The biggish news was canning their current chief customer officer to make way for a Ryan Cohen person.
Used to work with a lady who’s husband was pretty high up in GameStop. Was good friends with the family. This was several years ago, but he’d been saying for years that the smart move was an Amazon style cloud-based marketplace for retail for games, just that the technology wasn’t there yet and I’m not sure how much GameStop was listening to him at the time. then I lost contact with them after she was terminated for stealing from us. So fuck them. If GME can make that move though, especially with customers with purchasing power who grew up going to their physical stores and have that nostalgia getting like $3 for their used games, then they absolutely will be a solid company for a while. Completely unrelated to the current $GME price, but a serious company worth having shares in nonetheless.
I have no idea what this means, but the way things are going it's probably something bad. EDIT: Someone just explained that it's the press release for the Asian markets.
Yep. And a zillion retards will buy the dip. This makes for interesting reading: I currently have 400 shares of GME... and I'm holding. Sell limit is set to $320. We'll see how it goes.
My favorite part was when that guy borrowed money from a drug dealer for GME then asked WSB how to get a refund when the stock dipped
Picked up 500 more shares just before this came out: Now to sit back and see what happens on positive earnings.
Hopefully there's a correlation for you... with my company, our last earning's call had us outperforming by 25% of forecast/expectations, and we still dropped $20 overnight.
This guy's live thread is always an interesting read:
Wow... there are some reports that GME is no longer being tracked in the various shorting databases that are publicly available.
Dropped .03, enough to lose me $210. The company is working to get uplisted, which when that finally happens should eliminate some of the shorting and give it a bit of stability. In the mean time, it should see an uptick over the next week...the cut off for receiving the dividend is 03/31. Then the bottom will probably fall out again.
So DTCC is now requiring the hedge funds to report their positions daily. These are the guys that would be left holding the bag if the hedge funds fuck up and go broke. This is interesting news, to say the least.