I just got off the phone with a recruiter about a job interview I had last week. He said that the company loved me but they chose to go with an internal referral. The interesting thing is that last week he told me they had two openings and asked if I knew of anyone else who was looking. I don't even understand what he gains by lying to me.
I had a recruiter tell me something similar, but the company was "looking for a more specialized candidate". 6-8 weeks later, the opening is still unfilled and a separate recruiter called me about the same position, but she couldn't do anything because of the previous recruiter. Really annoying. I also recently applied for a job at a company who I used to work with at my old agency. My resume got to the hiring manager through my old Director who worked with him daily. I wasn't considered for a position I was perfectly qualified and suited for because "they want candidates to apply through the website". Talk about a bullshit process. When I applied for my current position, my old manager told me they got 200 resumes within 3 days of putting the position online. So because I didn't insert myself into the muck for this new role, HR disregarded me? Its easy to see why many people eschew large companies. Couldn't have possibly networked into a better position than I did.
This is what you all talk about on drunk threads? Work? And you're sober? Bunch of bloody responsible members of society, the whole lot of you.
More of each, please Well, we started out talking about tits, ass and booze. But, apparently tVI and I are the only ones who like that sort of thing.
Usually after a head hunter calls me I attempt to gather enough info about the job so that I can find it on my own. I then go apply directly through the company. It takes the middle man out and seems to work a little bit better. Good luck on finding something. The Columbus IT market is supposedly one of the best in the country right now. Keep your head up and eventually something good will happen.
I had myself a little douchebag bender this weekend. Sunday was a helluva house party. Corned beef, homebrew, nobody ate or drank this well at a party ever. Once people started taking pulls from the Jameson bottles it was all over. Girls making out with each other in the pool, banjo jams, impromptu Misfits sing alongs. People were dropping like flies. One of the gals making out in the pool passed out sitting up and managed to let her tits fall out of her top. Her friend didn't even bother to cover her up. We picked her up to put her on the couch, got my lawyer friend over and said, "LOOK, I am merely covering her up, NOT ILLEGAL NOT ILLEGAL." Too bad she does bankruptcy, not personal injury. Whatever. I ended up stepping on broken glass and didn't realize it until I noticed a trail of blood going up my driveway. I get to be that guy bleeding on everything. There is a puncture hole in the sole of my foot, and the tip of my big toe is absolutely skinned to the muscle. I am sore. Yesterday, went to the beach to dry out. Somehow, not hungover. There is an open air bar/grille. Heard some god awful caterwauling. At 1pm this place had karaoke going. It was the most Florida moment I have ever seen. The host is a 6 foot tranny who looks exactly like Jeffrey Tambor in Transparent, but worse. Huge orange hair, whore make up, wearing a tiny schoolgirl skirt, white mesh top, and a green bikini top. When she wasn't yodeling into the mic during every song she pranced around the bar in 3 inch heels. Everyone in there was fucking hammered. One guy only sang old country tunes, dropping F bombs in front of kids. One dude only sang Bob Marley; each time he got up he became even more incomprehensible until he was just mouthing vowels between chugs of Bud. One girl thought she was Janis Joplin. She had the drunk meth thing right. Complete shitshow. It was hilarious, I have to go back. I am so tired there is now way in hell I am doing jack tonight. The thought of booze still hurts. I even slept for a solid 12 hours last night. My feet really, really hurt. After this week (WOOO, SPRING BREAAAAAK) I am completely drying out for a few weeks. My tolerance level is getting scary.
Really? I'd say about 75% of the time I talk to a recruiter, I get at least a phone interview. Applying through a company website or job listing, that drops to 10% at best
I can't remember having an actual face-to-face interview without being offered a job at any company. Perhaps it's the type of work I do, I'm not sure.
It depends on the recruiter. It seems like a common tactic right now is to attract people with a vague but super awesome opening with an unnamed company. That job gets "filled internally" but don't worry, they have a ton of shitty postings for you. TekSystems did this to me three times, and tried to steer me into the shitty opening each time. I'm convinced that none of the jobs they post on Monster or Dice are actually real.
Re: More of each, please Perhaps if you gave a thorough explanation of stormwater BMPs they would know what it was like to be bored to tears by hearing about someone's job... Go.
They're employers, not the surgeon who removed my wisdom teeth. Whatever, getting action is still action.
Re: More of each, please I've seen this girl before. I hope the proper authorities do something about it because I'm pretty sure she is retarded and someone is exploiting her massive, awesome tits. Spoiler Also, I'm really debating going out tonight. I don't adult well.
Re: More of each, please I got invited by some friends, but they want to go to a place in the suburbs and I worry about being able to get a cab home from there.
Re: More of each, please Wait, wait, wait. The name of that file includes the phrase "playing with dildo 14." First of all, 14? There's 13 more? And, second of all, there's no dildo in that picture. The rest of that file name could've been "riding a mechanical bull" since it's (supposedly) out of frame. Now, apart from the trifecta of huge boobs, eyes closed and mouth open, the photo is tagged DDF and she's wearing that big ol fat in front of a poster of a similar big ol' hat that is tagged DDF. That is so meta.