I hate to empty old tupperware dishes of leftovers from the fridge. I always dry heave. But a good dead baby joke gives me an erection.
There was just a story about a father and son who went to a Texas Rangers game, and a player tossed a foul ball to the stands. Didn't toss it far enough, and the father fell over the railings to the concrete 20 feet below. He died from his injuries. That poor kids last memories of his Dad will be him falling to his death. From the looks of the video that ABC posted, the son was about the age of my son. I started to watch the video, and as soon as you see the father start to fall, I had to turn it off. That poor kid.
It's pretty much the worst, most evil thing on earth. I am utterly desensed to violence, because I was introduced into it via a horrifying, traumatic way. Nothing can make we wince or churn my stomach. I realize what is bad and what is worse, but once you've sat front row in the worst thing you can possibly imagine, it simply doesn't bother you anymore. Me, at least. That's why I don't know how Armed Forces people do it, man. Your friends die all around you and you eat it, sit down, shut up and keep working. That sort of discipline boggles the mind.
Shit. I can't handle the smell of other people's shit. Unless you are a family member or close friend who is disabled I refuse to wipe your ass. No way.
You're not the first person I have heard say this about Vick and Nike, and it is confusing as all hell to me. Nike uses young children in sweatshops to make shoes out of DEAD ANIMALS. There are tons of reasons to boycott them. You have no problem with wearing a dead animal on your feet, but them having a guy on the payroll who killed animals is over the line? They still sponsor Donte Stallworth, and he killed a guy! THAT wasn't enough to get people to stop buying their stuff, but this is? Seems off to me.
Alt Focus - I've worked in an Abbatoir (in the office admittedly) and my dad did farm work like helping with sheep runs and stuff when I was a kid. My grandfather snared wild rabbits and sold the carcasses to butchers when I was a kid. I'm basically immune to the practical realities of meat production. I can watch someone bite the balls out of a ram, or rip the head off a rabbit, run a knife from asshole to where it's head used to be and flick it by it's back feet to get it's guts out - and not have any kind of squick. My grandfather would flick the guts at kids if we were annoying him while he cleaned carcases. But I can't handle having sticky things on my hands. Specifically between my fingers. It took me a long time to get enough positive association to be able to use certain kinds of lube. Some stuff I still have to wear a glove to handle. The excess gets wiped off my hands on whatever the fuck is available at the first opportunity though - I try to have something appropriate around for that - but if worst comes to worst, sheets, clothes, her hair, anything's better than on my hands. Mud, or cookie dough, or really any kind of slimy sticky thing that gets on my fingers feels gross, and if I can't wash it off, I'll eventually freak out and have to get it the fuck off with whatever's available. I no longer get asked to help roll rum balls at christmas, after the extended family realize that I have to wash my hands in between every fucking rum ball, and that makes some of them taste a little soapy. OCD is a bitch.
I don't think anyone is 'OK' with watching people get mangled/maimed. No-one in their right mind wants to see that shit, it just has less of a visceral reaction than animal or child abuse. I think the stronger reaction to animal and child abuse is mostly to do with the fact that animals and children are guileless and they are powerless to prevent the abuse or report it afterward and thus are more deserving of protection. In regards to your statement about your dogs loyalties i have to disagree, many animals form a really close bond with their owners, and while that bond was initially created because you fed it i think it eventually becomes more than that. I'm sure everyone has seen the clip of the dog greeting its owner when he returns from deployment in Afghanistan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysKAVyXi0J4). That dog is so damn happy to see her owner and she didn't forget him because someone else had been feeding her for a year. There's dozens of other videos just like that one, its not some one off thing.
I think you'd be surprised. Have you ever been away from your dog for more than a few days? Go on vacation for a couple weeks, and see what your dog does. I came home for a visit six months after I'd moved out, and my cat was happy as fuck to see me. He heard my voice and immediately came downstairs to nuzzle my feet and ask for a belly rub. I didn't expect it at all; I assumed that he'd treat me like a deserter or something. My parents take good care of him, and he's affectionate toward them, but every time I come home for a couple weeks, it's like they're not even there. And he's a fucking cat.
Focus I can not stand the sight of a needle going into someone or myself, I have to turn my head away. That and the sounds that a person makes when they are being beaten. Alt I shoot, gut, skin, butcher and package a lot of my own game and fish. Evidently this is very disturbing to some people, including my wife.
I used to not be able to watch footage of animals suffering, and then one day I decided to watch an eleven minute peta video and it pretty much desensitized me to abuse of any food animals. I even went to a bullfight and was fine. Although I don't want to take my chances with seeing videos that show abuse of dogs or cats. One thing that I CANNOT stand to see is abuse of old people. I didn't even know I had this problem until one day when I was watching TV I saw this commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP0sZB9jRlA It hit me really hard, just thinking about people who have lived out most of their lives only to have to take crap from their own families.
I know this is random, you've all already said things I find are past my limits so i'll throw something else out that hasn't been mentioned yet: Casey Anthony. I can't fucking stomach that baby killing bitch, her perjuring family, or any of the idiot jurors who didn't even bother to deliberate before acquitting her and running off to do interviews so they too could make a buck off the back of a murdered child. I'm so sickened by it that I have to change the channel if her name is even mentioned. And I know once she is actually released it's going to get even worse. I might break my tv.
I'm with most people here in that I can handle a decent of movie gore, however I cannot watch a wrist-cutting scene. It comes on, I will look away. I don't know why this categotry bothers me so much, but it really does, even when they do it "Hollywood Style" and cut the wrong way.
The part you don't see in that sappy commercial is the prequel - where those nice, sweet old people sexually, physically or emotionally abused their kids, and now are paying the piper. Not that I'm condoning manhanding old ladies like the last guy, but if yelling at an old person is abuse, I'll wager many of us on here are guilty at some point.