The WDT serves more than one purpose but maybe it still would if it's shelf life wasn't so long. Dunno. But it may be worth a shot. I'm not talking heavy as in TMBB heavy, I'm talking more of it. You guys are given a very wide birth here, in some cases it's too wide.
Thanks for moving those to the Registered Members Only thing. (seriously) Now the Boobie Thread posts will start pouring in! (not as seriously)
Re: This way to the boobie thread I've submitted the site for search engine crawling and I really didn't think it was okay to have ostensibly "message board members only" posts showing up in Google searches. I basically agree with Nett and shegirl on the expectation of privacy - once you submit it to a public message board, you should never expect that to be private. But throwing up a basic barrier against random people stumbling in is no bad thing. If anyone has specific suggestions for other threads that should get moved there, I'm happy to hear them.
Well crap now I feel bad for lurking and rarely posting. Please let me know if I need to post my boobs in order to keep my account open. Thanks! Eta: I see I lost my rep points. Did we have a reset?
Just so I'm clear on this, Chatroom Business is constant random posts? I'm just trying to nail down the nomenclature.
Maybe. But, you can literally post anything you want in the WDT, since it doesn't really have a topic. And, if everybody is talking about a particular "thing" that maybe popped up in the news, or their favorite drink, and you pop in and post "I just made eggs." That sort of thing. Personally, I could care less in the WDT. It might get ignored. I think you'd have to be "I made eggs." Then a few minutes later, "And also toast," before I got annoyed. But, if you cross a line, somebody will let you know. The things I remember where people got called out are posting YouTube music videos over and over, publicly insulting another board member unfairly, especially if it's a TiBette and not done in jest, or re-posting something from a private forum to the public WDT. For two of those where I can think of specific examples, one member got banned and the other one is in jail.
I read this thread a couple of times, and a thought occurred to me. Yes, just one. There are all things we don't necessarily like, but I will say this, compared to other boards the things I don't like are far better than the things I like about other boards. So lurkers, I'd love to hear from you. Hell, if you have something to say, but don't want to do it yourself on a particular topic, I'll post it for you, just PM me.