@Flat_Rate and @Nettdata posted great info. I started using sharkbite at my apartment complex, dozens and dozens of the fittings and never had a leak from a single one. They're so fast and easy to use. Definitely worth the extra cost over other types of connections.
Thanks guys! You have been really helpful. I enjoy fixing things like this and the video that @Nettdata posted is just what I needed. I feel prepared. The video steps you through how the fittings work and how to prep the surface. I had a tab open with homedepot.com and was adding products as he talked about how to install a sharkbite fitting. There may be a couple odds n ends left to add to my shopping list but right now all parts and tools are just shy of $50. The plumber charges $90/hr plus parts and there's no telling when they could get out here.
For real. There's a lot of shit on YouTube, like the guy resurfacing his concrete pad in his house without any face or respiratory protection... and then there's this video. I like when someone who already knows how to do the job suggests a video because then I can be more confident that I am getting correct info.
Is that pipe that comes out of the wall to supply water a standard size? Is it 3/8"? Would the previously linked sharkbite fitting be the exact one I need? Want to be sure I have this right before I get stuck with the water to the house off.
I actually did try but it's difficult to get back there. The toilet has a wall on both sides and I can't see very well. Thought I'd find out if there was a standard.
A cheap pair of calipers is worth having around the house, too... really helps with stuff like this. https://www.amazon.ca/Tacklife-Insu...9Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
I highly doubt it is 3/8" coming out of the wall. It looks like 1/2" to me. I posted that sharkbite because it had the same dimensions as the compression fitting you posted from Ace. Best to pi and string it to be sure, like you said.
Pipe measurements confuse me because a pipe with the same inside diameter can have different wall thicknesses. Or is that only pvc and copper is more standard? I measured multiple times and got 2'' circumference which doesn't come out to anything standard. It's probably 1/2" like you say. We're going to go with that and hope for the best...
I'm really shitty at knowing what pipe standard sizes are, so I'd suggest calling Lowes or talking to someone there and ask them... they should know all the sizes you need.
You can find a nominal size chart for pipe. For instance the actual OD of 1/2" OD copper pipe is 0.625" That would have a 2" circumference. I'd bet the 1/2" OD sharkbite with the 3/8" compression fitting is what you need. Which I think is the one I linked. The Lowe's guy should know what you need. The color of the collar on the sharkbite indicates whether it is for copper or pvc, it will also say on the package.
Wow. That was so easy a child could do it. Had to buy Tectite since they only carried Sharkbite online and we needed to do this today. Now, to replace the rubber ring....
Glad to hear it. Hmmm, I've never seen Tectite. Looks the same, whatever brand is on the shelf must have to do with what region you're buying in. We do live a few thousand miles apart.
I read a comparison of the 2 brands and they are extremely similar. I did read that CA has a carcinogen warning on tectite but not sharkbite due to arsenic in the metal. Just being cautious, but I might just use the tectite on toilets and use sharkbite on sinks and any water that may be consumed. I think between the reading and watching videos about push connectors, I spent more time learning about this than I did removing the toilet and valve.