In the late 80's I owned a pair of "Happy Pants" I feel like dressing up as a Wolfmo to take the edge off the shame.
Alt. Focus: Jncos. Black lipstick. Green fingernail polish. Black Sketchers. No one EVER believes me when I tell them I used to wear those things, probably because my clothes now are WASP-y and I tend to sport a lot of pink these days. But it happened, and my Mom has pictures (that she never shows anyone, because she is still ashamed).
I used to bleach my hair and thought the whole frosted tips thing was the epitome of cool when I was a freshman in highschool. Then my senior year I let my hair grow out extremely long and had a nappy curly afro puff hairdo, kind of looked like the dudes from Wolfmother since my hair is sort of curly. My older brother and mom constantly begged me to shave it off. I ended up winning best hair as a senior superlative but it was cut with half a dozen other ones that wouldn't fit on our yearbooks page. I shaved that shit off a few weeks before I started my freshman year of college. My school ID has one of the last pictures of me with it. People were always stunned looking at it since it was so crazily big.
Aw, just indulge them. "You're a canine you say? Awesome." - Not allowed in restaurants, malls, banks, etc etc. - Not allowed in schools. - Subject to animal control and taking to the Pound. - Fed from a bowl, in the corner, with real dog food. - Expected to go outside and do their business; whatever the weather. - Have them taken to the vet and neutered. "Oh, you're not a canine anymore? Grow the fuck up then."
Alt-Focus:I wore cat ears my freshman year of high school, but it was because I was into Josie and the Pussycats. I also went through an Alice In Wonderland phase where I wore two different color thigh-highs and gingham skirts. Being a teenager is weird.
A tip for these nincompoops: don't say you're looking for attention when you go out of your way to look and act like a card-carrying asshole. You just appeared on TV, you arm cutting ding-dong!! What a bunch of complete hypocrites. Emos and hipsters always say they're "not looking for attention", yet go out of their way to look like schmucks and succeed with flying colours every time. The problem with this is that people day are so much harder to shock, so the norm is now Norman Bates. Being eccentirc back in the day was easy. Burgess Meredith used to dress up in drag on TV in the 50's and people watching would laugh themselves sick. Nowadays, I would have to walk down the middle of the street at rush hour wearing nothing but a Sombrero, green leather cowboys boots and a pentagram painted in chicken's blood on my chest while singing "MacArthur Park" at the top of my lungs and strumming a lute to even get a glance. Or, so I've heard. If these sad little rejects of society really "don't want people to notice us", they should just plain off themselves. Believe me, us (semi-)regular people NO DOUBT would not give a shit.
Just watched that again with sound.... Glad they cleared that up for me because I was about to stock up on silver and brown underpants.
First vampires, now werewolves? Lame. If I could go back to high school and style myself as an evil mythical creature, I'd definitely be a zombie. I'd rip and tear all my clothes and tastefully splatter myself with a mix of mud and fake blood all the time. Maybe I'd paint my face green and draw little trails of blood coming from the corners of my mouth too. And of course, I'd walk around everywhere with my arms sticking out moaning about brains or whatever, and maybe change it up by just moaning about whatever it is I'm about to do next - for example I'd moan "BUUUUUSSSS" if I was waiting at a bus stop. Just like these kids I'd have a whole gang of high school zombie followers too, and hopefully we'd get on the news as well. Think of all the ridiculous things you could say to reporters: "Yeah I've been a zombie ever since I was four, when I got bit by this kid on the playground. I thought he just had a teething problem or something but it turns out he was a zombie, and well, here I am now." "Yeah normally I only eat human brains, but if I'm too tired to hunt I'll just get some chicken nuggets from McDonalds. They're kind of like little deep-fried brain nuggets." "Now if you think you can just outrun us, think again. We're the fast kind of zombie, like from Dawn of the Dead. We jog a lot." "What do I do in my free time? Well I really like dancing, especially to Thriller. That song is great. Also I love going to the mall with my friends, but we don't really shop; mostly we just try to get on the roof and bite anybody up there." "What is my greatest fear? Shotguns, probably." "Those werewolf and vampire kids are just posers looking for attention. We're the real deal, the walking undead! BRRRAAAAAAIIINNNSSS!!" Would be too fun. I bet a clique of zombies could be pretty popular at the right high school, too.
Those kids are so ignorant. Gangs is family, yo. Focus: I was goth for three days. Apparently it made me 'scary-hot.' All the attention I got from it made me so nervous I went right back to wearing turtlenecks. I can't really think of which I regret more.
My old man would've kicked my ass if I did anything like that in high school. This is embarrassing. Why any parent allows their kid do shit like this is beyond me. I know that this isn't all the parents' fault but there comes a time when you've got to lay down the law. There's a difference between looking for social acceptance and being completely irrational.
The funniest part of the whole video is when the mother is saying how she's proud of her son, when she's obviously tip toeing around the fact that she's as embarrassed as a whore in church to be in the same camera shot with him. All the while her son just stands there on the other side of the frame looking like the king of all dumbasses.
I guess in the end it's okay provided it doesn't interfere with their slam-dunking or van surfing capabilities... Spoiler
Because Page 2 Of this thread was blocked at my work through Dan's Guardian I'm not sure whether or not this has been posted yet. But after reading through this thread and watching the vids, all I can think about is this speech from the Hangover: A pack of Wolves running through San Antonio in search of Tim Duncan and George W!
Whatever happened to to bonding over the type of music you liked, the block you lived on, or mutual interests? Is the only way to make friends these days to pretend you are a werewolf, a vampire, the living dead, or a cartoon character? Something tells me I'd wind up as a hermit if I was a teenager these days. Alt focus: When I was bout 15 I tried to start a gang. It centered around a low grade pyromania, and manifested itself in some crappy graffitti and attempting to set fire to a neighbor's clubhouse. The five of us had our own theme song, and had "parties", which at 15 consisted of drinking Coke and eating candy bars. It wasn't the lamest thing I've ever done but it was . . . yes. Yes, it was absolutely the lamest, most pathetic thing I've ever done. 30 years later I'm still friends with two of the guys who were in the "gang", and we haven't talked about it since.
What the hell? Elmo may be to blame for a lot -- Lord knows Sesame Street has changed -- but I don't think you ca---. Oh, Emo. My bad.
Haha, I love at the end of the video where the mom is talking about how proud she is of her wolf pack leading son, but her body language says differently, oh and the fact that shes standing 5 feet away from him in an interview, too.