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Free Range Angus Crickets, Locally Sourced of Course.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kubla Kahn, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I used to belong to a site where sometimes people submitted comedy articles. I remember one time I thought it would be a fun article to write about my reaction to trying various things that I've always been too afraid to try mostly because it is a mental block. I started a list that included things like haggis, rocky mountain oysters, huitlacoche. I guess the cricket dish would go on that list. I never went through with it, though. A local foodie place had a pizza dish on their menu with some really yummy toppings, but one of the toppings was huitlacoche. I thought if anything would give me the courage to try that, it would be this pizza. Nope, couldn't do it.
  2. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    I think a protein powder that uses insects is a great idea. There is practically no animal waste, insects are inexpensive, and you can ethically house a metric fuckton of them in a fairly small space with ease. If they can get this to be as affordable as other protein sources, I would be all in.

    Now, eating a whole grasshopper....that is something that I would only do in desperate times.