For a one time use, its not worth the $299. Now if my local Home Depot had them (they don't), I'd buy it and use their liberal return policy...
You can always toss some non-stick grip tape on top of that wooden stand. Or just staple down some sandpaper. regardless, I wouldn’t do that period. Way too many opportunities for it to fail, and you aren’t falling on level ground either. I’d be tempted to toss a mattress or other padded material on the stairs as a makeshift crash pad. And make sure to video it
After a closer look, this is what I would do to add strength. Blue is a 2*6, red dots are screws. Do it to both sides
You would not be tempted to do any such thing, I don't believe it. You wouldn't have the stories you do if you had that kind of forethought for your own safety.
This is what I originally intended when I said gussets. But since that board in the center is a 2*4, there would be no proper contact between the 2*4 and gusset. I don't think it would be as stable as I would like.
no, I look out a lot for my own safety. I just have the impeccable ability to somehow get injured in spite of the safety measures, not due to a lack of them
Just got an additional estimate on foam spray insulation for our attic while the guy was looking at the crawl space to make sure they could do that. I’d planned on doing rolled insulation myself, but figured couldn’t hurt to ask. He said for 3” ( R-21 total ) it’d be an additional $975. SOLD! One less thing I have to do, other than clean out the attic. That’ll be a good time.
It goes all the way through. I guess whatever the object may be is in the insulation, I have no hole in the ceiling.
Maybe a micrometeorite shower. I have dents in my shingles over 50% of my roof. Enough that I'm calling the insurance company. This is the biggest one, I'm sealing it up to stop the leak. Hopefully they pay enough that we can put up some cash also and go back with a metal roof.
thats the only think I can think of that would penetrate like that. Not sure a falling bullet has enough velocity to do it, or would remain intact for it. Hail was my first thought, but that wouldn’t go straight through. Love my metal roof except for when literally anything lands on top of it. Residual ptsd I think from the snowpocalypse shit has me freaking the fuck out at any strange sounds. Steady rain on a metal roof though is fucking heavenly for sleep
Yeah, when I started digging out the hole to see if it was still in the roof, it looked too small even for a .22. There is no way a .17 has the energy to do it. Then all the other dents and penetrations smaller than this one has me think micrometeorites.
In case anyone is wondering what I did to seal it. I got some Black Jack asphalt roof cement. I used a putty knife to lift the top shingle, filled the hole with the Black Jack, put a bead of Black Jack around the hole and the edges of the shingles I lifted to glue them back down, them spread some Black Jack over the hole exposed to the weather. That would probably never leak again. However, if I did that to every dent and penetration I'd have about 150 black spots on my blue roof. So, insurance company best cut a check. I could have gotten some granules out of the gutter to blend the black spot, but I just blew my gutters out with the leaf blower.
I'm wondering if that kind of damage would be covered by insurance... what's the claim? Aesthetics? Or physical damage?
One was obviously leaking. There may be more that penetrated the shingles to the wood beneath. Aesthetic, no, you can't see it from the ground. Something hit my roof, a lot, that's not normal wear and tear. I'm going to read my policy, then start making calls.