It's only 1:30 on the west coast, and you fuckers have gotten boring. At least as far as this thread is concerned... MMA + hot chicks = Spoiler
It's only 1:30 on the west coast, and you fuckers have gotten boring. At least as far as this thread is concerned... MMA + hot chicks = Spoiler
Sorry, it was too late to edit my previous post. I feel this feeds into whoever said I was the horniest guy on this board. I can't argue with that except to say that that will be remedied very soon. And with a chick from a mexican mafia family, so I'm not naming names... But it's gonna be nice...
I'd be willing to wager that I outsmoke you, and everyone else on this board. Consequence of living in Hawaii, methinks. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I love weed. I'm not really much different at all when I'm high. Perhaps a bit more pleasant, who knows.
Fuck, there's something wrong with me. My first thought when I saw those was "those heel hooks need work". FUCK.
Post pictures of hot chicks fixing that, or you fail at straigh,t like Ryan Seacrest likes to gargle cock... A Lot...
Well, it's Sunday afternoon here, and I find myself drinking and browsing through the forums on this place, drinking Jim Beam and soda. It's challenging when dealing with clients that phone in and make an effort to not sound drunk, but it's been quiet today, so, fuck it. Now that I've had some drinks, there hasn't been any boobie thread posts for at least 2 months... I have nothing to offer that thread, since I make females drier than the Gobi (as far as I'm aware, it's the driest desert in the world). However (mods, feel free to edit here), but maybe there should be some sort of thread for the women to ogle men. I mean, it's only fair that if there's boobie and bootie thread, that there's something there for the women who browse the site too, right? On to other matters... my dad has now decided that he wants a parrot. Oh Jesus Fuck NO! I've voiced my disapproval, but, as usual, he listened but does not hear. It looks like I will be stuck indoors with a squawking (sp) bird. I could use some more booze. Or a work VISA.
I think everyone can agree that a 'post your dick' thread would be gross, even for the ladies. I agree the beard thread doesn't cut it, but the closest you'll get for an equivalent turn on would be guys taking pictures of themselves in nice cars with their financial statements.
First bottle of wine just got opened today. I feel like I deserve it. Fuck you if you think I need to explain myself, I just deserve it, damnit. Also video games and sushi sandwiches. Peaches and gaucamole
I fucked a fat chick the other day. I'm not proud, but I wasn't sober, either. It is true that fat girls give the best head. .
Sent this out in response to a pinkcup rep, re: my post last night about long island iced teas and my blasting trash cans with my worthless firearms. Once I sent it though, I figured it might be funny on this thread too. Or at least the bolded part. Pinkcup's rep: Not so much anger issues anymore, more alcohol + medicine I'm already on for PTSD = VERY drunk, rather quickly. At the time I was watching the history channel, listening to slightly stoopid, and very bored. So I naturally decided to go outside and start fucking shit up with my guns that apparently are too weak to do shit. I'm actually in therapy for PTSD, but that's kind of unrelated. I live on a ranch with many acres and no homes (besides mine) within shooting distance, so shooting guns when we get bored is just kind of what we do (I was raised around them and even when blackout drunk gun safety is kind of ingrained in me, so pending some freak accident, I should be good). There's a skeet shooting range/thrower on our property a bit farther away, but I was too lazy to drive that far. The only two times I accidentally "shot" myself involved 1) a freak pellet gun ricochet directly into my balls (pellet broke through my basketball shorts, and yes, it hurt); 2) I was skeet shooting, with my side-by-side .20 gauge meaning two triggers. Another freak accident while going through the motions prior to shooting. Was raising the gun up to my shoulder, kicked off the safety as I was doing so, moved my finger toward the trigger, and somehow accidentally hit both at once. Causing the gun to fire, while I was raising it up to my shoulder. Unfortunately, at the time of the discharge, the gun was at about waist level, meaning TWO SIMULTANEOUS .20 GAUGE SHOTS RECOILED DIRECTLY INTO MY CROTCH. I instantly hit the ground and started throwing up from the pain, the people I was with thought I was shot, and I may or may not be sterile now. Haven't had the courage to check on that one yet. I'm saving it as a surprise for the wife.
You're on Frylock. Also, Dixie is my dog's name. I'm the Bandit; that's why I refer to my son as "Li'l Bandit" instead of "Li'l Dixie." That would just be strange. Here's Dixie (brindled) and her brother Dozer (black) at about 3 months old. Couldn't find a newer picture.
1 am- get off work and race the the grocery store. 1:10- take off uniform in parking lot and purchase booze. 2:30-quarter bottle deep. 2:45- sex with asian chick 4:00-half bottle deep 4:30- sex again BOOM!
Please don't listen to these people. 00 Buckshot will absolutely penetrate a wall, and .223 will penetrate a few of them. Check out if you must. Anyways, there isn't a "right" gun for Home defense, get whatever you feel the most comfortable shooting. A flashlight is a good tool as well. You said you already own a shotgun, why not just pick up a rem. 870 or mossberg?
Are we in the early stages of another member domestic on here? Whatsinaname and the 'Sack haven't committed much smug hatred towards each other lately, so maybe we need fresh blood. None of the mods on here have started abusing their power and booting people for poor grammar or boredom, maybe the TiB's in the hunt for a supervillain. DOCTOR Frylock? All you need is an eye monocle and a Persian cat and you could be the villain in a James Bond movie. Having a sick kid blows. She threw a tantrum in the middle of the mall that fondly reminded me of Breakin'.