No, not really. Unless your company has a thing about training your person on the way out. Two week is to stay out of "fuck you." Three is a blessing.
Only ones that are contractually agreed to by both parties. Legally, at least in Canada, 2 weeks is it.
So, to no one's surprise, I have the Emotional IQ of an empty beer can. Maybe they'll reconfigure their dumb fucking test now since 90% of my job is to emotionally read people on the fly and react accordingly. Everyone in my department scored in the 80-100% range in all the categories. I scored 0-20% with a couple in the 20-40% range. I am also the top producer in my department. Admittedly, I did get annoyed at the test and just go click happy choosing any-fucking-thing without reading the questions or answers, because the questions were fucking stupid. An example would be, they would show a picture of a night time street scene and ask: This picture makes me feel _______. A. Purple B. Urgent C. Salty D. Apathetic (This wasn't an actual question, but this was the nature of the answer choices. And yes, "Purple" and "Salty" were actual answers for how you feel about something. WTF?) I'm sure they'll just chalk me up as an anomaly and continue on with their pseudo science.
Man, I so miss Mississippi: (This was the next county over from me. And the tenants probably deserved it.) ... 2_Qrw.cspx
My last job wanted 30 days notice. They only got 2. I had another job that asked for 30 days notice, but then again they were really great to me and I trained the person who took over the department I created.
I had a job years back that demanded you give one week's notice for every year you worked there. If you've worked there a decade, how do you give more than two months notice?
I think she's just trying to milk any last bit of work from me possible. I'm not exempt and I worked 10 days straight in Feb...two weekends in Feb and every weekend in March. When I took the job I was promised one weekend every 4-6 weeks and no more than 5 days a week. She's gotten a fair amount of work from me. There's a list of things I've done that's saved the dept a deal of money in terms of prn...I did it because I was trying to be a team player. There is no reward or reciprocation for being a team player. She will take and take until I put my foot down. I should've said "no" long ago. This is an "employment at-will state". I'm giving a little over 2 weeks notice. Screw this 30 day nonsense.
Well sure, but if they're going to pitch a hissy fit over "only" two weeks notice, the bridge is on fire already no matter what happens.
That's bullshit. If they're taking advantage of you, stand up for yourself, and politely say, "no". That very well may burn the bridge because the other side are complete cunts, but that doesn't mean you let them fuck you over.
I talking about things like making a scene. The things people fantasize about doing when they're leaving a job they aren't happy at or get screwed over at. I actually lost my job of five years today. "Termination Without Cause". I was never written up;given notice or at the end, any reason for it at all. Just a shoulder shrug and severance. All I could do was leave without saying a word because these assholes are my first reference while I'm applying for work.
I'm not very worried. I already have a few interviews, and sometimes losing a job can be a great thing. That last place helped pay for my school but I had nowhere to go but sideways there. I'm kind of relieved I'm not there anymore. It feels weird, though. I haven't actually been without full time work for 16 years. I always had a new job before I left an old one.