that we get there before them.

    We first realized this when we were told that we should be at a Christmas gathering at 2. We got there a little before 2, because I have always been a person who has to be early. They were totally unprepared for anyone to be there. The host (my wife's aunt) was running around cooking. My wife's uncle looked like he'd just woken up from a nap. They said they didn't expect anyone for another hour, and that dinner wasn't actually going to be served until around 4 or 4:30. Well, great. Now we'll sit the fuck around and feel awkward for the next two hours while you feel obliged to try to be a good host even though you're far to busy getting ready otherwise.

    My wife wonders why I am so quiet at family gatherings with the in-laws. It is because if I wasn't so quiet, I'd start shouting stuff like: "TELL PEOPLE THE MOTHER FUCKING TIME DINNER REALLY STARTS, AND THEN MOTHER FUCKERS GET THERE AT THAT TIME! If they're NOT there? Fuck them, start eating anyway. If they don't fucking like it and they think it is fucking rude, FUCK THEM! ITS FUCKING RUDE TO BE FUCKING LATE!"
  3. Denver

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    Columbus, OH
    Since others I thought of have been said, here's College Edition:

    -Texting in class. Yes, I do it sometimes too, when I have an urgent message to respond to (although I'm sure my definition of "urgent" wouldn't be the same as the professor's). But when you have a text conversation for the entire class, texting every other minute, what the fuck? I can't even comprehend why that makes sense. If it's some really important text, then it would be one or two and then you either leave or got the message. If it's random bullshit and you're just texting someone back and forth, why are you doing it in class? Surely it can wait.

    -Laptops in class. Yeah, sure, you brought that laptop to class because "it's easier to take notes on." Oh wait, except I'm sitting behind you and you didn't open anything vaguely resembling a word processing application the entire class; you just switched between Facebook and various flash games. Fuck you especially because you're sitting in front of me and I'm easily distracted so I'll end up staring at you playing some fucking game and then I'll miss important shit in lecture. Why the hell did you bother trekking all the way across campus in the cold to sit on your laptop in a lecture hall? You could have done that in your fucking dorm room, you jackass. Fuck.

    -Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. Sometimes I run into people randomly while I'm walking to class, so stopping to talk to them and standing for a few minutes is understandable.. if we step off to the side. What's not understandable is when I'm walking right behind you and you hit the fucking brakes because someone caught your eye. Now I've almost run into you and I need to walk into the grass to get around because you are both standing in the middle of the sidewalk blocking everyone's path.

    -This one's a little iffy but arguing with the professor. Obviously this has a plethora of caveats, such as when you have a legitimate disagreement, or the professor really is a dumbass. But hell, if I'm in a political science class, don't get your panties in a bunch when the professor states facts that don't quite jive with your opinion. The professor isn't injecting his personal feelings into the subject matter, why are you? Even if you're right (which I have yet to see happen), that's just fucking rude. I'm trying to take a class, not listen to you ramble off your opinion on voting behavior when the professor is just going to own your ass with actual facts. Don't waste everyone's time.

    I've got other pet peeves but I think these are the only ones that really qualify as lack of etiquette.
  4. numeric

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Land of Green and Gold
    When did people stop dressing properly for certain occasions? I don't give a shit about business meetings or office casual, but for god's sake, WEAR A GODDAMNED SUIT TO YOUR GRANDFATHER'S FUNERAL! I was the only one out of 13 grandchildren to wear a suit (or the female equivalent) to his funeral. I made sure that as I carried grandpa Vic out of St. Mary's, I looked respectable.
  5. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    Something else that annoys me to no end is people who get a shopping cart, and then only buy a few things. This wouldn't bother me so much, except that once they get to the checkout line, there are carts backed up all the way to the walkway! There are hand baskets at the grocery store for a reason. Seriously, are your arms so weak that you can't hold a hand basket for 10 minutes?
  6. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm going to toss one out from the other side of the biker/driver fence. I used to live in Austin, where there were bike lanes most everywhere, and where there weren't, people understood basic courtesy when it came to the gay-looking guys in spandex. I've had everything from McDonalds, to soda cans, to bottles of rocks get thrown at me. I've been run off the road, tailgated for miles at a time (that guy was pissed I didn't come to a complete stop at a stop sign), hit by car mirrors, and thank god I haven't eaten serious shit yet. Now I ride in a more... redneck-friendly area. It's a matter of time.....

    - Please, if you have the room, cut into the other lane a bit as you pass me. Yes, I am hugging the shoulder as best I can manage, but I am also going 25 m.p.h on a bike that would royally fuck me if I ate shit while riding it. Also, did I mention I was basically strapped onto the thing by my feet? Yeah, so when your big-ass truck blows past me at 50 m.p.h it produces a bit of a gust, that has a tendency to blow my ass off the road.

    - It is time consuming and burdensome for both me and you for me to come to a "complete" stop at a sign or light. We have to unclip a foot, stop, then start back without the aid of momentum while we try to find the foot clip again with our other leg. If you see us coming, just let us have that rolling stop. I'm not going to blow through the thing (unless it's easier for you from my vantage point if I do), I just want to make it as quick and easy for both of us as possible.

    - There may be a time when I am in the center of the road. This is usually for one of a few reasons: 1) there is a big-ass rock on the shoulder, and like I said above, I am attached to the damn bike by my feet. I don't want to hit it, and you don't want to deal with the legal consequences of running me over. 2) I am going fast, and I need the room to turn. I've broken speed limits in places on my bike. Trust me, it can haul. Sometimes I need to take the center line to make that turn; it'll only be for a second. 3) When the wind blows, you may not feel it all that much in the car. I, however, can be knocked over by it. Again, if I'm in the middle, it's for a reason. Respect that, and I'll go back to the shoulder as soon as I can. Again, I don't want you behind me, and you don't want to be stuck there either.

    That being said, I've witnessed a lot of shit that gives us a bad name. As a biker, you should NOT: listen to music if you are in a busy area, unnecessarily take the lane, stop randomly if a car is behind you, tailgate a car for the sake of getting in its draft and easing the strain on your tar-filled lungs, ride in packs that go two-wide on busy streets, swerve in and out of traffic, ride on the sidewalk unless it is to avoid an imminent collision with another vehicle, talk on the phone while riding (I have seen this several times, seriously, FUCK people).
  7. Racer-X

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Arlington, TX
    People who drive in the left lane on the highway when they aren't passing anyone
    I'm normally a pretty laid back driver but left lane campers seriously piss me off. You always hear people say, "I'm going the speed limit, nobody needs to go faster than me," or "I'm going 20 over, nobody needs to go faster than me." I don't give a fuck how fast you're going, I may want to go faster and your trying to be a vigilante speed controller is only causing other people to drive more dangerously to get around you. If you're not actively passing someone, stay the fuck out of the left lane and by actively passing I don't mean "well, I'm going at least 0.3 mph faster than that guy 2 miles ahead so I'll have to get in the left lane eventually so I might as well stay here."

    This isn't just a matter of etiquette, in most states this is the law. I was happy to hear that one state (maybe Georgia) was considering passing a stronger law regarding left lane use.
  8. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    Texting. It drives me insane when I'm in a meeting or at lunch and someone involved in the conversation starts texting away and begins laughing at some amusing exchange. This is the equivalent of whispering to someone and then laughing at your little inside joke. My guys don't do it around me because I take their phone (they're company phones so I can) and read the message out loud. Two very embarrassing moments have lead to everyone falling in line.

    Also people who receive a text and immediately stop their live conversation to return the text. It isn't a fucking SOS signal that's going to disappear if you don't respond immediately. The point of the fucking text is so you can respond at your leisure.

    Group email. When an invitation or personal email is sent out to a group of people and you have an "interesting" quip to share please respond ONLY to the sender. I don't give a flying fuck about the funny situation you recall involving yourself and our shared friend. Nor do I need to be involved in the ten email exchange remembering/discussing said past event. No one cares.
  9. barney

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    I can't stand assholes who clog up intersections. Is it that hard for you to see that traffic in your lane isn't going anywhere, and so you stop on your side of the intersection to keep it clear for the people who may need to turn left into that street? Is being 15 ft further ahead really getting you home faster? Edmonton is the Mecca for inconsiderate, dickhead drivers.
  10. Merle

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 28, 2009
    I cannot stand litter under any circumstances. Something I could train a gorilla to do is to properly throw garbage away. This is bad seeing as how I spend 90% of my free time in Newark, NJ. I want to stab people when I see them litter. I actually pick up litter on way way to and from class like a nut job. I seriously am considering becoming a cop just so I can walk around with a big shitty grin on my face handing out litter tickets to dickheads like my life depends on it. I honestly think porn stars must be sprouting from the ground to screw you right where the garbage hits the ground for people to be littering this much around here.
  11. fleafly

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    Dec 10, 2009
    I have a friend I've known since grade school. He's 30 years old and hasn't changed a bit since high school. College didn't even change him. Some of the things this guy does that pisses me off are:

    - He's always late, who cares if you set a time he will be late. One time one of our high school friends was back on leave for a few days. We finally were able to find a night to get us all together and hang out. My other friends get there on time, this one guy gets there 15 minutes before everyone was leaving. Fucker was in town the whole time shopping.

    - He refuses to eat all his food. He leaves a small portion of everything he eats. If he has French fries he will leave a tiny chunk of each fry. If I were his parents and he started doing this I would have smacked the ever loving shit out of him.

    - If he comes over to your house, and he's hungry he asks for some food. WTF is that shit! Eat before you fucking come over, don't eat all my god damn food. I'm not your keeper.

    - He's the cheapest person I know. We took a trip from Fargo, ND to St. Cloud, MN. Douche bag gave me 5 dollars for gas. Last year we went down to Minneapolis for a Vikings game. I borrowed a van so the group of us could go down together. On the way back I told everyone the fee will be $20. That way I could fill up the van and give a little cash to the guy I borrowed the van from. This friend of mine hands me $10 and says "I did the math and gas isn't that much"

    - He's messy as hell. If he eats anything he'll make a huge mess. On the trip down to Minneapolis he was the only one who didn't clean up his shit and left crumbs all over because he's a slob.

    I wonder why the hell I hang around this guy anymore. Everything he does pisses me off. 30 years old, lives at home, works on the farm 20 hours a week. Doesn't cook for himself, can't clean up after himself. It's no like he's handicapped, he's just lazy as fuck. I feel sorry for his sister when their parents die because she's the one who's going to have to take care of him.
  12. falconjets

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Focus: People who over generalize a generation.
    Some of these threads make me crack up because how bitter and grumpy some people on this board sound when given the opportunity to say something about the younger generation. Yes, there are some fuck ups that are my age and part of my generation, you guys had your fair share too. And if you would like to know why the 15 year old down the block is an asshole, go look at the people who influences him from a young age. In MOST cases, his parents are either assholes or pushovers so get off your high horse, breath some of our air and shut up. I don't go around calling every person from 40 to 60 a hippie so stop calling everyone under 25 an asshole because they didn't kiss the ground you walked on.

    red dot away.

    And I think ghettoastronaut said something along the lines of professors want to keep a buffer zone between you and them. I think that's highly dependent on the major and professor. Six of my classmates and I went to dinner the other night with a professor and we had a great time, I haven't had him yet but from what I've heard he is a very good professor. Sure, in some cases they might want to stay away, but in my opinion some of the most effective are the ones who talk to students and can relate to them better.
  13. Nick

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    It amazes me that people awaiting an elevator will try to get on before everybody else gets off. Same holds true for subways/trams. I'm not even sure this falls into the "etiquette" bucket. That's just common sense. Almost as bad are the people who literally stand on the platform right in front of the elevator/train doors while you are trying to get off.
  14. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Then don't ride in on public roads. There. Problem solved.

    Imagine if I said, "Officer, I was going to stop at the stop sign, but putting on the brake is just so burdensome and time consuming..."

    If you want to use the road, your ass is stopping at stop signs. The end.
  15. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Quite true. I've been to dinner with profs and had a great time. But they've also mentioned during said dinner that, at least while a student is in their course, they avoid getting too familiar so they don't have to look at an exam and think "Oh, that's so and so, she's really nice...". A relative of mine is a lecturer and likes to go on rants about students that cozy up to them. I also know of programs small enough that profs know every student in their class and they're on first name basis... different environment, I guess. Some of my profs actually have pulled the "Actually, that's doctor Smith. Two times over."

    I didn't mention it in my first post, but depending on who it is, being called Dr. So and So very formally, or god forbid "sir", freaks them out a bit.
  16. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Attached Files:

  17. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    SGEDIT: PM stuff like that. You know that. You get detention now. Report to my office.
  18. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I hate bicyclists that feel like everyone has to cater to them.

    Rolling stops at stop signs? Not a big deal to me, as long as you've slowed down to a few MPH, and are aware of what's going on, and don't expect any special treatment. If you can't slow down and do that without unclipping, then you've got issues, and should be relegated to tricycles.

    Looking around and blowing through without slowing down to a crawl is NOT a rolling stop.

    And I hate the bikers at night that don't have lights, reflectors, and yet still feel like they're entitled to using the streets, and get pissed when you nearly run them over.

    It's all about mutual respect... and it seems that too many bikers don't respect the fact that I'm driving a big fucking hunk of iron that can seriously fuck you up.

    And these fuckers don't help: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -mass.html</a>

    Makes me want to put a cow-catcher on the front bumper of my 1-ton and go to town... with a .50 paint-ball mini-gun mounted in the bed.
  19. sunny jim

    sunny jim
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Leaving a shopping basket to hold a place in line at the register, even worse, continuing to shop for that last forgotten item,whilst everyone else waits for you to come back and pay for the shopping you left on the checkout.
    The rueful grin just makes me hate you more.
  20. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    The outrageous taxes I pay for the gas I put in my car is what funds the paving and maintenance of the roads. Therefore I have more of a right to the roadway than someone on a bicycle.

    I cycle but never in groups. I fucking loathe pack cyclers that ride two/three across on major roadways. There is no need to ride three across, you're not Lance Armstrong nor are you on Team Discovery or whatever the fuck the popular US cycling team is. For the fuckers that ride three across you can bet your ass I get as close as possible to the outside rider and then blast the horn.