Here's a PSA: No matter how clever you think you're being about putting deodorant on your crotchal area, it doesn't work. Well, it works in the way that that stuff would normally work on your pits. You don't have people slurping your pits though, do you? 1-deoderant tastes fucking awful and is a strange, insta-dry mouth causer 2- while a faint whiff of the stuff is pleasant, having a face full of old spice is not sexy Maybe I'm an outlier here, but I'd rather smell ball sweat than get a faceful of tasty tasting pit perfume.
Geez, I'm not slathering my dick in it, I just said a bit on my balls. I've never had someone tongue my balls before so I think I'm good.
Does your dick ever touch your balls, or do you carefully hand wrap them so that each member of the genital bouquet has its own little space to relax? No? Then you end up with deodorant on your dick and it tastes awful. Don't mistake someone not telling you that your dick tastes bad with not having a bad tasting dick.
Maybe if you stopped putting deodorant on your balls, someone would lick them, and you'd realize your erroneous ways.
I dunno about swamp juice odors, but I have heard that pineapple juice helps keep things sweeter, and red meats and vegetables makes them more bitter. The jury's out on whether this is legit or not.
Arguably wandering a little far afield here, but I have been told from a very reliable source that weed smoking fucks up your taste something chronic. This was regarding a female going down on a guy who had recently taken up hardcore blazing. I've heard similar things said about tobacco smokers as well.
When you hear it described as "warm garbage" then there is something not right. I don't know if the whole joke about a girl baking "sour dough" is just because a yeast infection is involved but a Chinese girl I had been hooking up with one night stunk up the whole room after I started fingering her a little, smelled just like some fierce raw dough. We were drunk as fuck so I just rolled over and passed out instead of proceeding further. The next morning I retested and it was much less powerful but I still didn't risk my dick (anyone else's sense of smell get much better when drunk? I know I hear better as well, odd). The smell was just over the limit for me, same with period blood smell. Other than that the usual pussy smell is highly erotic. I wouldn't say it is 100% pleasant but strangely intoxicating, probably a pavlovian response to gettin some ass.
That's wayy more noticeable then a bit of Right Guard. The Right Guard blends in with my body smell more so then baby powder does. Although baby powder is good for tractor ass. That's when you get a rash between your balls and leg because you're bouncing around in a field for 20 hours a day. A few fluffs of that (or Goldbond) and you're good to go all day.
Yeah, the guys at band camp used to get that all the time. If you actually care about the girl you're about to get biblical with, or actually want her to suck that cum right out of your dick! just stay clean. *edit* I just realized that I am giving you advice on how to get more and better blowies. Nevermind, I wouldn't want to help you out with that. Just ignore what I've written in this thread.
I got invited up to this woman's place a week back, we get to making out, shirts have already come off. As I reach down to diddle a bit her odor smacks me in the face, it is both offensive and strong. Smelled more "woodsy" then other vaginas I've smelled. Initially I thought perhaps it was just the smell of her apartment/bed/cat. "Surely, her vagina can't smell that much" after all, she has made plans to become a fetish worker, and they have to keep clean right? Apparently not her. The smell was so bad I honestly couldn't get it up, any time there would start to be blood flow to my penis it would quickly deflate. My penis and I were in a bit of a battle for a second, and then I realized he was right. If it smells that bad, nothing should go in there. Life lesson
Rookie mistake for both deodorant and baby powder. Just like everyone else has said, it makes your junk taste awful. I recently took on the delicate task of shaving my ballsack just to see if it would make for a more enjoyable head giving experience for my partner. Turns out, shaving the twins also significantly cut down on my natural smell down there. I mean significantly. A few hours on the road and a bit of sweat down there would leave me smelling like ballsack. Now? Barely any smell.
From personal experience i can say it does, I'm a fairly heavy pot smoker and have been for many years. The GF has noted that my taste improves when I'm off it for a couple weeks... She's a trooper though and still lets me finish in her mouth regardless of my pot smoking status (she spits when I'm smoking but will swallow when I'm not though). As to tobacco smoking fucking up your taste i cant attest to that one, i am a smoker but i haven't stopped smoking since i became sexually active, so i really couldn't say either way. EDIT: Apologies for bumping an old thread, been away for a few weeks so loaded up a bunch of threads and was reading through them. Didnt notice the last posts date until after i submitted.
The dead fish smell is where I draw the line. Luckily for me, my SO smells and tastes wonderful even after not showering since the morning. I will not go down on her during her period but I will have sex. A friend of my brother told me once he loves going down on women during their period. I prefer the woman shaves down there, but it doesn't have to be completely bare. Just the area around the labia. A triangle bush is totally acceptable (video below somewhat NSFW)
I can confirm this fact. Many years ago, I used to smoke periodically: smoke for a couple of months, and then quit for a couple months. Every woman that I had been with said the exact same thing -- smoking drastically changes the taste of cum for the worse. The good news is that it only took a couple of days of not smoking for the taste to improve. I do believe that weed takes longer for the taste to improve because it stays in your system longer. Drinking lots of water and eating/drinking fruit & fruit juices helps. Coffee, alcohol, and red meat makes it worse. Regarding deodorant/baby powder down there: I keep the boys totally shaved and use Bath & Body works shower gels when I shower. I've been told my aroma is very pleasant, as long as I don't smoke (which I haven't in over 10 years).
Your observation is correct, but it's not pavlovian, it's biological. When a man smells vaginal secretions, his brain basically stops thinking about everything except having sex. It is an evolutionary response to promote reproduction and to propagate our species. Body odor, on the other hand, is used to create genetic diversity and discourage incest. We are attracted to others that have a different body odor than we do, and repelled by those that have a similar odor. Our body odor has to do with the bacteria on our skin/system. People with similar genetic make up tend to have similar bacteria and thus similar body odor. So you are less driven to have sex with someone you are related to and more towards someone with a different genetic than you. I apologize for 3 posts in a row in the same thread. It won't happen again. Work just kept interrupting more interesting things today.
I found a study with baboons and mice. The mice can tell the difference between male and female baboons, and can tell whether the baboons are closely related. I'll keep looking because I'm curious, but so far I haven't found any studies with just baboons comparing smells (Detective Mice Assess Relatedness in Baboons using Olfactory Cues, The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213, 1399-1405).