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Friday the 13th 2: Saturday the 14th

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iczorro, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Raiders of the Lost Ark was one of the great entertainments of my generation: the perfect popcorn movie. I saw it when I was 4 at the Drive-In. It was loaded with insane stunts, unforgettable scenes, and the most FUCKED UP climax in movie history. Temple of Doom was gross, nauseating and violent, with an irritating female sidekick and an uninteresting plot. The Last Crusade I found to be a great movie, and a worthy seuel to Lost Ark.. Connery added some real panache, and it threw in everything but the kitchen sink for the sake of a fun show. When Indy is kicking Nazi ass, everything is alright in my book. Crystal Skull...fucking aliens?!? We waited 19 years for aliens?!!? What is your damage, Spielberg?

    The Two Jakes was a boring sequel to a very, VERY (and I MEAN very) good film called Chinatown.

    Superman III and IV were apalling and disgraceful, with Ed Wood-grade special effects.

    Twin Peaks, whether you had the taste for it or not, was a brilliant and twisted mini-series. That prequel movie Fire Walk With Me sucked ass.
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Jesus people, you can accept face melting ghost and a 700 year old guard protecting the fountain of youth and NOT accept fucking aliens? I just really found the aliens to be the weakest argument, but since it's the most fervently hated, it got the most attention. Had the movie been as high of quality in other areas like The Last Crusade, no one would have given two shits if the movie had aliens. The film lacked the heart of Crusade and the addition of one of the most untalented actors of any generation are what killed this movie, not the fucking aliens. Like most movies it had a really cool premise but this was ruined by poor execution.
  3. Jay-Bird

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm not saying Van Wilder was the funniest movie ever, but it was entertaining. However, I just watched "Van Wilder: Freshmen Year" last week and it was hands-down the WORST movie I have ever seen. No exaggeration what-so-ever. It was like the original (even re-using jokes) except completely un-funny in every way. It was a train-wreck that I couldn't look away from, so yes I watched the whole thing. I would almost recommend watching it, that way you can say you have officially watched the worst movie in history.
  4. breakylegg

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The Devil's Elevator
    Holy cats! I had asolutely no idea what you were talking about until I googled S.Darko. I couldn't even make it halfway through the synopsis of that straight-to-dvd turd. Wow....

    Focus: all JAWS sequels: JAWS II, JAWS 3-D (where the dopey rubber shark attacks some aquatic Disneyland in a dome), JAWS #? with the tagline: "this time its personal"....

    JAWS sequels are especially stupid since the original shark DIED and was blown into bloody scraps at the end.... there wasn't any creepy keyboard music after the smoke cleared only to find the killer shark had bogus time travel storylines to justify more pissed off siblings. At least some of the other sequels mentioned have that going for them, some thread of continuity no matter how thin. Not JAWS Inc.

    Re: thread title: Saturday the 14th was a real movie, an 80s horror spoof starring Richard Benjamin. I don't remember it at all, only that it sucked.
  5. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    It wasn't just that the sequels were horrible. Like, they were bad and all.

    But what annoys me is that there was NO cinematic need for them. The first one ended perfectly. Neo throws on the shades, exits the phone booth, and Supermans the fuck out of here.

    El fin. No need for more.

    Extra brushstrokes can ruin a mighty fine painting.

    You know, everyone says this now, because it's become a cool meme and all. May I show you the Academy Award nominees in 1990 for Best Picture:

    It also has six other Academy Award nominations. If you look at Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 66% rating. It had over $136,000 in box office receipts, more than doubling its budget. Maybe not the high acclaim of the first two, but not shabby either.

    It may be considered the weakest of the trilogy, and one can question whether the epilogue to the first two was really necessary. And clearly you're welcome to your own opinion. But widely regarded as one of the worst sequels of all time? That is just demonstrably false.
  6. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Who cares how much money it made or what Oscar nominations it received? That's a horrible metric to use for this type of thread. Matrix 2, Matrix 3, Indian Jones 4, etc. were all hugely successful and made hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide. So what? Godfather 3 was a disgustingly bad sequel that should have never been made, and considering the superlative level of the first two films (many consider it among the 10 greatest movies ever), it IS one of the worst sequels ever.


    I'm going to go with Transporter 3. The second installment is one of the best action films of the decade; it's one awesome, jaw-dropping stunt after another. Really, the entire film is a display of various high-level stunt sequences and special effects punctuated wby excellent humor and some badass one liners. Great, great action film. The creators totally understand this genre.

    So then why did Transporter 3 have virtually no fights, no more than a few cheap stunts, and got mired in a cheesy, horribly acted "love story" with some ugly Ukrainian ginger who belongs in a cheap Russian club? Hard to say, but it was physically painful viewing.

    And while I might draw some hate for this, I'm also going to say Rocky 2. The first film is widely considered an American film classic. Forget the ridiculous, cheesy boxing scenes; this was a great portrait of a typical blue collar bum working in the cheap part of the city. It's about the air he breathes, the characters that surround him, the personalities. All told in a well-paced, engaging manner. Great movie. It's never about him winning the belt or not.

    But starting with Rocky 2, the series shifted gears into one absurd "fight" after another, culminating in the gloriously awful Rocky 4, the most unintentionally funny film ever. Unfortunately, they went a step too far, and made Rocky 5, which was simply awful.

    Still, everything after the first one was unnecessary, and, upon sober reflection, mediocre at best.
  7. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Fuck the SAW franchise with a rusty spoon. The first one was great. It was fresh, had a pretty compelling story that kept you guessing and was pretty good for a horror film. But since then the sequels have just become progressively more shitty with each passing Halloween.

    Instead of being about plot advancement they just keep pushing the envelope Torture porn.

    Anti-Focus: I felt like Hostel II was actually better than the original. Not that it was a good sequel, just that it was like a better remake of the first one.
  8. breakylegg

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The Devil's Elevator
    we can do that here?
  9. Dufresne

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Somerville, MA
    That movie didn't even have anything to do with its own fucking title. I was confused when the movie ended, asking myself, "Was there any reference to anything called the Book of Shadows in that entire movie?"

    No. No there was not.
  10. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    From Dusk 'til Dawn 2 & 3 simply because there aren't any Gecko brothers in it.
    Actually, I didn't even like the second half of the first installment, I just wanted to see George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino keep kicking ass.
  11. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have never understood the hatred for Godfather III. I thought it was a fitting and necessary end to the story started in Parts I and II. It takes the themes established in the earlier parts to their inevitable (and shocking) conclusions.

    The initial battles and struggles of the Corleone family are personal, just Vito vs. Don Fanucci. Its power and greed grows as it challenges, and defeats, yet-more powerful enemies. The heads of the other five families. Moe Green. The Vegas and Floridian mafia families. By the end of part II, they have defeated all these and a truly great threat: the United States government. They seem omnipotent. In Part III, they confront the greatest powers on Earth: the Sicilian mafia, the government of Italy, the Vatican. And it is here where they finally meet their equals.

    As much as these great powers menace the Corleones, as with the first two films, there are greater threats from within the family itself. The harder Michael tries to keep it together, the more it decays and crumbles. The Corleone family has become the Ouroboros: the snake that eats its own tail. By becoming so insular, the family has begun to rot from the inside.

    The third film, then, is not about betrayal (as Fredo betrayed the family) but about incest. When Vincent goes looking for a girlfriend, he doesn't go outside the family, for where would he find one that could join the impossibly insular world of the Corleones? Instead, he goes after his cousin Mary, immature and plain-looking. Michael, having alienated Kay in the previous movie, finds the role of his wife being filled by his sister.

    The movie ends with the ultimate irony: Michael's plans succeed, but the results are the opposite of what he expects. His tireless quest for control, power and money succeeds. He has power and money to rival even major world governments, but this does not bring him personal satisfaction. By the time he discovers he cannot buy redemption, it is too late. Though clearly Michael's quest for power and money are at least partially for personal fulfillment, he also obtains them to protect and provide for his family. In this, he also fails miserably: the power and money actually endanger the family from within (through betrayal and incest) and without (through assassination). He loses both his brothers, his first wife, and his daughter and alienates his second wife and son.

    Though he attains great control of nearly everything and everyone around him, he is ultimately powerless to prevent the events he tries most desperately to avoid. At any point, had he truly relinquished his control, power, and money, he might have been able to save his family (and maybe even his soul) but he cannot. It is ultimately unclear whether he or Vincent ever truly learn this lesson, as all we know is that Michael dies alone.
  12. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm pretty sure they're saving that one for Saw 8.
  13. MTW

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Waiting sequel didn't have any of the charm of the original. I liked the original because honestly reminded me of the days I worked in the service industry. Parties, drugs, and everyday is the same.
  14. IHaveCandyGetInVan

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    It's not so much that Godfather III is a terrible movie ala Gigli/etc, but rather the fact that it really doesn't come close in any aspect (acting, writing, directing, cinematography) to the greatness of the first two. Even by 1990 Pacino was pretty much the caricature of himself that he and other actors like De Niro tend to become as they age, and the rest of the cast is nowhere near as good as the first two. Can you think of one good or quotable line from Godfather III? I can't.