Yeh because 50% of the board losing their absolute shit everytime someone red dots them is such a better option. In a perfect world where people didn't care about such a pointless thing I would agree; however with the way things work genuinely critizing someones post simply isn't worth the hassle. So we get the alternative a bunch of mutual masturbation.
All because only about 25% of members would actually sign the negative rep they left because they wore their ruffly panties that day. Silly toddus, they give life. Duh.
I remember the anon rep on the Max boards, and it was such a refreshing change when they changed it to no longer be anonymous... I can't ever see us change to anything other than the way we have it now.
Anon rep is stupid. I think the good parts of rep (self moderation and funny laffs) outweigh the headaches (people whining). Also, I vote that shegirl be banned because she clearly got her rep by rubbing her Barbie parts up against Nettdata's Malibu Ken exterior. Oh, as for the chat thing: I would actually enjoy that. It's a different kind of communicating that's easier for just little snippets of stuff.
Would it be possible to get a new color scheme implemented? Not necessarily an across-the-board thing, but at least as a customized feature. Many people here have said they've gotten used to the blue font on white background, but I prefer the darker scheme on the RMMB because it was easier on the eyes. It doesn't have to be that drab brown, but anything would be better than white. Like Maddox has said on his site, it's like staring at a light bulb.
Can we get a "search this thread" option? When I'm trying to look back on what so-and-so thought about a game, it's a pain in the ass to search the whole Pop Culture Board for the word "epic" and have it return 100 posts. I mean, admittedly it's a minor annoyance but with some of these longer threads, it is especially helpful. Also, and I think I may have suggested this behind-the-scenes on the RMMB: a debate board. You start with a topic (for example: capital punishment), start a thread with either a specific question or a broad opinion, open the thread up for, say, 25 posts then take the most articulate 2 or 3 posters/positions on either side/middle and let them argue it out. I know on the RMMB you could lock all but certain people out of posting to a thread but I don't know if you have that capability here. Does that make sense? I've had a few beverages tonight so it might be a little jumbled but I was thinking about this just today in fact.
I think I've mentioned this before and it's extremely minor, but I'd kind of like to be able to see what reps I've sent to others in the past, just like I can see the ones I've received. Is this possible? And I'd like to second the debate board. I think the threads that talk about serious issues sometimes show some of the best of what this board has to offer. As much as I like to come here for the funny, there are plenty of intelligent people around and it's always interesting to see the diverse views on various issues.
Yeah, I would definitely like a darker layout. I remember reading on Maddox's site that the reason he has it that way is to make it easier to read.
If y'all want TiB chat so bad set up an IRC page and make a public link straight to it. Could be fun but the liability of the losers shifting even further from "RL" to the intarwebz is frightening.
Just wanted to say "thanks" for the feedback. Some of the stuff is pretty small, minor preference kind of things requiring minimal work, but some of the requests would involve HUGE work. Some of the requests would detract from the board (like chat stuff, etc), and won't be done. The colour scheme stuff isn't as simple as it sounds, and really, I don't have the desire or patience to do it. I know Chater was looking into something like that, but if anyone else might be interested in lending a hand, let me know. Anyway, I got a fair bit of the core stuff done that I wanted to, just haven't rolled it out to the test boards yet... but there should be some changes seen within the next week or so. Again, thanks for the feedback.