I have a Mossberg model 88 12 gauge, and I love it. For home defense, I'd go with birdshot, the smaller the better, I use number 8 shot. You could also improvise (if you know what you are doing) and load some shells with rock salt if you don't want to kill the intruder, and just want to maim him/her. Be sure to clean your gun thoroughly after firing salt to avoid corrosion. Here's the latest picture of my dog Dixie:
I bet you have a Camaro in the driveway that you stare at longingly from beneath the beak of a well worn John Deere hat, scudweiser in hand (likely sheathed in a Kilroy coozie). .
I matured and he's in rehab. ...truth be told, SheGirl threatened to beat my ass if I didn't stop the slap-fight. If she was bluffing, I sure didn't want to call her. Getting your ass whipped by a girl, albeit a tall one, is a sobering thought.
Home invasion? Really? How many home invasions occur in a given area during a year? Remove the gang factor and drug factor (i.e. a home invasion where someone breaks into a dealer's house to steal his drugs), is it really that big of a problem?
How about just screen dumps of our internet banking? And on the home invasion front, we have to have our firearms in a locked gun safe at all times with the ammunition locked separately. Accordingly, I have two black flatblades in an easily accessible place. You won't see it or hear it coming.
Damnit man women are NOT THAT fucking shallow. heheheh kidding. Home invasions have been on the increase in AUS since the firearm crackdown (Which was bullshit). Doesn't happen all that often where I live but to be on the safe side I have a South Pacific War Club leaning near the bedroom door. The thing is lethal, looks kinda like how you would expect satans dildo to look. Edit: Looks almost exactly like this:
I have a child's size wooden baseball bat called "The Slut" that I will use to shoo the unwanted away. Fucking welching Girl Scouts. We've had idiots trying to get into unlocked cars on my street, the police don't think it's worth their time. I'd probably never use it. Hitting somebody with a blunt object is some really serious shit, so you need to have a very good reason. And if the first blow fails, they are going to be pissed of something fierce that you tried to annihilate them.
You say that like it's a bad thing! I'm off to watch Mad Men and then I'll settle nicely into a bottle of rum. I ought to go ahead and start now though just because the little dude is in bed already. That's a rarity. Who else is boozing tonight?
I just have guns because I've always had them, and I enjoy using them, not because I am afraid of home invasions (and I live in the goddam home invasion capitol of the US*. I know/knew [he's in jail now] a guy who used to do "home" invasions for awhile. The "homes" were always drug stash houses. No law abiding citizen is going to be hassled.). Everyone knows me and my dad in the community that we live in, and no one would be stupid enough to try it. C'mon, you don't fuck with country folks. I also have an interest in ballistics, and have taken into account what projectile is going to do what you want it to with the most effectiveness and the least amount of collateral damage, thus I think a shotgun loaded with small size shot is best. *Link to recent news stories about home invasions in my area. I don't really know how it is in other areas, because I haven't paid any attention.
I doubt anyone will ever break into my house at night, but if they do, they'll get treated to one of these lil' buggers:
If you know people who are either in the police or work with the police and as such have access to local crime statistics, they know enough that they aren't persuaded by being told, "Hey, come on, we live in one of the safest cities on the planet." Also, bear in mind, he's American. It's pretty much a fact in the States that if you don't have a gun (scratch that, multiple guns), both criminals and the King of England are going to come storming at your door to take away your apple pie, kidnap WWII veterans, insert extraneouus Us into your otherwise correctly spelled words, and then hold a death panel deciding if they're going to ration the drugs they're going to use to kill you.
All this talk about ballistics has made me a bit ornery. I have elected to try a ballistics test using some old, obsolete textbooks that my mom had saved for whatever reason (she died in 1996). So I am going to try tests with the following guns/calibers: -7.62x39, shot out of an SKS -.38 special, shot out of a snub-nosed Saturday night special -.22 long rifle, shot out of a Ruger 1022 carbine I'm going to do two shots for each gun, and will report back as soon as the pictures load (It's overcast/drizzly where I am, so it might take a few minutes.) Here are the books and bullets. I'll show y'all the results later.
I'm predicting the 7.62 will blow through the most and punch a rather clean hole, the .38 will penetrate a few books and tear them up a good deal as it expands, and the .22 will be stopped within 2" of paper. You should have some fun and put some heavy shotgun slugs through the books. They will fuck their shit up- hard. You'll be greeted by OO buck spewed forth by my beloved Remington 870 if you dare break into my house. There's been a number of home invasions in my area over the summer... we recently had a motion-sensing light installed in the front and rear though.
Alright, here are the first pictures that came through. The .22 caliber pictures. The .22 couldn't even make it all the way through a hardback book (I guess all the bullshit bitching-and-moaning in the book held the bullet back). Yeah, I took a couple of extra shots....
Well at least you're one step up from a full book burning. "Where man shoots books, there man in the end will shoot people" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
Wow got wwaaay drunk last night at a Chinese karaoke bar. Probably posted a shit ton of drunken facebook shit...... As for home invasion in the states. There is just enough reported in the papers to keep you on your toes. My first year at UC their was a rash of armed robberies. 15 SHOTGUN hold ups in 15 days in February, turned out to be some colored kids from the local high school. That culminated when a robber was stabbed in the neck and bled to death in an alley used by all the students as a short cut. My second year there their was a MALE RAPIST that had everyone freaked, he broke into two homes and fucked two dudes in the ass against their wills. One happened on the next street over from mine. Hearing about a rapist that targets male booty holes put the fear of god into everybody. I know I had a shotgun next to my bed after that (later a 1911 .45 as well). Also that year there was a armed robbery at a local bank and my street was blocked off by cops when they suspected them to be hiding on our street. We weren't allowed to leave the house for hours as they swept the area with dogs and a fucking helicopter. I really wish I was making this all up. I feel a shotgun is probably the best bet on home invasion. Just the sound of a cocking shotgun is enough to make any robber shit their pants. In reality the gun should already be ready to rock'n'roll. Shotguns will leave a big enough hole in the intruder and not pass through walls with any terminal injury to your neighbors. edit: Ive always wanted to ask this. For people that served in the military. How the fuck do they go about protecting your ears when you are in combat? Ive shot guns my whole life and any gun outside of maybe a .22 rifle requires ear protection lest you want permanent hearing damage. How do you go out on patrols with high powered rifles, various sized explosions going on, and still maintain communication with what I imagine is ten pounds of cotton jammed in your ears??? I still have hearing problems from when I went hunting at 16 and didn't plug one of my ears when firing a .44 magnum at my first deer. It boggles my mind that people that have seen combat aren't completely deaf.
Nothing like a good old-fashioned book burning. At the end of my grade 12 year we took all of the free books that they wanted to get rid of from the library and held a bonfire to spite the awful librarians at our school. I'm a good person, I swear.
I know guys who used to do home invasions before they got nicked (arrested, for you Limey deniers). Their specialty was going into drug houses hard and fucking everyone up to get paid. Not the smartest tools in the shed. There's a couple of times they fucked the addresses up. They didn't stop to ask if they had the right house coming in. So they swapped to dressing up as cops and doing it that way. Less mess, less violence.
Why am I so drunk? I remember that I had something worthwhile and comment-worthy to post, but I can't, for the life of me, remember what it was...