Citadel: "Everything is fine! We just naturally borrow $600m as part of our daily operations when things are good!"
AABB peaked at .50 today, closed at .40 and has gone to .42 after hours. Last week at this time I was at -30%, now I've doubled my initial investment. All on no PR. It's going to go nuts when they do drop the coin. On a hunch this morning I picked up 100K of DSCR. I didn't do any DD, my thinking is they're a miner that is attempting a gold backed I'm hoping the stock will coattail AABB's rise somewhat. It rose about $20 today, so thus far it was a good hunch.
Just dollars, or more accurately: .0002 of a dollar after my buy in. (Which comes to a 6.45% gain) They haven't officially announced their coin yet, so like i said, I'm hoping when that PR does drop, it'll shoot up.
limited edition Dianne Fossey Gorilla Fund "diamond hands" t-shirt is available. They've raised almost $400k in funding which is pretty damn cool.
I miss the days when shit like this happened on the regular, and it wasn't just gme. Not sure that will ever return.
I'm guessing there will be huge moves by AABB from the get go tomorrow. First, there was a beat down on the price at the end of the day.....a very interesting beat down. A flurry of small amounts of shares (300-1K) trading at an oddly specific .3999 in the last 30 seconds. Someone wanted that price under .40. Then, after hours, someone moved 1M shares for .42. I've never seen that much movement in total after hours, let alone in one huge block. I've also never seen the price move more than .002 after hours. Add that to the fact that the AABBG website updated their notice to say that 5.4M coins will be released initially, lowered from the original 5.5M. They also added that to purchase the coin you will have to be on the latest build of the wallet. It sounds like someone may be operating on the knowledge that the coin will release either tomorrow or over the weekend. And lastly, I know this doesn't really mean anything, but the ask right now is showing .60.
Interesting take on GME expectations today: I have NO idea how realistic or full of shit that post is, but it sounds entertaining.
I put in another $50 for a fractional share when it was at $190 a few moments ago. I don't know what will happen, I can't keep up with it. But it is wildly entertaining.
wow... $200.00 $202.44 right at the bell. That is supposed to trigger a bunch of calls that is "supposed to" fuck over the shorts/hedge funds, according to some "DD". If GME ends below 200 and above 195: Call Options ITM - 45,385 (65.69%) Put Options ITM - 23,702 (34.31%) If GME ends above 200 and below 210: Call Options ITM - 48,905 (72.11%) Put Options ITM - 18,912 (27.89%) HF's lose either way, but the loss above 200 is substantially higher than the loss below 200. At what point do HFs win? That number is 150. If GME ends below 150 and above 145: Call Options ITM - 37,922 (47.27%) Put Options ITM - 42,302 (52.73%) There are some whales that are really sticking it to the HFs.
18 days of trading since getting back into it and I've almost doubled my money. I'm a bit rusty, but I can still make money doing this. Glad to see my 100K share hunch yesterday paid off handsomely today.
Damn. Wish I'd stumbled across one this yesterday. Up 3056.25%. Today. Opened at .16, closed at $5.05.
Anyone interested in the penny stock thing, check out $IMTL. Image copyrights in the social media age are an interesting thing, and this could be an easy flip, especially at under 2 cents a share.
My hunch paid off well, I just sold off my $317 investment from two days ago for $900. It was starting to push .01 and I just don't see it after researching the company....not current Pink and a foundation of hopes and dreams. I withdrew $500 and bought another 500 shares of AABB.