Not even (the ones I posted were OKC). I just sent a few fairly straightforward messages that were apparently a bit prurient for a website whose name is a thinly disguised metaphor for vaginal odor. My general message: I am not doing well online dating.
I consider it to be along the lines of discussing the number and details of past sexual partners. I caught no diseases. I don't hate men because of my experiences with some creepers. I see no reason to mention it, particularly on an online dating profile. Should I ever date someone long enough for it to progress to sex, I'll ensure that we're both tested beforehand and leave it at that. Some things are meant to be buried. It's more about how the situation at hand will proceed, not how things might progress beyond that specific interaction. Like imagining how a job interview might go, what might be said.
Didn't you mention being completely open about your ex-profession with your friends, acquaintances, and younger sister?
I don't think she has to come out and say it, but I think she should leave subtle clues throughout the profile "One date and you'll be hooked!" "Who are you? Who're am I?" "I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeve!" "I drive a pimped out Ford Escort" "My last boyfriend's name was John, you couldn't pay me enough to see him again"
I was open about while I did it. Dating someone WHILE working is different from dating someone AFTER having worked. When I worked, I was exposed to more than the average coed, and no one further should be put at risk without their knowledge and consent. But now that it's over and I have no ill effects to show for it, why should it matter? I wasn't ashamed of what I did, but it's not a point of pride in a conservative, patriarchal society. If a boyfriend found out, I'd address it. Until then, why address such a potentially painful topic?
Are you shitting me? This would be a fantastic icebreaker. Or ice-maker. Whatever. Fuck off, I'm having fun. "Oh you just got out of a bad relationship? I once fucked a guy dressed like a cat for money. Yet somehow we are not equals." "That's lovely that you volunteer at the big Brother/Big Sister facility, I did something similar in Arkansas." "The smell of Boone's Farm triggers too many repressed memories." I would start going places at random just to announce to no one in particular that I was a hooker. Pussy, you have to start making up outlandish acts you supposedly perpetrated. Like you ran the biggest hooker ring outside of Heidi Fleiss, except they were all midgets and peg-legs. That you dressed up like Linda Blair from The Exorcist for a job with a priest. Or you found a half eaten grilled cheese under the left titty of a morbidly obese guy you later fisted to the elbow. Or that you once took a job to castrate a floridian pool man after he fucked my girlfriend and she lied about being raped. Wait, what? Burn this picture. EDIT: picture #5 Also, make your profile funny instead of informative and boring. People turn to online dating when their real life prospects are boring, so showing humor and personality makes you appealing.
According to OKC, you are my best match after the ginger girl. I would just combine the line about your favorite sports teams with paragraph about moving. They seem related and the sports line is just kind of awkwardly floating there right now. I have a question for the board on lying. Clearly any outright lying is not cool. But recently, I actually downgraded my education because I have a law degree that I do not actively use. So I got tired of explaining that on first dates and actually had one girl visually check out of the date mentally when she found out I wasn't a "real" lawyer. Cool or not? We shall see if I am brave tomorrow and post my profile. I know I need better pics and am going to dig around for some now.
I'd keep the degree up there, however mention it in your profile along the lines of "I have a law degree, but the market for entry-level law positions is about as good as the market for American Idol reject cover albums, so I'm weighing all my options professionally." Or, you know, something funny.
Isn't this just a way to root out vapid moles and gold diggers? And if you're after them, just don't tell them....
I just reactivated this account just to participate. A few people I know found this profile and wouldn't let me live it down, so it went away to avoid becoming a social outcast because I hate meeting women at bars. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> To those of you who have had the balls to post your pages up in this thread, I applaud you. Especially Trakiel for starting it off.
In news of the creepy, OKCupid emailed me a recommendation for a girl I was already sleeping with, and who I had met elsewhere. After that ended I messaged a girl nearly solely based on the fact that she looked like she belong in Anime.
Oddly enough, I got bored and posted a profile up and then saw this thread existed about a half hour later. Here you go: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
I just disabled my account for other reasons, but my "visitors per week" count crashed after I made that change (I switched it to "Graduated from Masters"). edit: english, do I write it?
So this thread got my mind-wheels spinning, and decided to post a real profile on OkCupid and see what it got for me. A few messages here and there but nothing serious, until last night a girl messaged me, cute looking but very aggressive. She wanted to hang out TODAY after roughly 30 minutes of idle chatter the night before. I gave her my number and from texting there's something.... off. This just isn't usual, she's asking weird questions like what my personality quiz result was (the ENFP type one) and kept bringing it up. I get the feeling she's angling for a free dinner or something, alternating between blowing up my phone then not responding for hours on end. She was very insistent that we meet TONIGHT, and her profile was very recent so now I'm thinking she's trying to make a boyfriend jealous or something. Nothing is adding up. Finally today I decide to investigate more, we have a mutual friend on Facebook so I ask him and he says that they were set up on a coffee date and she never showed. I decide that's enough evidence I'm wasting my time. Sounds good, looking forward to a long career of internet meetings of this caliber. So for all you mossbacks giving the thumbs up to online dating... well, here's a counter tale.
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I took some pictures after I took some advice I got on here and got a decent haircut. I also thought about who I really am and what I really want and tried to make that come across clearly in my profile. I've gotten 3 dates so far, 2 of them with pretty great girls, and tons of messages. Guess I did something right.
::sigh:: I held out as long as I could, but I figure it's worth a shot <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>