I feel like a dick head criticizing anyone without putting myself up for criticism at the same time. However I did the internet dating thing once and the girl turned out to be a whale so I deleted my profile. I'd just like to echo the previous posters talking about the unsuitability of travdiddy84's profile picture. You look like you're going bald but can't face admitting that to yourself whilst at the same time lacking the sense of style to cover a receding hair line properly. Go to a barbers and get a short back and sides, number two. I guarantee immediately afterwards all your friends will be telling you how much better you look and how they didn't want to say anything before, but that 'hair cut' was kinda stupid. I don't think a lot of guys realize the importance of having a neat hair cut. I've got one friend who likes to brag about how his sister cuts his hair for free with her clippers. She is not a hair dresser and so pretty much just puts a seive on his head and cuts around it. He thinks the money he saves is something to brag about (and a haircut is only £8 for a man anyway) when really the things he is sub-communicating are huge. A lack of haircut basically screams out that you don't look after yourself, have no sense of style, low self-esteem and probably poor dress sense. That's probably harsh but those are the judgments people make in the first few seconds of meeting someone.
QFT. I've needed a haircut for weeks, but it always comes down to getting a haircut or a couple beers, and the beer always wins. A bad haircut can indicate a lot more than just poor attention to your appearance
Yup, absolutely. As my hair's gotten thinner I've gotten my hair cut shorter and shorter to compensate. I've always felt that keeping it longer if you're balding just makes the bald spots stick out that much more. In that picture I posted in my profile I was in dire need of a haircut at that time.
On the flip side I loved looking disheveled when I lived in the city, no one asked me for money. As soon as I would get a haircut and/or all the bums thought I was Uncle Pennybags. Of course it was nice being treated like a paying customer at restaurants instead of a vagrant looking for scraps. Have to take the bad with the good I guess.
I am usually just throwing all caution to the wind and contacting any girl with decent pics and a well written profile. Half the time, I get little response..but I figure why the hell not? You joined the site, might as well put in some effort to get noticed. Yes, this probably reeks of desperation...so be it.
I figure this is the Internet version of a school dance. Yeah, you can stand there like a wall flower hoping the hot girl comes over to invite you onto the dance floor or you can just sack up and ask. Like the KillaKam, I'm messaging and responding to the girls that pique my interest.
This, pretty much. Net dating I've found mirrors real life in that guys are still expected to make the first move and overal have to be the more proactive ones. If I get a surge of motivation I'll try posting parts of my eHarmony profile, since it's member only and therefore not linkable. Nuts to me for using a pay site and not OkCupid or Plentyoffish or whatever. Oh well, I'm a shitty consumer. It's a curse.
Haven't actually met this person yet, but I've been talking to a girl for a little over a year now who I met on Facebook and we have plans to meet up when I get home from Afghanistan this summer. Story is a little long, so: Spoiler She added me years ago thinking I was one of her friends (the friend and I have the masculine/feminine versions of each other's first names and go by the same name for short; like Patrick/Patricia/Pat, except a different name), I accepted her request because she was cute but didn't really think anything more of it until a few days before Thanksgiving '09 when her mom, who had also added me around the same time thinking I was the same person, sent me a chat message. I told the mom I wasn't that person and that she had added me by mistake but we ended up talking for a while and the mom told me I would love her daughter. A few days later, the daughter messages me and we hit it off. Only problem was distance; at the time I was living in Arizona and she was in Mississippi. About 3 months after we started talking I moved to North Carolina but she was moving out west literally less than a week later. Around 6 months ago she moved back to Mississippi--just after I had deployed to Afghanistan. Barring any unforseen events we should hopefully be at least somewhat near each other come late summer/fall so hopefully we'll have the chance to actually meet up. She's cute as hell, funny, smart, and has an insanely sexy accent, so of course I'll be sure to let all you Idiots know how it goes.
I'll jump on the bandwagon too chaps: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.okcupid.com/profile/mc_cann/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.okcupid.com/profile/mc_cann/</a> One poster mentioned that it's just another avenue to meet girls, which makes a lot of sense to me as you don't actually have to try as hard as you would in a bar. So I said I'd enter the interweb clusterfuck that no doubt is online dating.
Joined relatively recently, with decent results so far. Thoughts? <a class="postlink" href="http://www.okcupid.com/profile/gverma" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.okcupid.com/profile/gverma</a>
First, the pic I was talking is the third one. And, I gave him some advice. That in no way means I'm attracted to him, or not. It means I'm helpful so zip it!
This is the way I treat it. Something I read suggested 1 of 3 Internet dating messages are responded to. In the interest of full disclosure, my success rate is much lower. Like 1 out of 10 lower. But I do only message the best looking girls who don't use text shorthand in their profile or say things like "i dont really read books lol", so maybe I'm shooting too high. Maybe my messages are too short, or maybe asking a question about something mentioned in her profile ("What are some of the volunteer organizations you've worked with?" "How do you like living downtown?") isn't the right approach.
Or, "I love the penguin figurines on your nightstand, where did you get them?" I've only recently started getting girls messaging me, and I didn't change anything on my profile. Odd.
I don't have an active profile, but this thing has gotten me a lot of messages/dates. Spoiler My self-summary I'm a huge nerd. I spend most of my free time reading (ie: at least a book a week) and I used to be a mathlete. Watching college basketball turns me into one of those awful people who yells at the television. I am a vehicle namer - so far I've had Raoul, Gil and Henry. What I’m doing with my life Right now I work a job I really dig and pretty much just saving money to go visit my BFF Kim Jong Il in Korea. Okay, so I'm not actually friends with him, but I am planning a month-long trip to Korea. I’m really good at Dressing myself, math, and drinking beer. The first things people usually notice about me I get a lot of "What does your tattoo say?" or my personal favorite "I'm not trying to stare at your chest, I'm just trying to read your tattoo!" Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food Books: If it's by Tucker Max or Malcolm Gladwell, I like it. Movies: Anything with Will Ferrell. Music: Pretty all over the place. I enjoy a wide variety of genres ranging from haggard-sounding southern metalcore to instrumental prog rock to this new-fangled rap music. Shows: Not a huge television fan, but I quite enjoy How to Make it in America. Food: Guacamole. Anything with it. Also, California rolls. The six things I could never do without 1) iPhone. So cliche, but I could not love a human baby more than I love my phone. 2) Chocolate milk. Nectar of the gods. 3) Guacamole. It's number one. 4) My friends and family. Again with the cliches, but they're pretty solid people. 5) Music. It's like a soundtrack of sorts. 6) Good denim. I am also a nerd about this. I spend a lot of time thinking about Guacamole On a typical Friday night I am Working on the Chronicles of Bar-nia with my best friend. The most private thing I’m willing to admit I sleep hugging my pillow. You should message me if You like pina coladas and getting lost in the rain.
It's so cute when girls think anything written in their profile has anything to do with them getting messages or dates on the Internet.