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EWWW did your snatch swallow a skunk?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Harry Coolahan, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. 6PPC

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Exile on Main St.
    I learned this while watching a documentary on the Discovery Science channel about 2 weeks ago. I tried to scan the program guide to see if I can find the name, but no luck. If I do find it, I will PM you with the name.
  2. Raoul153

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    The only girl I've ever slept with who was totally cool and open about sex arranged several weekends where we would just hang out and get high whilst fucking and and watching The Wire or Curb Your Enthusiam or some shit, and she fucking loved swallowing cum.

    Also, my only long-term girlfriend also swallowed enough when I'd been smoking and not that I'd have thought she'd notice if there was an unpleasent difference - she refused to swallow when I'd been eating garlic because (I think - can't quite remember) she'd once noticed it with an ex.

    I realise this is hardly a statistically significant sample - don't think any of my random hookups swallowed, although they have been offering blowjobs before being convinced to fuck while we've smoked together, so they were at least up for doing it - but I smoke fairly heavily sometimes, so I figure I'd have been told if I was fucking the taste up.

    Christ, writing a post about smoking weed stoned turned out as waffly as I feared.