If this thread is still alive, my friend has just joined OK Cupid and is asking for my help. With her permission, I'm passing it on to you all. I've already given her my feedback, I think it's too bare-boned. She doesn't show enough sides of her personality if you ask me. What do y'all think?
Not to be a bitch or anything but is that a zit on her cheek? If so, for starters, she should replace her profile pic with the third one on her pic tab. The kitty is cute and all but I'd make the swap. Much better. Other than that, you're right it's too vague, general (basically boring) and short. She needs to lengthen her answers so the reader gets some sort of feel on her being "happy and spunky" because her profile certainly isn't much of either.
Tell her to get a new profile picture. She is actually attractive, but the first pic of her makes her look like Jimmy James with a cat.
Get rid of this. While I enjoy reading about what a person does, this part make it sound like she's kind of a pain in the ass. Get rid of this. Put something legitimate in. While she is correct in saying nobody likes a braggart, leaving this completely empty leads me to believe she has low self esteem. She could Overall I'd add a bit more substance to the actual profile. I really dig the photos because it shows she's out having fun and being active. I'd maybe add one with a few friends and replace the profile pic.
She could... what? Changed. She's reading the thread. She says that appreciates the comments so far though they are harsh. And she'll add more substance to the profile. And thanks from me for helping her out! Keep 'em coming.
For the future, I would tell her to take some better photos; clearer camera focus, and a better view of her face. Also, with the hair down, wearing more feminine clothes. (I'm guessing she hates make-up, although it couldn't hurt) The main profile picture is passable, but if I didn't know any better, I would say that's a 14 year old Asian boy in the next two photos. Remove this, and add something more meaningful/funny. Anger and frustration in a profile is never a good thing. Remove and replace. Remove and replace.