It was just easier to change your rep to 1 than to reprogram the site. Mountain to Mohammed type stuff, if you will. Nit picked. No?
Under recent reputation points, some of them are gray and say zero when you hover the mouse over them and then one is green and says five when I hover the mouse over it. Does this mean you can give 0 points? I'm kinda confused how these work, sorry if this is a stupid question.
When someone gives rep to a post, the amound of rep that is given is calculated by a secret formula that takes a crapload of information into account. Basically, if someone who just joined and has no posts gives you rep, then you get a "rep", but with a value of 0. That corresponds to a grey dot. If a more powerful rep-bestower gives you rep (because they've been around for months, have lots of rep themselves, etc), it can be anywhere up to 25 points per rep, again depending on the super-secret formulae. This rep is either red (for negative) or green (for positive).
If this function I'm asking about is staring right at me, then sorry for the pointless post. If we want to clean up our folders, is there a "Select All Messages" tab we can hit, or do we have to tick each off individually? Thanks.
When you're viewing a page in your mailbox, you can select all the messages on that page by clicking on the "Mark All" link on the very bottom right corner.
I got rep from someone with about a dozen posts and more than 10 rep and got a grey dot. Are the criteria for rep power that demanding?
When giving reps, is it possible to make it a pop up (ala the old board) as opposed to going to a new screen?
And I just noticed that it went live. Great job, I actually chuckled at "Number of TiB "friends" > real life friends"
At first, I wasn't crazy about the board's skin. It's just really plain. But it was a new board and there was a lot of other important shit going on and someone said that it would eventually be changed. Now, it's grown on me and I don't care one way or the other. It's just now that everything's been settled I figure now is as much of an appropriate time to ask as any: Will you be leaving the color scheme at it is? Will we be able to vote on it if it get's changed?
I just wanted to say the whole "Someone has written a new post while you were writing and might want to change your post" is pretty damn cool.
I've gotten a few reps lately with "n/a" for the reference post, so I don't know what the rep is talking about. Is this just a glitch?
It means that the post that was referenced has since been deleted. On the old board, when a post was deleted, you lost all rep points associated with it. On ours, you still keep the reps, but the post disappears.
But that's strange... as the post that you received the rep for is still there. Not sure what would cause that, so let's just call it a glitch. It could be that the post was moved or something, which broke the link in the rep. Oh well...