I worked in a hospital were circumcisions were performed. After seeing what those babies go through no so of mine will have to undergo that torture.
Question on this subject: although all of my going around in the locker room naked business has taken place after high school, never once has the subject of what a guy's junk looked like arisen. Not whether or not someone is cut, not whether or not the carpet matches the drapes, nothing. Is this an American thing? I know Canada is pretty close to those socialist Europeans in many ways and I don't think circumcision is as prevalent here as it is in the States based on my own intuition, but damn. Stop checking out other people's dongs in the shower, guys.
Quoted for quotability. So, my family is of immigrant heritage, a heritage that does not include ritual circumcision. Therefore, I was not circumcised, because my parents didn't have some weird complex about my dick looking just like my daddy's, and I suppose even if they had I wouldn't have been circumcised, because my father isn't either. I tell you, coming from a culture that doesn't practice this certain insanity, it's just the weirdest fucking thing that people cut off parts of their kid's dicks for vanity and convenience. Because that's what it is, convenience - you are basically deciding that taking an extra two minutes in the shower each day isn't worth having a part of your body (and it's not even you, it's your parents deciding for you). This isn't your fucking appendix we're talking about here; a foreskin does shit other than get infected and explode. It lubricates, it provides sensation, it generally protects the glans from random wear and tear. Sure, some people develop problems, just like people develop problems with any part of their body. I don't see people mandating the removal of toenails in infancy because some people get them ingrown.* Hey, if you're circumcised, good for you, but I'd urge you to let your kids make their own decision. *Yes, I know toenails grow back; analogy stands. Anyway, there's a way to make sure it doesn't grow back, essentially "cauterizing" the nail bed. NSFW And if you're one of those people (girls or guys) totally disgusted by the look, take a look at this and this and tell me the big difference.
There was recently an article on Law.com about a Georgia lawyer who handles botched circumcision cases, and recently sued a company that made some sort of horrific device I don't want to know the details of because I get fucked up enough nightmares already and don't need the visual. http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?...kes on Botched Circumcision Claims Nationwide For girls pregnancy can be incredibly dangerous, especially for very young girls. Would any of the people who say they would get their son circumcised for health reasons be in favor of having an IUD implanted in their teen or tween daughter to prevent pregnancy?
I figured someone wouldn't be too thrilled with my opinion. How many times on this forum and in life do we hear guys discuss women in a crude and derogatory way? It happens left and right, and nobody bats an eye. Why is that socially acceptable but a woman stating that she thinks an uncircumsized dick looks strange not? Why is that so terrible and wrong, but it's perfectly fine for men to pick pussies apart every day? Guys go on and on about size, shape, scent, appearance, speculate about hygiene, and give their personal (unwanted/uncared for, by the way) opinion on landscaping. It happens frequently through various threads and conversations in real life. Where is the disapproval and chastizing of those posts/sentiments? Oh, yeah. It's another example of the double standards that prevail in our society. These are the same people who are gonna call me a dirty whore if I go home with a random tonight, and yet they'll high five a guy friend who does the exact same thing. Added bonus if he has a good story about the sex or describes my pussy in detail.
There's a huge difference between having preferences in what you like and surgically enforcing your preferences on someone else. Also, I've never heard guys talking about what type of vaginas they like. As far as I know, if it's attached to a woman, that's good enough.
I think you have every right to an opinion, and thank you for sharing. Everything you listed; size, shape, manscaping, smell, gets discussed by almost all of my girl friends. Alomst in more detail than guys I know. It's totally fine if you don't like uncut foreskin. As my previous post stated, I don't like vaginas with lips so flappy they look like they could take flight from the wings they resemble. It won't stop me from having sex with her, but I won't find it attractive, either. But don't start the whole whore/stud argument. What's the old saying? If a key opens every lock it's a master key, if a lock is opened by any key it's a whore. Something like that.
Six pages about dicks? Y'all sure are gay. FOCUS: I don't know why I'm admitting to this here, but I had it done surgically at age 12ish, for medical reasons. I would not wish that upon my worst enemy. It hurt like hell. If infants could talk and express how painful the recovery is, we would never do it to them. I was unable to walk normally in pants for a week. Every time I looked at a cute girl, it was agony. It was fucking horrible. I doubt I'd really give a shit either way, had it not been medically necessary. I sort of think they look odd, but that's probably because I've been used to looking at my own. But is it something I mourn? Well, no. Because it never affects my daily life. Would I do it to another person, knowing how painful it was for me? Probably not. And the existing medical literature would need to a lot more convincing that it currently is. Many meta-analysis reviews have found that the overall impression is "inconclusive" on HPV, HIV, and other STD's. Some studies have found evidence in favor of it, others haven't. And as of 2009, the American Cancer Society's stance: "Most experts agree that circumcision should not be recommended solely as a way to prevent penile cancer." At this point, the medical consensus is so cloudy that it can't really be considered to be a matter of medical necessity. Given the current state of the evidence, it is a cosmetic surgery. And putting a human being, regardless of age, through that level of physical pain for an elective cosmetic surgery just seems beyond the pale.
Exactly, there's been a few posts here going somewhere along the lines of "get it done when they're babies do they don't have to remember going through it later". Which is retarded as the vast majority of men will never need it and babies can still feel pain for fucks sake. Granted, I'm sure I'm coming across as a dick here, but whenever I've seen a new born cousin or whatever they're so cute and I could only imagine how I will feel when I have a son, but I have no doubt 'Lets inflict a shit load of pain by bringing a FUCKING KNIFE and CUTTING PART OF HIS PENIS OFF" will be far off my mind. Seriously, why would you want to do that?
As I mentioned earlier in the thread someone pointed it out when I was in high school in an attempt to make fun of me. Of course, me asking why he was studying my dick so intently ended up with him being the brunt of jokes.
I've had this conversation quite a few times. I've had the same conversation a bit more since I've recently become a father. The one thing that I must stress is that mothers don't really have to feel "ashamed" of what they've done. American society as a whole hasn't known any better. That's the bottom line. We always re-evaluate decisions based upon the knowledge at hand. I could talk about midwives, but that's an entirely different discussion. As for me, I'm uncut and loving it. My son is uncut, because my father decided that if I wanted to be, that was MY decision to make. I've read a million studies, and I've heard the pro-circumcision arguments. They're weak. It's based upon a bullshit religious doctrine that means nothing to me. (I'm agnostic, and getting closer to athiest every day if that means anything.) I think that whatever you believe in, be it evolution or the Almighty, the conclusion is the same. If we were built in "God's image" then we're good the way we are. If you believe in evolution, foreskin would have been a blip in the history of human evolution otherwise. It's still there. Even an umbilical cord (which IS useless after a certain point) withers and falls away at some point. Personally, I think foreskin increases pleasure. For all those ladies who were "upset" with a guy ramming away with no gameplan or ultimate goal, you'll know that circumcision leads to decreased sensitivity. You only have yourselves to blame. I'd like to see an end to male genital mutilation (which it is) and an increase in male hygiene. (The immediate female retort.) Take a shower, you nasty motherfuckers.
For the people making the STD argument, I can understand wanting to protect boy against AIDS, but why does HPV get brought in? I'll stipulate that being circumcised makes you less likely to pass HPV to a woman, but since when is it okay to perform surgery on someone for the benefit of someone else? Would you force your child to be a bone marrow donor without his or her consent? What about for someone the kid will never meet?
TOTALLY off topic, but yup...I sure would. One kid (or one of their cousins) needs a bone marrow transplant and the other kid is a match? Done. They didn't require consent for the polio vaccination, did they? That was done to eradicate a disease. HPV is sort of in that vein. Anything they CAN do to stop its spread is a good thing, which is hard because - as you said - men are only carriers and why should they put themselves through any kind of procedure for the benefit of someone else?
Polio is different. Giving wide spread vaccinations was done for a public health benefit, but it was a disease which the child being vaccinated could have suffered from, as opposed to a disease which it is impossible for them to contract. I think it'd be pretty shitty for a parent to risk the health of their child purely for the benefit of some third party.
So, it's okay for boys/men to contract and carry HPV - because they will never suffer from its symptoms - and spread it to whomever they have unprotected sex with, and it's ultimately the girl/woman's problem - because she DOES have symptoms? You and I differ in our opinions. And the possible health risks of certain procedures - bone marrow donation, circumcision, etc - in my opinion are far outweighed by the rewards passed on the the beneficiaries. All those other people who get to have their cancer treated and all the women who don't catch HPV. Oh, and to make up for all the off-topic chatter (guys will like this one): NSFW
Ok, where did you hear that only women suffer from HPV? Haven't you seen any of those health class horror shows, showing the end results of STDs? I've seen plenty of them, and I've seen lots of pictures of guys with warty dicks, both cut and uncut. That is a personal health decision. If you are going to engage in risky sexual activity ( unprotected sex with anonymous strangers, drug addicts with no sense of self preservation, people you KNOW have diseases, etc.), an uncut dick isn't going to save you or anyone else (You can get herpes/HPV/ even HIV-AIDS under the right circumstances just with mouth -to-mouth contact. Not as likely as genital contact, but it can happen.) Saying that a cut guy CAN'T carry HPV is both ignorant and wrong. I'm sorry Dcc001, I know that you and I agree on most issues, but I cannot abide by this misinformation.
Sorry...my bad. I was answering the previous post asserting that HPV is a disease that 'men cannot get.' Yes, men certainly do suffer the effects of HPV, most commonly manifested with genital warts. However, and I'll stand corrected on this if I'm wrong, there is a far higher incidence of high-risk HPV strains in women than there is in men. In short, although roughly 50-75% of sexually active adults will contract some strain of this virus in their lives, it has a larger health impact on the women (via cervical cancers) than it does the men (via cancers and genital warts). Friends again? NSFW