I don't post much but am I the only one that wants to see what actually happened? I'm from a very small town that has had a rash of car burglaries. About two months ago a guy just back from Afghanistan saw a guy walk into his yard. He went outside and told the intruder to lay down and wait for the cops. The intruder decided to turn around and fire off seven .22 rounds from a stolen gun at the homeowner. They all missed and the homeowner decided to shoot said intruder in the throat with a well placed .380 round. Nobody was charged. Mississippi doesn't have the stand your ground law but we do have the castle law.. Set foot on my land and face the consequences.
I'm all about painting my walls with a Tweaker's guts. That's why I have my 45 with all 3 magazines loaded totaling 45 rounds. No duty to retreat.
Interesting turn of developments. For some reason everyone wants this guy be something he is obviously not.
And that's a *clap clap clap* to the crack reporters and news teams out there for bringing us the real story right away. People like Geraldo once again make ourselves ask the question on why anybody would hire these fucking impulsive clowns the report things in the first place.
Sooo, I can't tell if y'all know that the linked site appears to be similar to the Onion. I mean, your comments may be tongue-in-cheek, but just in case.... The first red flag was this statement: I was curious if this was a right wing site and went to the top of the page. The scrolling headlines at the very top made it pretty clear the site is full of shit.
You may be right..... ...HOWEVER I'm not saying anything else till I go on FactCheck to clarify those headlines. They're both from Florida, that video could exist. And be gross. ...and more on-topic, the mainstreamers did originally fuck up the story about what happened between him and his wife, and painted a meaner picture of him right away.
thoop group <a class="postlink" href="http://politicalblindspot.com/another-jailed-african-american-in-florida-is-told-stand-your-ground-doesnt-apply-to-him/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://politicalblindspot.com/another-j ... ly-to-him/</a>
The big issue in this case much like the case where the woman fired at her ex husband after retrieving a gun from her car, is the large mandatory sentences for the fact that a gun was used in the alleged crime. Most if not all states have much harsher sentences, as well as federal charges as well, if guns are used in crimes. Stand your ground isn't a get out of jail free card and there is a lot of detail missing in that article on how the defendant used the law in his court proceedings and why or if it was rejected. Really have to know more detail outside of what was giving in a political petition web page. On the surface it looks exactly the type of case stand your ground was made for.
I mean, let's put the nuances aside: the sentence is fucked up, it shouldn't have happened, and steps need to be taken to undo it and make sure it doesn't happen again. There's enough information there to know that much. Fishing for a reason to justify it feels wrong to me.
That's because there is no reason. He doesn't deserve 25 hours in jail, much less what thise shitstain open sore cuntbags have given him. It's an abortion of common sense.
Jesus, this article is terrible. I can only glean from it that there was a trial, people testified, found him guilty, and he was sentenced. The rest of the 'facts' are provided by his mother (while not under oath) in support of a petition to set him free. If I had the inclination and energy, I'd hunt around for the other side of the story, or any side really, because this article sucks. Once I saw something remotely akin to facts being presented, I may well feel this is a travesty, however, given that article, I'm not confident I have any idea as to what actually happened. Not sure anyone else here is either, without more actual facts being presented.
Here's the facts: He is black + he used a gun + sentenced to jail = outrage!!!! He's innocent. I mean, the math makes sense to me...