Toilets. After using the toilet , make sure you leave it just as clean (or cleaner) than when you started. People that leave a fucking mess and walk away like it doesn't matter or that it's someone elses job to clean the toilet need to have their heads shoved into the toilet bowl and used as a toilet brush while the toilet gets flushed repeatedly.
I get enraged when people aren't following proper unwritten driving rules. The zipper effect when two lanes are merging. One from left, one from right. Things go smooth. I hate when people don't use signals. Drive either the speed limit or 5 over. If going much slower, put hazards on. I have never ever had a problem if I was driving 5 over, anywhere. Leave more space and drive slower in bad weather. There is so much common sense to driving and yet so many people just don't get it. I'm an avid cyclist and very much hate when cyclists are acting like jackasses. Myself and the group I normally ride with very rarely have problems when we ride. We pay attention to what's happening around us, signal accordingly and just generally understand that at any moment a car could wipe us off the earth.......quickly. Common sense again. Play it safe and just follow the rules and I find that cars end up showing you a little respect back. Of course you'll have idiots who fuck with you on a bike for the hell of it, but for the most part, as long as you're not doing stupid shit, like bike messengers in the cities do, you'll be fine. Anybody who's ridden a road bike with skinny ass 700c tires going 45mph down a steep hill either realizes that they are one wrong move away from some bad shit or they're stupid and deserve whatever they get. It's no different than walking across a busy street that has a pedestrian walk. Yeah, the cars are supposed to stop for you, don't be aggressive and just walk. Car might be wrong, but you'll still be dead. Same on a bike. You may be riding and following all the rules perfectly, but you still need to defer to what the cars and traffic are doing. Etiquette involving any moving vehicle is very important, in my opinion.
FUCKING FOUR WAY STOPS I have to go through a multitude of them on my way home from work. Here are the rules , for those not in the know. Can everyone please, pretty please, learn the etiquette associated with them and abide by it? - If you get to the stop line first, you have right of way. - If you arrive simultaneously, the person on the right has right of way. Who'da thunk it? - If you arrive simultaneously and neither person can be deemed 'on the right,' then the person turning left yields. At three different stops today, the person who arrived first was frantically waving at others to go. WTF? Or, and this is my personal favourite, the person who arrived before you but was behind another car thinks that they have the right to go. Wrong. Stupid assholes, where did they get their drivers licenses from?
Add to this people who pass through a doorway and then immediately stop, making you think you can pass through it and then end up bumping into them. Extra asshole points if they've stopped to light a cigarette. Can't you fuckers walk and do it at the same time, at least?
People who rush into an elevator while I'm trying to exit said elevator really piss me off. It's like they assume nobody is going to exit an elevator in a building where hundreds of people work. Hellooooo! Reality check, asshole!
Being on time for meetings or appointments. I'm a senior consultant at my current gig, and although I am pretty high up on the org chart, some of the guys I work with tend to treat me with condescending indifference, and probably don't realize what my real role in the project is. (You're just a contractor, WE'RE full time). I've now been tasked with running morning developer meetings with the team and basically ensuring that the team is properly tasked and is getting their shit done, and nobody has any problems that are going to fuck up our already impossible time lines. We have a few young devs that have been consistently walking into our morning meetings 5 minutes late, disrupting everything in the process, for no better reason than they were fucking around grabbing a coffee. The meeting room is literally a 10 second walk from their cubes, and there really is no good reason for them being late other than them not giving a shit. I politely brought it to their attention a few days ago, asked that they make a better effort to show up on time, and they shrugged it off with a "yeah, whatever". So much for the kinder, gentler me. They did it again Wednesday morning, and I wasn't at all polite when I told them to get their shit together and show up on time. They laughed, and one of the pricks said "or what?", with a smirk. Yeah, that pissed me off. Well, yesterday morning, that prick was packing up his desk and moving off of our floor as I had him transferred off of our team. In yesterday's meeting, I told the team that I'd had Mr. Couldn't-be-bothered-to-be-on-time transferred because of his shitty attitude and lack of respect to me and the team. This morning, everyone was 5 minutes early. A few of the guys talked to me, saying that I should have just let it go, as that's just the way it is, and being on time is no big deal. Really? To me, it's a huge show of disrespect to other people when you show up late for no good reason. I told them as much, and they said, "yeah, but it's never going to change around here...". I laughed, and said, "really? seems to me it just did." Needless to say, word got around, and nobody was late for any of my meetings all day. I've been labelled the grouchy old fuck now, but I can live with that. I'm not here to be your best friend, I'm here to make sure shit works. It just pisses me off that that's what it takes to make it happen.
I may get flamed for this, but my particular pet peeve is while at a restaurant, having someone at the table blow their nose. No one wants to see or hear you do that over everyone's food. I understand if you're eating spicy food and your nose starts to run, and I can understand dabbing it with a napkin. However, if it's so bad you have to blow your nose, please get up and go to the bathroom to take care of it, in addition to washing your hands.
What pisses me off is when your driving down a country two-lane and somebody is doing 10 km/h under the speed limit. What REALLY pisses me off is when somebody is doing 10km/h under the speed limit and there is a car just riding his ass but wont pass him. That makes it harder for me to pass both of them because car number 2 is too scared to pass him. If your in car number two, dont ride car number ones ass, especially if its busy out. Drop back to allow car number 3 to pass you, then pass car number 1.
Hmm, I forgot all about road etiquette. About jordan_paul's post, where I live, there are a lot of small two lane roads. And for some reason, most of the people around here are scared shitless to pass anyone, so they will tailgate you for miles. This phenomenon baffles me, because the roads around here are flat and straight, so it's not like you have to worry about not seeing someone coming. Anyway, if I'm feeling playful, I will mess with a tail-gater's head: I put my car in neutral and just coast, and see how slow I can go before they finally pass me. I remember this one time I almost came to a complete stop before this old man in a Chevy pickup passed me, shouting obscenities at me in Spanish. (Note: Do not try this if it is a cop behind you) FOCUS: TURN SIGNALS They didn't put those on your car to look pretty, they have a function. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SIGNAL BEFORE YOU MAKE A TURN, NOT DURING OR AFTER. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO USE THEM WHEN YOU CHANGE LANES. This is one of the things that makes me wish I had an M134 mini-gun mounted on my car. EDIT: Anyone who takes up more than one space in a parking lot* is just asking to have their tires slashed. I drove a '94 Ford F-350 Dually for 6 years, and if I could back an 8 foot wide truck into a parking space and not be over the lines, you can do it in your Honda Civic. *Of course, this does not apply to motor homes, trucks with trailers, semis, etc. I'm talking about people in class C cars and trucks. And incase anyone is wondering, the truck looked just like this one: Spoiler Damn I miss that truck.
YES. And the turn signal is no to let your car know that it's turning; it's to let other cars know that you're turning. So slowing down, drifting left AND THEN signaling is even more annoying. I have one caveat with this: new parking lots. In many new parking lots (especially in Calgary), the owners seem to think that by painting the lines for the stalls narrower, they are making their parking lot into a larger capacity. I can't count the number of lots I've been in where my F-150 touches one yellow line and straddles the other because the stall is so narrow. If the parking lot has markings like this, fuck them. Park at an angle and take up two or three spaces so that the douchebag with the minivan full of kids doesn't smash your doors.
Oh this reminds me, don't pull right before turning left (unless you really want to I guess) Also, pull up straight and close to the line if you have to stop before turning, that way, OTHER people can use the bit of road you are now not blocking to continue their journey.
Surprised that no one has talked about online-forum etiquette. I was ripped apart when I bumped up an old thread (not bitching, it was a learning experience). Anyone have any online etiquette to bring up?
I hate it when I'm actively having a conversation via IM with a friend and they just walk away from the computer without letting me know that they will be back in 10, 20, or an hour. I find it to be the equivalent of walk away when someone is talking to you.
The thing is, if someone's walking away when they're talking to you, you know exactly what just happened. This is not the case over IM.