Just to throw a little info your way about short squeezes, hedge funds can extend the expirary date on their options indefinitely through some only available to them ways. The reason the short squeeze worked with VW and GME is because of the amount of buying that was happening in tandem with very little shares available to cover below their short amounts. You need both of these things present to actually squeeze, if you are missing one, the shorts will always win. There's no volume on this stock to pressure short sellers, I'd seriously think about getting out before this drops back to the cents instead of dollars range of trading.
What a rally EOD for GTII. I stopped watching and just came back to look. Was definitely not expecting that.
What you say is true, however the maneuver they use to extend the date is, at best, quasi legal as it involves laundering shares. It was made known that the sole reason for the dividend was to expose the shorts, so it would take a pretty ballsy, not to mention greedy, MM willing to take on the task and risk the fines and possible loss of trading rights.
That's going to make things even more interesting. I'm going to have to do some more research now to figure out what the hell this could actually mean.
I’m at the very least interested in the company. Even removing the potential for a squeeze here, I’m reasonably confident I’ll get out of this in the green.
I'm less than confident given their $44K income last year as opposed to their somewhere around $900K debt. Not to mention that they have one full time employee. That is not a solid foundation, it's all smoke and mirrors. Their acquisitions are purchased with newly issued stock, further diluting the pool. I give them an A++++ for effort though, they're fighting this short with everything at their disposal, so they have my respect (And my money. For the time being.) I don't see this as a long term.
Some interesting shit in GME land. They are now paying off their debt, in full, in cash. This opens them up to doing a dividend, which the current bondholders would not allow until the debt was satisfied. An issuance of a dividend will require the shorts to return their shares or pay the dividend out of pocket.
sorry, their warrant. Not dividend. Still trying to figure out how to get my warrants from fidelity, or where they’d be in my account