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Fake and Bake

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stealth, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. jrussellmikkelsen

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    East Bay, Ca
    We've all seen your boyfriend before. Just because he's lost some weight, doesn't mean we didn't recognize him.
  2. villagebicycle

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 29, 2009
    Let's see, I've been to Florida about 6 times, Mexico thrice, California twice, Dominican Republic twice, St. Maarten, and have been out on boats and at lake houses on Lake Michigan and in Wisconsin dozens of times.

    I have NEVER used a tanning booth or spray.

    Half the time, I don't even use sun screen. I was on a sailboat a few weeks back and got a tan line from my sun glasses. Even though I am Eastern European, I think I have some middle eastern/western European ancestry in the ol' family tree. I tan fast and easy, rarely burn, but god damn am I pasty in the winter time.
  3. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I vote tanning beds/spray tans, for dudes, is 100% gay. No exceptions.

    I've never gotten the whole 'get a base tan before going to a warm country in winter' idea. Isn't part of the reason for going to a vacation hot spot specifically to get a tan? In most cases, you're going to the touristy part of the country, if not a full-out tourist resort. So you think getting a base tan will, what, fool people into thinking you're not actually a tourist? Why? Everyone is there getting a tan. It takes a day to go from pasty to 'base tan'. Who cares?

    And if the intention of a base tan, a term I'm growing to hate, is to prevent burning from the real tan(?), I'm pretty sure there's some flawed logic in there. Sounds like someone saying "I'm going to cook this roast a little bit now, to make sure I don't burn it later, when I'm REALLY cooking it". And even if it does somehow prevent burning, I'd bet sunscreen works just a tad bit better.

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I will use a tanning bed in the winter about 3 times a month to maintain some color because I look like a goddamn vampire if I don't. Weather permitting, in the summer I use the Hawaiian Tropic oil and bikini method.

    I think it is funny when guys tan, it seems so vain. There is a double standard here, to be sure.
  5. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Even if you have psoriasis and UV therapy works to help keep you from looking like a mutant?

    So, you know how people with dark skin tend to burn less? Yeah, that's the logic behind a base tan. I've never seen any real data on how effective it is, but I'll let people who've tried it speak for themselves. As for your silly cooking things twice analogy; ever tried biscotti? They are, as the name implies, cooked twice and allowed to cool in between cooking sessions. They would not turn out the same if you just cooked them once for the same amount of total time.

    As for me, the only tan I intentionally try to get, when I am in such a position, is a skiier's tan. Nothing says awesome like the bottom half of your face being both sun and wind burnt. Oh, also, helmet tan where all of the collective dirt, dust, and sun make taking a helmet off after a day out in the muck makes "chinstrap" beards look like a mime's moustache in comparison.
  6. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    I'm whiter than an Aryan attitude. When we go on a beach vacation, I'll alternate between a high SPF sunscreen and a lower SPF tanning lotion (stuff we got in Hawaii that I now order online). I'll get a mild burn the first day, use their aloe gel followed by this afterburn sealer. Takes the sting out and I start to tan by day 3. Great stuff.

    Salons and sprays? Just not my cup of chowder.
  7. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    What are you guys, fucking retarded?

    If you are pale and you go out in the sun all day, doing fun things one normally does on a vacation, you will get retardedly burnt and have no fun for days.

    If you have a base tan, you can go in the sun all day long and barely get burnt. Thus, when you are in a tropical place, you won't be left feeling miserable.

    Have you idiots never been somewhere warm for winter vacation?

    I'll tell a story. When I was 16 I went to Florida in March. I was as white as a ghost. The first day there I sat outside all day long absolutely covered in fairly strong sun screen. Guess what? Still got burnt to all fucking hell and could barely move for about three days. The next year, I went tanning before I went. When I got there, I sat outside allllllll day long, with a little bit of sunscreen on the shoulders, nose, and other sensitive places like that. And then I did it the next day, and the day after that.
  8. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Aren't you Lebanese? You can't know the pain of the Irish. Never tanning, always burning. We can dream, can't we? Can't we at least dream?

    Empathy is the whiskey of the sage, my friend.
  9. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    To their credit I tried to find something to back this theory, but couldn't find anything reputable to support it.

    That said based on my experience I totally agree with you, if I get a base tan I barely have to put sun block on. This summer on vacation after a LONG layoff from the sun I got burnt after maybe 45 straight minutes in the sun (also reflecting off lake water). I hate spending time in the sun if I don't have to, but there is something about continuous exposure that protects me.
  10. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    What happened to using sunscreen to avoid cancer? I don't mean to be a Buzz Killington here, but cancer has taken one out of every three of my family members.
    I put on SPF 50 or higher whenever I go out to the beach or the pool.
    I must admit however, that I fake-bake with the light from welders though. It only takes a couple of minutes to get a sun burn from a welding arc.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Never done it. Don't mind if girls do it to a certain extent. Don't think it is entirely gay if you do it for the sole purpose of avoiding tropical sun burn. Other than that, my moms 55 year old friend is the shining example of the rugged leather you're skin will become if you have no sense of moderation (shit she'd probably be a huge MILF if it wasn't for her destroyed skin she still tans). I only two guy friends that have ever admitted to it. One wishes he was buff and could tan like Pauly D and the other claimed the vacation base tan argument. The only thing about the latter was is that he admitted to shaving his chest too in preparation for his trip. Slightly off topic but I find shaving your chest as a guy is about as vain as you can get in that gay metrosexual way and it is WAY more common among people I know. Seriously shaving your chest? Fags.
  12. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Check out this prize. Best argument against fake tanning I can come up with.

    Personally, although my surname and family tree research suggests British blood, I tan like an Indian (feathers, not dots). I'm technically white, but somewhere along the lines someone threw some ethnicity in the gene pool because English people typically don't turn this colour in the sun. Nor to they have afro-thick hair. I've never tanned, and when I travel I just hit the outside full force, knowing that I'll simply turn brown.
  13. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    I was pretty skeptical about "base tanning" until one Spring Break. This pale little Kentucky Girl was pearl white and had spent the day out on the beach in her bikini, only to find herself burnt to shit for the rest of the vacation week. Admittedly, she was dumb and had forgotten to apply sunscreen at regular intervals but the cost for that was to spend the days dressed as the Unibomber while the rest of us got drunk on the beach. It must have been miserable.
  14. Durbanite

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    Oct 30, 2009
    Weymouth, U.K. (formerly Durban, South Africa)
    I have wonderful English, Irish and Scottish genes, and, of course, a bit of the red hair gene thrown in (my beard grows out red - I really got fucked by the genetic lottery). I also get freckles from the sun. SO ATTRACTIVE. Anyway, I've learned that the sun and I simply do not mix so I try to avoid it at all costs. I get sunburned in the car (no arm out the window even). Summer is just a season of pain for me.

    With regards to tanning beds, I can't lie still for that long. I can't stand rubbing oily shit on my skin, so I stay away from self-tan lotions and sunscreen. With my skin, whether I use it or not, I know I'm fucked. Avoidance is the only thing that works for me. It's just as well I don't like the beach anyway...,
  15. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm pretty sure that the sun on the exotic beach will give you skin cancer nearly as fast as the mechanical version.

    Anyway, tanning is not in my repertoire. Half the family has had melanoma at some point and it's just not worth it.

    I also have a strange genetic issue: half my genes are from cold northern climates and the other half are from Eastern Europe. My head got the northern genes and my arms got the eastern genes. So, I can tan on my arms but not on my head. Legs are about 50/50: the fronts are OK but the back of my knees will get burnt to shit if I don't put sunscreen on.

    I can generally spend a full day in the sun if I put on anti-nuclear ablative sunblock and completely re-apply it every 30 minutes. Sucks but it's better than frying.
  16. Maltob14

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    Space Cadet

    Jan 19, 2010
    Halifax, NS
    I'm all for getting a base tan because I know how often you can get burned even with a good tan - like right now. But using a tanning bed? No thanks. I'm lucky enough that like most people, I have access to natural sunlight. Why the fuck would I want to sit under a lamp? For those that have no other way of getting a light tan except through a tanning bed, well that's a different story but like all things, it should be used in moderation. I think that's where the problem is. When people a) choose tanning beds over sun when the sun is a viable option and b) when they over do it.
  17. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm a pure-breed South Indian by genetics and not a mutt like most of yall, so the whole tanning thing has been a moot point for me. Tan or no tan, I'm brown, and no non-Indian can tell the difference anyway. I've only ever gotten sunburned once, and that was this past month in India (hottest time of the year too).

    Just one question: didn't they have a word for pasty back in the day? I think it was "porcelain", or something like that? Funny how these standards change. In one country everyone's burning their skin to look dark, and in another everyone's bleaching their skin to look white.

    Personally, I think vitiligo is by far the most attractive skin tone. Everyone, go pour acid on parts of your body now! You don't want to poorly represent your city/state/country...*

    *Seriously, this is by far the dumbest statement in that video that was linked before, about the girl addicted to tanning. I don't fit into your fantasy of where you think you live? Go die in a fire.
  18. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Holy wow do I want to revisit this later when I have more time to post, but let me just throw this out there:

    Do you think that this whole phenomenon is in reality enabling at minimum a body disorder and at worst can be comparable to Big Tobacco?

    That's extreme as shit, but there's logic, risks, and similar marketing behind it. Aside from Jersey Shore though, fake tanning doesn't yet have a "face" like the Marlboro Man. And an industry with a face is easier to attack and argue against, because there's then a defined approach.

    Can fake tanning kill you? Absolutely, through skin cancer mainly, though obviously burns and other lesser physical damage are associated with it too. Can it be relatively safe in moderation? No question.

    Can smoking kill you? Duh! Through lung cancer mainly, though other kinds of cancer and lesser diseases are associated with it too. Can it be relatively safe in moderation? Well who hasn't smoked a few cigs behind the football bleachers in their youth.

    Like I said, I'll revisit this later when I have more time, but wanted to throw it out there as a bit of a lightning rod and see what strikes.
  19. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
    As I have been looking around online for an answer to this base tan bullshit [because as soon as I heard it I knew it couldn't be true].

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nburn.html</a>

    With this one being the best article I could find on the subject:
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ect-damage</a>

    "• There really isn’t any evidence that a base tan is going to protect you very much from getting sun burned. In fact, Skin Cancer Foundation’s expert, Dr. Steven M. Rotter says that a suntan or sunbed tan usually provides a maximum SPF (sun protection factor) of only four and that is even if you have a dark tan."

    There you have it folks, getting a base tan doesn't do anything for you except the placebo effect, and is still ridiculous looking on most people.
  20. tweetybird

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    If your skin changes color in any way, you've damaged it. Period, end of story. I don't care if it's the most gorgeous fucking caramel colored tan you've ever seen or a lobster sunburn, whether it came from a bed or the sun, whether it's a base tan or the result of a week surfing, it's skin damage. And skin damage means higher cancer risk and some sweet wrinkleage headed at you at a younger than usual age. I mean, it's up to you to take that risk or not, but seriously, I am so surprised none of you know this: color change = skin damage.

    This is why people spray tan, for those wondering. There's no UV, so no skin damage (although the chemicals are somewhat suspect). I've spray tanned before, but it smells funny, rubs off in weird patterns, and is even more likely to make you look like an Oompa Loompa than beds. Not only that, but you are just as susceptible to sunburn as without the spray, so you're still going to have to figure out what to do in the sun.

    I'm also pretty surprised that so many of you have experienced sunscreen fail. I am really really fucking white (all of my genes come from northern Europe, blonde and blue eyed), and if I put on SPF 55 and reapply every 3 hours, I am good to go. Seriously, I do not even change color at all - no tan, no burn. I use Neutrogena, either the spray or the cream kind, although I find best results if I apply cream head to toe about half an hour before going in the sun and then do the reapplying with the spray (much easier to do in public without looking like a creepster feeling yourself up). Sure, it's kind of a pain the ass, but then I can hang out with everybody without being the leper who has to stay under the umbrella.

    And yeah, pale may not be as hot as tan to you, but know this: since tan fat looks better than white fat, you know if a girl's body looks good and she's pale, it's REALLY good because she has no camouflage. And when I have great skin at 50, I will be laughing my ass off at all you wrinkly people who thought that "base tan" was gonna keep you looking good.