(This is a Facebook update for some girl I used to hit on in the dining hall back in college.) Genuinely pissed/sad about J. Crew selling out of my boots and therefore canceling my order (followed by three sad faces). #firstworldproblem
I'm so pissed my new laptop doesn't have a backlit keyboard. How am I supposed to read the idiot board in bed before falling asleep. I'll have to get up and turn off the light! #first world problem
I just found out you could feed the third world in a year for what we spend on groceries in a week. I am being way overcharged for my groceries. #firstworldproblem
Looks like my son is a gay homosexual. Re-education camps are so damned expensive these days, but Jesus is obviously the only option. #firstworldproblem I have no pink pills to crush up and snort for finals. How am I supposed to walk around in public with sweaty palms and dried blood around my nose, looking and acting like a total fucking asshole? #firstworldproblem
I ordered my cheeseburger without pickles, but the idiots at the drive thru forgot. I took them off, but I can still taste the pickle juice! #firstworldproblems I am personally offended that a lot of people are watching a bad vampire movie this weekend. #firstworldproblems I have multiple allergies #firstworldproblems I'm fat. #firstworldproblems This one is bad and I'm a bad person for even thinking of it: Spoiler I'm still emotionally scarred from a terrorist attack that happened to people I didn't know, a thousand miles away, and almost a decade ago. #firstworldproblems
I'm can't believe I'm 25 and still not married. My parents always get whole wheat crust when they order pizza. Teenagers are immoral and have sex way too young these days.
Brita filter past it's prime, having to resort to tapwater =( #firstworldproblem Didn't make it to Whole Foods in time - tonight's salad contained lettuce of questionable origin #firstworldproblem
Forgot my Fiji water at home, was forced to drink Sparklets from the office cooler #firstworldproblems The valet looked me in the eye when he parked my Porsche. I thought I told daddy to fire him last week #firstworldproblems Infomercial on TV showed African kids with flys all over them...GROSS!!!! #fistworldproblems
My son's plane for boarding school was late, so my wife had to wait to start drinking until 11:00 a.m. #firstworldproblems
Instead of the rant and rave board, I'll post this here: I just realized I forgot my stupid cell phone at home, so now I'm stuck without it all day! #firstworldproblems
I've got an appointment to plan my schedule for next semester so I can't sleep past noon even though I'm on break #firstworldproblems
One of the motors in my mother's plush massage La-Z-Boy recliner died while I was using it. Now my back is only slightly less sore than before. #firstworldproblems What do you mean NHL network blacked out a game?! #firstworldproblems Only a 22lb. turkey at Thanksgiving? Grandma is a stingy whore (and there better be enough leftovers to make turkey soup). #firstworldproblems
I feel like this thread should be titled, "Rant and Rave" thread. Ohh wait, we already have one of those.
Shit, just saw Currer Bell's post. There goes my attempt at being clever... No way. You mean you commies have meaningless problems over there in the second world too? Who woulda' thunk it.
Today I had to catch the train and the obviously disabled lady next to me annoyed me the whole way. #firstworldproblems
I just spent 28 hours straight working on one paper in the library, slept for 5 hours, then spent another 25 hours straight working on another. #firstworldproblems
Mom didn't cut the crusts off my sandwiches this morning, so I had to do it myself. I didn't even want them after that, so I just threw them all away. #firstworldproblems
Did anyone read this link from the original SA thread? http://www.boston.com/news/education/hi ... ck?pg=full Reads like a fucking Onion article. And I thought students at my university were annoying.