For the record and since VI omitted it here are todays national what days: NATIONAL GOOD SAMARITAN DAY – Hold a door open for someone today. It's the little things. NATIONAL EARMUFF DAY – Now if that said National Muff Day I'd be snickering like a 15 year old. NATIONAL OPEN AN UMBRELLA INDOORS DAY – Um, no thanks. Not even on a good day let alone on FRIDAY THE 13th! Are people crazy??!! NATIONAL COCONUT TORTE DAY – *shiver* Coconut, ew. NATIONAL K9 VETERANS DAY – If this is legit, I think it's awesome. NATIONAL JEWEL DAY - Jewel is what I named my new ride. Not for the singer, rather the color.
What about revolving doors? You Yankees are weird. I hold the door for someone every day. I thought that was common courtesy.
Re: Lone Wolf Other then me pissing off a news photographer who tried to get a shot of Hagler right after the Leonard fight, the whole thing was pretty uneventful. Marvin was highly PISSED OFF and I was between him and Mr. Photographer. I figured it was in everyone's best interest to not take a picture of Marvin at that particular moment, so I stuck my hand in the guy's camera.
Re: What about revolving doors? I do that as well and it is common courtesy but you'd be amazed how many people it is just lost on. Actually common courtesy in general is.
Re: What about revolving doors? I held the door for someone the other day that was behind me. But then it's one of those moments where you realize they were kind of far away, but it's too late to let it go or else you look like a dick for in effect closing the door in their face. Which actually, would be kind of funny. But instead I just apologized for holding the door for them and making them do a light jog to grab it from me. Because I do one of those mental things when people go in front of me "Don't hold it open, don't hold it op"--dammit, quick walk to grab the door from them.
Re: Lone Wolf No wonder Marvelous was pissed. He just had his belt taken from him rightfully and given to a cocky asshole who in fact lost that fight. I remember that fight as a kid, and even I was pissed off.
Re: Lone Wolf Technically, SRL won the fight by the rules of boxing. The reality was SRL had to be carried (His arms over the shoulders of his two bodyguards) back to his dressing room. His mother went in and raced right back out in tears when she saw how badly he was beaten. Marvin walked back under his own power and was a seething, raging, dangerous ball of hate and anger. If that flash had gone off in his face, there is no telling what he would've done and I would've been directly between him and what set him off. No fucking thank you.
Re: Lone Wolf I kind of feel like you should have a bodyguard around just to protect you from yourself.
Come home, crack a beer, turn on the TV and there's nothing on. So I go to the History Channel, at worst I'll have to put up with those idiots on American Pickers. But's some goddamned show about modern vampires in America. What the fuck?
At least the damned thing ended as I was typing that post. Unfortunately, American Pickers came on. Just fucking shoot me now.
Because the Austin Powers movies have been put on netflix, I've been re-watching them. I can't help but wonder if the collective sense of humour of a whole generation of young men were set back a collective 10-15 years by these films.
Watching "The Devil Wears Prada". Love the fashion and Meryl. She's so deliciously evil. Hubby is at a lake house getting drunk and being dumb. Gotta enjoy the questionable chick flicks when I can.
This coffee smells like shit. While we're here, let's have a look at the French version of Austin Powers, featuring that Swiss dick from The Wolf of Wall Street:
I think Austin would disagree. Hard to say humor has been setback, didn't know it was a progressive sort of thing. For instance, people getting hurt while not to severely, always funny, always will be