Every experience I've had with flying drunk has been awesome. Every experience flying hungover has been terrible. Logical conclusion: Fly drunk. For the record, going to the bar tomorrow night and getting absolutely blasted all week is the answer.
When my buddy and I flew to Atlanta for the 4th of July weekend (and it was a pretty small flight, admittedly), we drank every last beer they had on board. The last two we drank were a Budweiser and an Amstel Light. That was a good weekend.
Fly Porter then, its free alcohol and its Steamwhistle. Cant complain trying to outdrink your friends on the way back from school on a flight. Though it used to be the 500ml tall boys, now its just the regular cans which sucks a bit. Does porter even go out west at all yet or is it an Eastern Canadian/ US thing still?
Can I combine Blue Dog and shegirl's ideas? She's not perfect, but it's better than looking ze Musssles from Brusssles. (This image is not photoshopped, this girl - Chloe Bruce - is a freak).
Did she get a nose job too? That thing is looking a little MJ'esque. Well, I've got a long boring as shit weekend ahead of me. Gotta bang out two online quizzes tonight, an online test tomorrow, and hopefully finish an assignment that is due Thursday because I've got exams Wednesday and Friday. So the weekend isn't a complete loss, here are some tits: NSFW
So, I've got a friend who's roommate works at a sex shop. It's not one of those seedy places with the windows all frosted over but a nice, little educational place. It's actually quite an interesting idea; more for people who want to learn more about sex or want to get specialty stuff made. It's called The Traveling Tickle Trunk. Anyway, her roommate works there and the roommates boss wants her to watch most of the porn movies that are in their selection; mostly educational stuff on healthy sex practices and whatnot but lots of other stuff as well. Every weekend, she brings two home with her and they have a porn night. I went last week and got to witness how to locate the g-spot; which was mostly two hot women finger blasting each other on a couch while the lecturer lady sat and explained what they were doing; after I left, they watch a movie about post-op trannies. Nothing like sitting in a room with five extremely good looking women and commenting on good sex practices to leave an impression. I'm hoping for something with ropes this week.
I have a friend who's doing his residency right now, so his days are absolutely maxed out. He just confessed that he hadn't drank a single drop of alcohol in a week. I am alarmed both by the length of time he has remained sober and by the fact that I cannot remember the last time I went that long without at least one beer. Is this weird? Am I weird? Isn't a week a fucking long time?
I had no idea there were still people out there who don't know how to find a woman's g-spot. Isn't that something that everyone with internet access has googled?
I've fallen in love with Saint Arnold's brewery. For one, a six pack is relatively cheap ($7 as opposed to $8-9 for a decent beer). For two, I've tried a few of their different beers and loved all of them. Drinking their Oktoberfest right now. Anyone else tried anything from this brewery? Do my taste buds suck?
Dallas Stars are now the coolest hockey team for their goalies' mask I don't even watch hockey, but may have to start now
For many people, no a week is not a long time. But you're not alone, since I can't tell you the last time I went more than 3 days without a drink. Hell, there are many days when the only liquid that passes my lips is either coffee or some form of alcoholic beverage.
Pretty much how I learned about vaginers myself, interwebs. It was actually more of a movie on what toys do what and how to stimulate the g-spot. It's all educational.
I'm on my last glass of a bottle of Macallan 12 year. Anyone got scotch recommendations for my next bottle?
I thought it was Dewars. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.dewars.com/lda/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dewars.com/lda/</a> I'm on day three now although if I didn't have to be responsible first thing tomorrow morning, I would so be kicking that bottle's ass right about now.
I just cracked the bottle of Highland Park 12 my girlfriend bought me from the duty free. I haven't had scotch since June. I've also considered that I now have three bottles of scotch in my apartment (two of them nearly empty, though) and a bottle of bourbon. Is this excessive at all? In other news, I now have the time to start the second part of five of La Peste. En français, bien sûr. On the topic of the french, has anyone come across the headline about sarkozy suggesting that Luxembourg could absorb some of France's unwanted Jews? This has to be the most fucked up thing to come out of Europe since, well, a porn video was last made in Germany.
I just threw an ottoman at a skunk in my backyard. I missed the little shit because I'm pie-eyed. I have two skunks in my backyard, Bob and Steve. These critters can flatten their bodies like a flounder and squeeze under shockingly narrow openings. Bob yelled at me " Hey Mr. [CR]! We're tearing open the garbage in your shed so green flies will hatch their adorable little darlings in there!" I guess I shouldn't bitch about our tepid wildlife. There's no doubt that out west it's much nicer, but at least here an elk doesn't come in the house at 3 a.m. and beat the piss out of an entire family. Do not FUCK with Alex and Chad.